This article was translated from The Red Bulletin's interview with the legendary biogeek Andreas Breitfeld by "Time Pie Research Institute".

Editor's Note

This article was translated by "Time School Research Institute" from The Red Bulletin's interview with legendary biogeek Andreas Breitfeld.

Andreas Breitfeld, a veteran biohacker, founded Germany's first biogeek laboratory and was once selected by netizens as one of the "Top Ten Biogeeks" with the goal of "stopping the aging process and eliminating related signs of decline." He has successfully improved "adrenal failure, abnormal inflammation levels, extremely abnormal hormone levels, leaky gut, and heavy metal poisoning" through a series of tedious and complicated bold attempts such as resistance band training systems, partial blood flow restriction, compression boots, and energy pads. " and other issues. His book "Bio-Geek Techniques for Athletes" has become a guide for some athletes to maintain physical functions.

What are some of the legendary biohacker’s unusual anti-aging methods? Are these methods really effective? Let's take a look.

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When most people sleepily finish their breakfast and go to work, German biogeek Andreas Breitfeld uses a method similar to Start a new day with a different style:

"The first thing after getting up is to take a cold shower, followed by 12 minutes of infrared irradiation , because the skin can absorb it better after being exposed to a cold environment. Light stimulation. Then I will wear a headband, conduct magnetic field therapy through electroencephalogram , and seize this time to close my eyes and meditate "

These dazzling geek lifestyles are just Breitfeld. The tip of the iceberg in geek life. He has his own laboratory in Munich, Germany, where he can try a variety of new technologies to make himself healthier and live longer.

In the first 42 years of his life, Breitfeld never thought that he would become a biology geek. Like his peers, he worked step by step, focused on his career, traveled all year round, and flew up to 228,000 miles.

But it all came to an abrupt end due to health problems. His test results revealed: "adrenal failure, abnormal levels of inflammation, extremely abnormal hormone levels, leaky gut, heavy metal toxicity." This was like a bolt from the blue, and his first reaction was "I'm done."

By chance, he came into contact with a group of biogeeks. By trying some "unusual treatment methods", he managed to stabilize his health in 9 months of practice. Since then, he has been out of control. On this road Farther.

For example, he injured his Achilles tendon due to running for many years and often became inflamed. Later, he saw the peptide research results emerging. After studying the literature, he believed that the field was full of possibilities, so he created a peptide mixture based on the collected information. , it is said that it successfully solved his Achilles tendon problem.

With such daring to think and act, Breitfeld is also famous among the group of extreme and unconventional biogeeks, and is called the "crazy German" . In this circle, "crazy" is a compliment. In his crazy life, the biogeek methods used for health and longevity include but are not limited to the following ten:


Infrared sauna

"The infrared cabin is the standard configuration of biogeeks and is mainly used for regeneration and detoxification. . It stimulates the body to produce heat shock proteins and ensures that proteins are folded correctly. Most infrared chambers produce many electromagnetic waves and signals, which cause stress to the body, but the one I carefully selected for myself does not have this problem. , the detoxification effect is better. "


High-intensity spinning

" The intelligent algorithm planned the optimal training plan based on my health condition - 3 times a week, 10 minutes each time (including 2 times lasting 20 seconds) Explosive training), the effect of is equivalent to 45 minutes of jogging . It can be said that it takes the HIIT concept to its extreme and brings huge benefits to cardiovascular health.At first I couldn't believe it was so effective, but multiple studies have proven it, and it's incredible. "


Cold water bath

"As long as you master basic manual skills, everyone can build a bathtub by themselves. I built my own cold water bathtub, which was a simple process of taking apart the freezer, adding insulation, and finally installing the filtration and UV disinfection system. Every morning I lie in the bathtub for 6 minutes and 30 seconds. The lowest water temperature can drop to 3℃. After taking a few deep breaths in such cold water, I will feel that all the pressure has disappeared and I will be fully prepared to start a new day. "


Compression Boots Energy Pad

" Compression boots wrapped around the legs have massage and lymphatic drainage functions that can enhance the regeneration effect after exercise . Of course it also has a sweet “side effect” of stimulating the production of oxytocin, known as the ‘cuddle hormone’. The "

" energy pad placed under the body contains amethyst and tourmaline , which can generate long-wave infrared and heat . Every time I have guests come over, I ask them to lie down and try it out, and they feel as comfortable as if they had just returned from a vacation in the Caribbean. "


Resistance band blood flow restriction device

" When most people see the resistance band training system, their first reaction is why four rubber bands, a handle and a base can be sold for 500 euros? But I think its design is very clever, allowing us to carry out basic strength training without risk, and it takes up very little space, making it a must-have for home travel. "

" In addition, I will also use a device invented by Japanese scientists to tie up my arms. This can limit part of the blood flow, simulates the effect of weight training , and there is no risk of injury. "


