London may sink in 2030 and sea level rise will accelerate. Is there any chance for mankind?

Do you still remember the rare flood in Europe in July this year? This flood can be said to have destroyed the homes of many people, and it has also made many Europeans worry that similar disasters may occur in the future.

Recently, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States announced the comparison of temperature in July each year for the past 142 years. The results show that July 2021 is the July that just passed this year. , Is the hottest July since the earth has recorded temperature.

Under the extreme high temperature, this July will cause floods in many places, as well as terrible wildfires and droughts. Of course, the situation is far worse than we thought, because researchers believe that if the earth’s conditions continue If it deteriorates, then there will be more July breaking the high temperature record limit in the future. At the same time, as the sea level rises, countries and regions will gradually disappear from the earth's territory.

Part of London may sink permanently in 2030

Recently, NASA has newly developed a new dynamic map that can predict the future trend of the earth. The results show that it is accompanied by rising sea levels In about 2030, that is, about 8-9 years later, parts of London may be permanently sunk.

Although in the past, researchers have repeatedly reminded mankind that if we do not pay attention to protecting the earth’s environment and prevent the global warming However, although we have long known that there will be such a day, we did not expect it to come so soon.

NASA researchers said that due to the current climate abnormalities caused by global warming, with the increasing frequency of extreme weather, the climate in Europe itself has begun to change accordingly. Take London, UK as an example. , London is also more prone to the threat of heavy rain than in previous years, and at the same time, the probability of flooding in the future is also increasing.

Therefore,If this situation continues, then parts of London will be permanently sunk in 2030, and this is just the beginning for mankind.

At the same time, NASA researchers also said that as global warming is about to break through the critical point of average temperature rise of 1.5 degrees Celsius, in the next 100 years, if humans still cannot prevent the further deterioration of the greenhouse effect, then the Pacific Ocean The island nations will also sink one after another.

Sea level rise or disappearance of Pacific island countries

What are the Pacific island countries? Mainly include the Peji Islands, , Federated States of Micronesia, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Kiwi, _span_span_span, New Zealand Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Samoa, etc. Although many of these countries are very strange to us, they are all members of the earth. It is really a tragedy that it will sink one after another in the next 100 years.

Researchers said that the Pacific region has been the main "victim" of global warming for a long time. A series of problems that have appeared here will affect all mankind. Today, as the earth's situation is getting worse and worse, the Pacific Ocean The rate of sea level rise in the region is accelerating. If mankind wants to prevent the Pacific island countries from being submerged in the next 100 years, then it is necessary to achieve carbon neutrality of as soon as possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Is there a chance for human beings to be saved?

According to the report published by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,According to the current situation, as of the end of this century, the global average temperature will rise at least 3.6 degrees Celsius higher than before the industrial revolution. For human beings, to prevent this, we need to let the end of this century Previously, the global average temperature has risen within 1.5 degrees Celsius. At present, this is very difficult.

Because even if mankind reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 50%, the increase in global average temperature before the end of this century will be controlled at a minimum of about 2 degrees Celsius, unless mankind can really achieve carbon in the middle of this century according to the Paris Agreement. Neutralization, and gradually bid farewell to traditional energy in a comprehensive way, otherwise, it is unlikely that the sea level will continue to rise successfully.


Many researchers believe that the various extreme weather on the earth this year is actually a vivid lesson for mankind, reminding mankind that there is not much time left.

However, although mainstream views all believe that the high temperature weather and climate abnormalities appearing on the earth today are caused by human activities, for example, the use of fossil fuel resources by humans has led to more and more serious global warming.

However, there are still a small number of researchers who believe that this is just the natural law of the development of the earth, because during the process of the earth’s evolution, the earth does have extreme heat and ice ages every once in a while .

So, everything that is happening on the earth currently has nothing to do with human activities. It may be caused by changes in the earth's orbit or its own solar activity. What do you think about this?
