Author: Ruilian Video link: The mysterious wormhole in the universe, can you travel through time and space? Can the mysterious wormhole in the universe travel through time and space? Let’s put this question aside for the moment and let’s first talk about what exactly is a wormhol

2024/06/3013:35:33 science 1385

Author: Ruilian

Author: Ruilian Video link: The mysterious wormhole in the universe, can you travel through time and space? Can the mysterious wormhole in the universe travel through time and space? Let’s put this question aside for the moment and let’s first talk about what exactly is a wormhol - DayDayNews

According to Einstein's explanation, a "wormhole" is like a pipeline between celestial bodies in the universe, making celestial bodies in different areas closer. The dark matter or dark energy in the universe is what keeps the wormhole open. Connect different universes and galaxies. Making time travel a reality. A wormhole is a time tunnel connecting a black hole and a white hole , but so far, scientists have not found a scientific basis for the existence of a "wormhole".

Author: Ruilian Video link: The mysterious wormhole in the universe, can you travel through time and space? Can the mysterious wormhole in the universe travel through time and space? Let’s put this question aside for the moment and let’s first talk about what exactly is a wormhol - DayDayNews

In order to prevent confusion about the concept of wormholes, we call "wormholes" in the popular sense " space-time tunnel ". Wormholes are like whirlpools in the sea, and like tornadoes on the sea, forming a "dragon sucking water" shape. It can connect the local water surface and the bottom of the water to open a straight high-speed pipeline. This vortex-like time tunnel is an effect created by the rotation of stars in the universe and the action of gravity. It allows stars separated by hundreds of millions of light-years to move closer to each other instantly through a whirlpool-like time channel.

Author: Ruilian Video link: The mysterious wormhole in the universe, can you travel through time and space? Can the mysterious wormhole in the universe travel through time and space? Let’s put this question aside for the moment and let’s first talk about what exactly is a wormhol - DayDayNews

has both dark energy and dark matter, which can create a powerful repulsive effect, which can open or prevent the entrance of the wormhole from closing. If humans can pass through this time and space tunnel, they can travel through time and space instantly. We can easily leap into the future. Why not say time travel to the past? Because I am afraid of traveling to the past, science and technology is still in its infancy, and if I go there, I will never come back. Do you think this kind of worry is justified? Besides, time is linear, so traveling to the past should be impossible.

Author: Ruilian Video link: The mysterious wormhole in the universe, can you travel through time and space? Can the mysterious wormhole in the universe travel through time and space? Let’s put this question aside for the moment and let’s first talk about what exactly is a wormhol - DayDayNews

Author: Ruilian Video link: The mysterious wormhole in the universe, can you travel through time and space? Can the mysterious wormhole in the universe travel through time and space? Let’s put this question aside for the moment and let’s first talk about what exactly is a wormhol - DayDayNews

And Einstein himself did not believe that "wormholes" exist objectively. Therefore, the "wormhole theory" was considered just a "mathematical trick" in the following decades. The "super dimension" space in a black hole can actually be seen as another interpretation of the "mirror universe". Through the "wormhole" and entering the "mirror universe", you can have a "time and space travel" travel experience. This is also a hypothesis based on theory.

Author: Ruilian Video link: The mysterious wormhole in the universe, can you travel through time and space? Can the mysterious wormhole in the universe travel through time and space? Let’s put this question aside for the moment and let’s first talk about what exactly is a wormhol - DayDayNews

According to the "Galaxy Wormhole Theory", it is a scientific breakthrough based on "dark matter research". Dark matter refers to matter that cannot interact with electromagnetic force and cannot be studied and analyzed through the observation of electromagnetic waves . Different from "wormholes", humans have confirmed the existence of a large amount of dark matter in the universe through gravitational effects. According to the Milky Way dark matter distribution map, combined with the latest Big Bang model, it was discovered that not only does the Milky Way have the conditions for a "wormhole" to exist, but the entire Milky Way may even be a huge "wormhole".