Red Light, Meditation Headband, and EZ Water Inhaler

"Light, arguably, is the most powerful biogeek tool. When it comes to regulating daily rhythms, nothing is more reliable than ultraviolet, red light and infrared light. They can not only help us sleep more soundly, meditate more deeply, and recover faster, but also significantly relieve intestinal pain. Inflammation, promotes the formation of collagen in the skin, and accelerates hair growth. Direct exposure to infrared light with a wavelength of 850 nanometers can promote the thyroid gland and testicles to produce more hormones. "

" Meditation does not necessarily require a headband, but it can provide positive feedback, help measure the depth of meditation , and let us know ourselves better. It is a very interesting toy. "

" EZ water is water that exists in the fourth form besides gas, liquid and solid. During the aging process, the EZ water content in our bodies gradually decreases, causing us to become sick and aging. The EZ water inhaler can promote the production of EZ water in the body by inhaling a special type of steam. For me personally, it works wonders and I feel so energized after using it that I feel like I'm on drugs. "


Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

" Staying in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber for 20 minutes can activate almost all systems in our body. Within 60-90 minutes of treatment, the body's VO² max (maximum oxygen uptake) is significantly improved, and cognitive ability is also significantly improved. It can also improve tinnitus, concussion, or hearing damage by promoting angiogenesis. . "


methylene blue elixir

" methylene blue is a blue dye that is widely used in industry and can also be used to clean fish tanks. In recent years, scientific research has found that trace amounts of methylene blue can be used as a nootropic, which can improve mental alertness, alertness, and concentration. In short, it activates almost every regulator in our body.”


Sleep Analysis or

“Sleep Analysis or can accurately monitor sleep conditions and provide a large amount of information about physical health. If a biogeek does not have a sleep analysis ring, he is not a qualified biogeek. "


Electromagnetic field protective clothing

"More than 200 studies have proven that overexposure to electromagnetic signals will cause tremendous stress on the body. Electromagnetic field protective clothing is a good way to deal with it, especially for people who travel frequently, because the electromagnetic field on airplanes is particularly serious. ”

Are these unconventional methods really able to fight aging and extend life, or are they purely IQ taxes?

The effectiveness of some of these methods has been confirmed by scientific research. For example, sauna can reduce cardiovascular disease mortality and all-cause mortality. Mortality and incidence of Alzheimer's disease [1]; Cold water baths will activate brown fat in the body, help reduce obesity, improve insulin sensitivity , and prevent cancer and other aging-related diseases [2] ; Hyperbaric oxygen has been proven to extend telomeres by 52.7% [3]... Sinclair, the "godfather of anti-aging", has also tried these methods and added them to his daily anti-aging list.

But there are others. Whether the method is effective is controversial. For example, expensive compression boots claim to be able to remove waste during periods and enhance the regeneration effect of exercise, but some studies have found that it does not bring any substantial benefits to healthy subjects. [4]. In addition, Dr. Jerry Pollack, who single-handedly promoted the progress of EZ water research, has made it clear that he is not yet sure whether EZ water can bring any health benefits, and there is currently no research to prove this, so beyond the research There is a big question mark over the effectiveness of the EZ water inhaler on the market.

Faced with various doubts from the outside world, Breitfeld's attitude is very firm, saying that every method has its scientific basis, and many of them are geeks. The method is also loved by top sports stars. For example, the 37-year-old Portuguese player Cristiano Ronaldo, who still plays for the top team Manchester United, , spent 45,000 euros (about 320,000 yuan) in order to maintain his physical function. ) Installed a cryotherapy ice chamber at home.

Nowadays, biogeek is not only a way for Breitfeld to improve his health and lead to longevity, but also a career that he wants to fight for throughout his life. In order to promote the biogeek lifestyle. Published books, hosted the podcast , gave speeches, and even opened a company to develop new geek technologies and tools, such as the electromagnetic field protective clothing mentioned in the article, which was developed by this company.

Breitfeld once said: " No investment can compete with health investment. We must be our own health CEO. "Now it seems that the biogeek not only improved his health and made him a healthy CEO, but also brought him huge wealth and made him the CEO of the biogeek company.

But maybe this is all for publicity. The only way to be a biogeek is, after all, how many people can afford his luxurious biogeek lifestyle without saving some money?


At first I couldn't believe it was so effective, but multiple studies have proven it, and it's incredible. "


Cold water bath

"As long as you master basic manual skills, everyone can build a bathtub by themselves. I built my own cold water bathtub, which was a simple process of taking apart the freezer, adding insulation, and finally installing the filtration and UV disinfection system. Every morning I lie in the bathtub for 6 minutes and 30 seconds. The lowest water temperature can drop to 3℃. After taking a few deep breaths in such cold water, I will feel that all the pressure has disappeared and I will be fully prepared to start a new day. "


Compression Boots Energy Pad

" Compression boots wrapped around the legs have massage and lymphatic drainage functions that can enhance the regeneration effect after exercise . Of course it also has a sweet “side effect” of stimulating the production of oxytocin, known as the ‘cuddle hormone’. The "

