After summer comes, many insects become active, such as mosquitoes, moths and other insects that fly to us. Some friends will instinctively choose to slap them immediately. However, there is an insect that must not be slapped. It has a strong body in its body. When the acidic ven

After summer comes

Many insects become active

For example, mosquitoes, moths, etc.

Such insects fly to us

Some friends' instinctive reaction

will choose to slap them immediately

But there is one kind of insect

There are thousands of them Never take pictures

It has strong acidic venom in its body

It can cause severe burning pain when it touches the skin

Causes skin blistering and ulcers

Follow your guide to reveal its mystery

It is Cryptoptera

Also known as " shadow insect ", " green-rumped worm "

Every year from June to September

Cryptoptera will appear on a large scale

After the rain in summer and autumn, it is active period

Living environment

The cryptid has a wide distribution range, almost all over the world, and likes humid environments. Cryptoptera can be seen in farmland, forests, rainforests, mountains, riversides and seasides.

"Flying Sulfuric Acid"

The reason why Cryptophora is known as "Flying Sulfuric Acid" is because the body of the poisonous Cryptophora can indeed secrete an acidic venom with a pH value of 1-2. It can be seen from this value The venom is very acidic.

Toxins in the body fluids of Toxopterus will cause Toxopterus dermatitis when they come into contact with human skin.

How to distinguish poisonous cryptid?

There are tens of thousands of cryptid species. Currently, there are 21 species of venomous cryptids reported in my country. The main species are miraculous cryptid, black-legged cryptid and yellow-legged cryptid.

Cases of bites


Cryptopterygoid related topics have been on the hot search

Many netizens under the topic said

They had been hurt by Cryptoptera

Infection route

Cryptopterygoid body fluids infect human skin There are three ways:


directly When the insect body is crushed on the skin, it is called direct infection;


The fragments of the insect body contaminate the fingers, and then the fingers touch other parts to cause infection, which is called indirect infection; When the insect body is rubbed, the venom will be stained on it.

will cause infection after contacting the skin.

How to drive them away?

Found a cryptid staying on skin: Never slap it. The correct approach is to gently blow it away or shake it off, and then wash the skin that has been in contact with the cryptid with clean water or alkaline soapy water.

If the cryptid appears in your home : You can stick it with tape, or catch it with a paper towel and throw it away. Be careful not to come into contact with the venom.

We are currently in a period of large-scale emergence of cryptopods. Please pay attention to the following matters:

Wear long-sleeved clothes and pants when going to parks, suburbs, villages and other places, and carry mosquito repellent products with you;

You can use various repellents Take measures against mosquitoes, such as spraying insecticides or applying mosquito repellent on the body;

Clean the home regularly to keep the indoor and outdoor environment clean to prevent the breeding of cryptids;

Install screen doors and screen windows at home. Do not turn on too strong lights at home at night; try not to play with mobile phones in the dark to avoid attracting cryptids;

check whether there are cryptids on the bed before going to bed to avoid crushing them.

Summer is the peak season for bugs

"committing crimes"

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