The lampstand tree, also called the hexagonal tree, is a deciduous tree of the genus Lampstand of the Dogwood family, with a height of 12-20m and a diameter at breast height of 60cm. The bark is dark gray, smooth, and shallowly split when old. The crown is neat and conical. The s

Lampstand tree is also called hexagonal tree . It is a deciduous tree of Dogwood family Lampstand tree. It is 12-20m high and has a diameter at breast height of 260cm. The bark is dark gray, smooth, and shallowly split when old. The crown is neat and conical. . The side branches are purple-red, hairless, whorl-shaped, and have obvious layers. single leaves alternate , wide ovate to ovate-elliptical, 70-16cm in diameter, 6-8 pairs of lateral veins, apex sharply tapered, base wedge-shaped or round, dark green above, hairless, gray-green densely covered with white T-shaped below Hairy, entire margin; leaves often cluster on branch ends; petioles glabrous. The flowers are small, white, in corymb-shaped cymes. drupe is spherical, purple-red to blue-black. The flowering period is from May to June, and the fruiting period is from July to October. The

cultivar is the variegated candlestick tree (leaves with silvery white edges and spots).

The buds of the lampstand tree

The flowers of the lampstand tree (Jinan Quancheng Park, photographed on April 30, 2003)

Produced in Liaoning, Shaanxi, Gansu and North China provinces, south to Guangdong, Guangxi and Taiwan, east from the East China coast, west to the southwest provinces. Often mixed with camptotheca , catalpa , toona , etc. It has strong adaptability and does not have strict requirements on climate and soil conditions. It likes light, is slightly shade-tolerant, cold-tolerant, heat-tolerant, and likes a warm and humid environment. Drought tolerant, likes deep, loose, fertile, moist, well-drained soil, and grows quickly.

The leaves of the menorah tree (Jinan Quancheng Park, photographed on April 13, 2009)

The trunk of the menorah tree is straight, the large branches are flat, and the layering is clear, forming a conical crown, just like a table lamp in front of you; the flowers are elegant, and the stone fruits are purple-red. Bright. Often used as street trees and courtyard shade trees. It can be planted alone or in rows on lawns, squares, and courtyards in parks, courtyards, and residential areas.

The lighthouse tree in Jinan Quancheng Park (photographed on April 30, 2003)