We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight

2024/06/0422:12:33 science 1853

We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is recognized as a romance all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures.

However, meteors generally occur at night. . Have you ever seen meteor phenomena occur in broad daylight?

In the United States, people in Arkansas , Louisiana and Mississippi encountered meteors in broad daylight.

According to eyewitnesses, this meteor was not only very bright, but also very loud. More importantly, it flew very fast.

So, is this a rare daytime meteor? Or was it sent by a so-called alien civilization to monitor the earth?

We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews

Meteors streak across the sky

Flying fireballs

On April 29, 2022 , a fiery red line crossed over three states in the United States. People not only saw a bright fireball, but also heard The loud noise that shook the sky .

NASA announced that this is a bolide .

Fireballs are a type of meteors. They generally refer to burning celestial bodies with relatively large masses, weighing in at hundreds of grams or more.

and friction in air generates a lot of heat, so violently burns , resulting in meteor being very bright , and the fire is soaring into the sky, so it is named "bolide" .

We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews

Bright bolide

However, some people have raised doubts. According to the calculation of the "extraterrestrial visitors" that day, its speed reached 24587 meters per second. What is this concept?

The third cosmic speed is 16.7 kilometers per second , and the speed of this fire reaches more than 20 kilometers per second , exceeds the third cosmic speed .

If human detectors were at this speed, they would not be able to fly out of the solar system for more than 40 years. Can a meteor reach such a high speed?

We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews

The third cosmic speed spacecraft

In fact, the speed of meteors is nothing, because according to the study of meteors, their speed of entering the atmosphere is between We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews1 kilometers/second and 76 kilometers/second, so 24587 meters per second Not surprising.

This bolide, which is about the size of a basketball and has a tail that emits white light, was first discovered above the Mississippi River and then crashed into the swamps of Concordia Parish, Louisiana, USA.

Due to the high temperature, the bolide appeared to disintegrate after contacting the water in the swamp..

We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews

Mississippi River where bolide was discovered

NASA reviewed how this object became a bolide. It should be a rocky object in space, perhaps from the small planetary belt . Some reasons caused it to break away. The original orbit became a wandering celestial body .

When passes next to the earth, is attracted by the earth's gravity and enters the atmosphere. The friction with the atmosphere generates heat, causing the entire celestial body to burn . The fire can be seen even in broad daylight.

Although this bolide did not cause any damage and no one was injured, it still made people gasp.

If its flight route that day was a little off and its landing point was a certain city, it would most likely make a big hole on the roadside.

We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews

Small celestial bodies flying towards the earth

-day aliens

There are 190 impact craters that have been discovered and confirmed on the earth. Among them, the crater located in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico is the most famous. It is the late Cretaceous The man responsible for ending the dinosaur dynasty.

About We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews6 million years ago , an asteroid with a diameter of about 10 kilometers collided with the earth, thus triggering the famous end-Cretaceous mass extinction , also called the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. .

In addition to the fact that this disaster was caused by aliens, about 112,900 years ago, a comet collided with the earth, triggering a global cooling that resulted in camels and camels in North America. Sloths, Mammoths and other animals are extinct.

We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews

The location of the crater in Yucatan

The remains of these animals appeared at the same time as RosaceaeDryas genus, so it is called The Dryas Incident.

fossils show that the extinction occurred twice , and two strata of appeared respectively, which were divided into Old Dryas and Younger Dryas events .

This time the cooling is global, because there are also Dryas remains on the continental shelf in eastern my country. It can be seen that visitors from outside can not just smash a hole , they can also Cause huge disaster .

Scientists are worried that one day in the future, an event similar to the asteroid hitting the earth or the Dryas will happen again.

is an extraterrestrial visitor. It does not necessarily come from the solar system. It is also possible that comes from extraterrestrial .

We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews

The comet of the Younger Dryas event

In 2017, , astronomical telescope discovered a special celestial body. It neither came from the asteroid belt , nor was a comet , but an exoplanet. The hometown of is still unknown. We only know that it is that entered the solar system from the direction of Lyra .

Scientists named it Oumuamua, means "guest from afar" in Hawaiian.

