Editor's note: The wild boar is coming down the mountain! "Monkey Paper" has arrived on my balcony! News of wild animals entering the city frequently appear on social media. In fact, there are so many native wildlife living all around us that we know so little about them. Only by

2024/06/1019:51:32 science 1850

Editor's note:

The wild boar is coming down the mountain! "Monkey Paper" has arrived on my balcony! News of wild animals entering the city frequently appear on social media. In fact, there are so many native wildlife living all around us that we know so little about them. Only by understanding, being friendly, and being together can all things be able to live in harmony and be nourished by each other. Xinhua Daily · Junction jointly launched the "Eye of the Secret Realm·Friends of Humanity" calendar column in conjunction with the Jiangsu Provincial Wildlife Conservation Station, Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Forestry Sciences, Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo , and will take you through the infrared camera , animal observers, etc., to pay attention to the familiar and mysterious "animal neighbors". biodiversity is the basis of survival and vitality of human homeland. Every solar term day, we will also invite solar terms officials to make special promotion broadcasts on that day. Today, let’s get to know and bream .

Editor's note: The wild boar is coming down the mountain!

The "bottle"-shaped body

bream, also known as Changchun bream, grass bream, oil bream, is a fish of the order Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae, subfamily Cyprinidae, and the genus Bream. The body of the bream is tall and flat on the sides, in the shape of a long rhombus, with a bulge on the back of the head. The body can be up to 30cm long and weigh up to 2kg.

The head of the bream is very small and approximately triangular. The ancients named bream "bream" and "bream" based on their square and flat body shape. Li Shizhen wrote in "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Fang means Fang Ye; bream means Bian Ye." Su Shi also wrote in his poem about bream: "The dawn sun shines on the river, and the swimming fish is like a jade bottle."

The dorsal fin of bream has smooth hard spines, the anal fin has many rays, and the base is very long. Their backs are dark blue-grey, other parts are silvery white, and there is a wide black spot on the back of each scale on their body.

What are the habits of bream?

Bream has a wide living range and is distributed in rivers and lakes across China. It can survive in both still water and running water. Adult fish mostly live in the middle and lower layers of the water, and especially like to move in flowing water with large rocks on the river bed. Young fish like to live in shallow water and slow currents. Bream is a herbivorous fish. Its main food is aquatic plants, diatoms, filamentous algae, etc. It also eats a small amount of plankton and aquatic insects.

What is the nutritional value of bream?

Bream meat is very delicious, tender and has high fat content. The internal organs have greater fat content. It is best eaten steamed and is deeply loved by people. Each 100 grams of edible part of bream contains 21.0 mg of protein, 6.9-8.0 g of fat, 92 kcal of calories, 120 mg of calcium, 165 mg of phosphorus, and 1.1 mg of iron. Bream is a delicacy all year round, so there is a folk saying of "catfish in spring, carp in summer, and bream in four seasons".

Written by: Jin Yiwei

Artist: Yang Xiaolong

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