Author: Ruilian Video link: The mysterious wormhole in the universe, can you travel through time and space? Can the mysterious wormhole in the universe travel through time and space? Let’s put this question aside for the moment and let’s first talk about what exactly is a wormhol - DayDayNews

The greater significance of the research and exploration of space-time tunnels is to encourage scientists to conduct "more precise and in-depth thinking" on the dark matter of the universe. Is dark matter the existence of "another universe"? Or, the space-time tunnel is the highway system between the stars. The "wormhole theory" is still a hypothesis, but scientific progress cannot be separated from the breakthrough of thinking boundaries. At that time, humans once believed that the smallest unit of matter was the atom. Later, neutrons and protons were discovered. Similarly, humans have long believed that the universe is made of matter, but the existence of dark matter has overturned this conclusion. The significance of scientific hypotheses is to break away from existing constraints and advance mankind's in-depth understanding of the universe through constant self-denial and doubt.

Author: Ruilian Video link: The mysterious wormhole in the universe, can you travel through time and space? Can the mysterious wormhole in the universe travel through time and space? Let’s put this question aside for the moment and let’s first talk about what exactly is a wormhol - DayDayNews

In 1917, Einstein used his gravity equation to examine the universe as a whole. To explain the density of matter, the existence of a non-zero static universe. In the gravitational field equation, he introduced a number of terms proportional to the "metric measurement". But within the scale of the Milky Way, the number of terms is negligible. It may only be meaningful on a cosmic scale, so it is called the cosmological constant. In the expanding universe in the early stages of the universe, the cosmic term is necessary. Moreover, in elementary particle theory, it is also believed that energy in vacuum appears naturally.

Author: Ruilian Video link: The mysterious wormhole in the universe, can you travel through time and space? Can the mysterious wormhole in the universe travel through time and space? Let’s put this question aside for the moment and let’s first talk about what exactly is a wormhol - DayDayNews

Regarding wormholes, some people believe that wormholes are like tunnels in space. They are like a sphere. If you walk along the surface of the sphere, you will go farther and farther. If you walk a diameter inside the ball, you shorten the distance between them. A wormhole is the diameter. As we often say, if you punch through the center of the earth, you can reach the other end of the earth.

Author: Ruilian Video link: The mysterious wormhole in the universe, can you travel through time and space? Can the mysterious wormhole in the universe travel through time and space? Let’s put this question aside for the moment and let’s first talk about what exactly is a wormhol - DayDayNews

Some people believe that the connection between black holes and white holes is based on the concept of potential wells. A black hole can create a potential well, and a white hole can create a reverse potential well. The universe is three-dimensional. If the potential well is regarded as the fourth dimension of , then the wormhole is the fifth dimension that connects the potential well and the counter-potential well. If you draw the image of the universe, potential well, counterpotential well and wormhole, it is like a Klein bottle . The mouth of the bottle is a black hole, the junction of the bottle body and the bottleneck is a white hole, and the bottleneck is the wormhole.

Author: Ruilian Video link: The mysterious wormhole in the universe, can you travel through time and space? Can the mysterious wormhole in the universe travel through time and space? Let’s put this question aside for the moment and let’s first talk about what exactly is a wormhol - DayDayNews

According to Einstein, it is possible to travel through a "time tunnel". But you can only watch a movie and you cannot and cannot change what happened. Because time is linear, the event is that each bead has been threaded. You can't change the beads, and you can't adjust the order. What we are talking about are ordinary "perfect" black holes. None of the black holes discussed spin and have no electric charge. Things get more complicated if you consider that a black hole is spinning, while at the same time or carrying an electric charge. It is possible to jump into such a black hole without hitting the singularity .

Author: Ruilian Video link: The mysterious wormhole in the universe, can you travel through time and space? Can the mysterious wormhole in the universe travel through time and space? Let’s put this question aside for the moment and let’s first talk about what exactly is a wormhol - DayDayNews

The result is that inside the rotating or charged black hole, a corresponding white hole is connected, and one can jump in from the black hole and jump out from the white hole. This combination of black holes and white holes is called a wormhole. If wormholes are real and exist, would you like to travel through time and space at your convenience?

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