'Oumuamua did not enter the earth, but followed a parabolic trajectory , approaching the sun and then moving away from the sun.

'Oumuamua is the first extrasolar celestial body discovered by humans, but it is by no means the last. It is not even ruled out that carries alien creatures on these exocelestial bodies.

We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews

Extrasolar Object Oumuamua

Days Extraterrestrial Water

The reason why we are so concerned about these flying celestial bodies is that we are worried that they will hit the earth again and cause disaster.

The second is to find out whether the water in the early days of the earth is related to them.

The earth is not the only planet with water in the solar system, but it is definitely the only planet with liquid water.

There have been two theories in the scientific community about why liquid water appears on the earth.

One theory is that water comes from the earth itself and is self-contained. Another theory is that water on earth comes from extraterrestrial comets .

We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews

Earth's early oceans

Comets are not what we often call meteorites. To be precise, they should be called " meteorite ", because the main body of comets is solid water, that is, ice, mixed with solids. , methane, , ammonia, , etc., as well as , a small amount of dust and gravel .

Some comets that fall on the earth will fall to the earth in the form of ice if the comet core is large enough and the sublimation is not complete during the fall.

45 billion years ago, the surface temperature of the earth was very high. At that time, the earth was not blue, but red, because the material on the surface was burned red.

We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews

Comets flew over the earth

Scientists speculated that the earth ushered in a wave of comet rain at that time. They fell on the earth and melted, forming liquid water. It was this water that cooled down the "hot" weather at that time. The earth , they also created the original ocean of .

The organic matter carried in comets, such as methane, may even be involved in the birth of life on Earth.

If this hypothesis is true, then it is very likely that life was not created by the earth alone.

We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews

Early Earth

However, this hypothesis has a strange problem that cannot be solved . If water is brought by comets, then why humans have not found relevant impact craters so far.

The oldest impact crater discovered by humans is the Vredefort crater in South Africa. It is about 2 billion years old. At that time, life on earth had already been born, and there were no extraterrestrial visitors bringing life.

wants to prove that the earth's water was brought by aliens. At least the age of the impact crater must be more than 4 billion years old .

Obviously, the largest craters on Earth are only half this age.

We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews

Friedefort Crater

The Theory of Aliens

However, regarding the bolide in the United States, some people believe that it is the work of aliens.

Because since We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews946 , the United States has not been able to explain or understand the so-called aliens.

UFO, UFO, and the third kind of contact all started in the United States. They all originated from a crash incident - Roswell incident .

It is said that witnesses discovered the remains of aliens at the Roswell site, but they were secretly hidden by the United States.

We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews

The wreckage of the Roswell incident

Afterwards, the U.S. military announced that it was just a weather balloon falling , and then settled the matter hastily. After that, UFO sightings occurred frequently in the United States, and some crashed UFOs were secretly recovered by the U.S. side.

What is interesting is that the United States and the Soviet Union competed for space hegemony , At the beginning, the Soviet Union completely suppressed the United States , the first artificial satellite , the first astronauts, both men and women, were Soviet, and even the first lunar probe " Lunar 1 " are all masterpieces of the Soviet Union.

However, the United States suddenly completed the moon landing in 1969 . Since then, the United States has been on a roll, taking the first place in various detections.

We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews

The United States landed on the moon

At that time, some people speculated that the United States picked up the aircraft dropped by aliens, analyzed it, and improved its own aircraft, achieving a huge breakthrough in aerospace.

The evidence is found on the B-2 bomber of the United States. Its shape resembles a flying saucer, and no country has copied it yet.

The U.S. military has never given an explanation for these suspicions, and even sealed some files .

We are no strangers to shooting stars. After all, making a wish on a shooting star is a romance recognized all over the world, regardless of national boundaries and cultures. However, meteors generally occur at night. Have you ever seen a meteor phenomenon occur in broad daylight - DayDayNews

B-2 bomber

Therefore, this time NASA announced that the big fireball that appeared over the United States was a bolide, but many Americans chose not to believe it, and would rather believe that it was an alien monitor. To be honest, Crying Wolf has something to do with playing too much.

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