" energy pad placed under the body contains amethyst and tourmaline , which can generate long-wave infrared and heat . Every time I have guests come over, I ask them to lie down and try it out, and they feel as comfortable as if they had just returned from a vacation in the Caribbean. "


Resistance band blood flow restriction device

" When most people see the resistance band training system, their first reaction is why four rubber bands, a handle and a base can be sold for 500 euros? But I think its design is very clever, allowing us to carry out basic strength training without risk, and it takes up very little space, making it a must-have for home travel. "

" In addition, I will also use a device invented by Japanese scientists to tie up my arms. This can limit part of the blood flow, simulates the effect of weight training , and there is no risk of injury. "


Red Light, Meditation Headband, and EZ Water Inhaler

"Light, arguably, is the most powerful biogeek tool. When it comes to regulating daily rhythms, nothing is more reliable than ultraviolet, red light and infrared light. They can not only help us sleep more soundly, meditate more deeply, and recover faster, but also significantly relieve intestinal pain. Inflammation, promotes the formation of collagen in the skin, and accelerates hair growth. Direct exposure to infrared light with a wavelength of 850 nanometers can promote the thyroid gland and testicles to produce more hormones. "

" Meditation does not necessarily require a headband, but it can provide positive feedback, help measure the depth of meditation , and let us know ourselves better. It is a very interesting toy. "

" EZ water is water that exists in the fourth form besides gas, liquid and solid. During the aging process, the EZ water content in our bodies gradually decreases, causing us to become sick and aging. The EZ water inhaler can promote the production of EZ water in the body by inhaling a special type of steam. For me personally, it works wonders and I feel so energized after using it that I feel like I'm on drugs. "


Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

" Staying in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber for 20 minutes can activate almost all systems in our body. Within 60-90 minutes of treatment, the body's VO² max (maximum oxygen uptake) is significantly improved, and cognitive ability is also significantly improved. It can also improve tinnitus, concussion, or hearing damage by promoting angiogenesis. . "


methylene blue elixir

" methylene blue is a blue dye that is widely used in industry and can also be used to clean fish tanks. In recent years, scientific research has found that trace amounts of methylene blue can be used as a nootropic, which can improve mental alertness, alertness, and concentration. In short, it activates almost every regulator in our body.”


Sleep Analysis or

“Sleep Analysis or can accurately monitor sleep conditions and provide a large amount of information about physical health. If a biogeek does not have a sleep analysis ring, he is not a qualified biogeek. "


Electromagnetic field protective clothing

"More than 200 studies have proven that overexposure to electromagnetic signals will cause tremendous stress on the body. Electromagnetic field protective clothing is a good way to deal with it, especially for people who travel frequently, because the electromagnetic field on airplanes is particularly serious. ”

Are these unconventional methods really able to fight aging and extend life, or are they purely IQ taxes?

The effectiveness of some of these methods has been confirmed by scientific research. For example, sauna can reduce cardiovascular disease mortality and all-cause mortality. Mortality and incidence of Alzheimer's disease [1]; Cold water baths will activate brown fat in the body, help reduce obesity, improve insulin sensitivity , and prevent cancer and other aging-related diseases [2] ; Hyperbaric oxygen has been proven to extend telomeres by 52.7% [3]... Sinclair, the "godfather of anti-aging", has also tried these methods and added them to his daily anti-aging list.

But there are others. Whether the method is effective is controversial. For example, expensive compression boots claim to be able to remove waste during periods and enhance the regeneration effect of exercise, but some studies have found that it does not bring any substantial benefits to healthy subjects. [4]. In addition, Dr. Jerry Pollack, who single-handedly promoted the progress of EZ water research, has made it clear that he is not yet sure whether EZ water can bring any health benefits, and there is currently no research to prove this, so beyond the research There is a big question mark over the effectiveness of the EZ water inhaler on the market.

Faced with various doubts from the outside world, Breitfeld's attitude is very firm, saying that every method has its scientific basis, and many of them are geeks. The method is also loved by top sports stars. For example, the 37-year-old Portuguese player Cristiano Ronaldo, who still plays for the top team Manchester United, , spent 45,000 euros (about 320,000 yuan) in order to maintain his physical function. ) Installed a cryotherapy ice chamber at home.

Nowadays, biogeek is not only a way for Breitfeld to improve his health and lead to longevity, but also a career that he wants to fight for throughout his life. In order to promote the biogeek lifestyle. Published books, hosted the podcast , gave speeches, and even opened a company to develop new geek technologies and tools, such as the electromagnetic field protective clothing mentioned in the article, which was developed by this company.

Breitfeld once said: " No investment can compete with health investment. We must be our own health CEO. "Now it seems that the biogeek not only improved his health and made him a healthy CEO, but also brought him huge wealth and made him the CEO of the biogeek company.

But maybe this is all for publicity. The only way to be a biogeek is, after all, how many people can afford his luxurious biogeek lifestyle without saving some money?