Recently I went fishing in the reservoir at night. I originally thought it would be cooler in this hot summer night, but the actual situation was that the temperature was almost the whole night. What was even worse was that the small miscellaneous fish kept making trouble and exh

I recently went fishing in the reservoir at night. I originally thought it would be cooler in this hot summer night, but the actual situation was that the temperature was almost the whole night. What was even worse was that the small miscellaneous fish kept making trouble. I tried all kinds of methods to deal with the small miscellaneous fish making nests, but with little success. My fishing friend Lao Chen, who was fishing with me as a companion, said to himself while fishing: This little miscellaneous fish can act like an elder if he doesnโ€™t sleep, but this big fish has a mouth to eat. The floating appearance, the fish in the lifting pole are all small miscellaneous fish!

At that time, it is not an exaggeration to describe our predicament as "Guizhou donkeys are at their wits' end". Small miscellaneous fish are really crazy in the high-temperature environment. Although we fished at night, we could not see any sign of their convergence, so we could only fish one rod after another. Compete with small miscellaneous fish there. Later, it became boring, so I wanted to change the sub-line and double hook to catch small miscellaneous fish. I accidentally found that there were two pairs of sub-lines in the sub-line box that were used for double lead fishing last year. Why not try using them instead? The results worked surprisingly well.

As we all know, the double lead fishing method is similar to lead running. It is mostly used to deal with water conditions. It can fix the line group without losing sensitivity. To be honest, this is the first time I have used the double-lead fishing method to deal with small miscellaneous fish making nests. Perhaps some fishing friends have used it for a long time, and those who have used it do not need to waste time and read on.

There are two types of double lead wire sets. One is to add a lead leather seat to the main wire; the other is to wear two columnar space beans on the eldest son wire, and wrap them with lead skin to make a double lead wire set. , what Iโ€™m going to tell you today is to use a double lead line set with lead in the second sub-line to deal with the nesting of small miscellaneous fish. The following will give you a detailed explanation from the aspects of production, usage and precautions.

1. Production and usage of double lead line group

The double lead line group we are talking about is mainly reflected in the sub-line. When tying the hook, first put two cylindrical space beans on the fishing line, and tie them at both ends. When folding the good hook in half and tying the knot, reserve two space beans on the eldest son line.

We set the mesh according to the routine, for example, adjusts four to catch two . We set the mesh with empty hook and half water to four mesh, and then wrap lead skin on the two space beans threaded by the eldest son line. The weight must be able to pull down the float by at least four eyes, which means that the float can be completely submerged in the water.

The two space beans can be positioned on the long sub-line, and its position can determine the bending degree of the short sub-line. For example, the position is flush with the fishing hook of the short sub-line. The short sub-line is straight at the bottom of the water, and the higher the position, the higher the position. The more you move, the greater the curvature of the short sub-line.

When setting the fishing mesh, you only need to move the float base and use the number of floating meshes you are used to watching as the standard. Normally, the number of fishing meshes set has no impact on the status of the main line, sub-line and double hooks at the bottom of the water.

2. Precautions during use

As mentioned above, the two space beans can be positioned on the long sub-line, and their position can determine the degree of curvature of the short sub-line. In actual fishing, we determine the degree of nesting of miscellaneous fish. To determine how much the short sub-line should be bent, for example, the little miscellaneous fish made a lot of noise that night, so I moved the two space beans to half of the short sub-line, and then wrapped them in lead.

Regarding the bait used for this fishing method, I recommend using different baits for the two hooks. The taste type and condition of the bait used on the long line hook are better than those of the short line hook, because the better the taste type and condition are better for small miscellaneous fish. The greater the attraction, and the long sub-line is much blunter than the short sub-line due to the addition of lead.

That night, I first hung particles on the short sub-line hook, and rubbed bait on the long sub-line hook, but the result was no good; then I hung corn on the short sub-line hook, and hung particles on the long sub-line hook to barely stabilize the float. This should be flexibly adapted to the actual situation during fishing.

writes at the end

The floating phase of the float using this method is very stable. Later that night, several big fish I caught using this method were decoupled. It may be related to the hooking method of corn and pellets. I would like to remind everyone to pay attention.

Another point to note is that corn is not atomized, so using smell to lure fish is a shortcoming. Fish mainly rely on smell and taste rather than vision for food at night, so when I use corn as bait for night fishing, I usually use another hook. Instead of hanging corn, like that night, I hung corn on the short thread hook and hung grains on the long thread hook. Practice has proved that the effect is good.

I am Youyulehao, and I will continue to share what I see, hear and feel in fishing in the future. I look forward to the attention and support of fishing friends. See you in the next issue!

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