Along this road, there will be street lights shining through the gaps in the leaves and scattered around your feet. But tonight, it was dark all around. Except for the faint light from the mobile phone screen, I couldn't see my fingers, but it seemed that even this weak light wou

2024/06/0306:26:34 science 1579

Along this road, there will be street lights shining through the gaps in the leaves and scattered around your feet. But tonight, it was dark all around. Except for the faint light from the mobile phone screen, I couldn't see my fingers, but it seemed that even this weak light wou - DayDayNews

On this road, there will be street lights scattered through the gaps in the leaves around the feet.

But tonight, the surroundings are dark, except for the faint light of the mobile phone screen, I can't see my fingers, but it seems that even this weak light will be swallowed up by the surrounding darkness.

wanted to turn on the flashlight, but the white light only appeared for a moment, and the phone screen went black. The panic caused by the darkness makes you dare not take another step forward, but after exiting this path, you are right at the door of your home. This expectation makes you muster up the courage to test the way forward. You stretch your hands forward, lean forward, and take a groping step with trembling toes. However, with this step, your body suddenly freezes.

There is no sound or color, only the rapid breathing and heartbeat due to nervousness, as if you are in another closed and quiet space.

During his next breath, there was a sudden light in front of his eyes. Before he could feel the stinging and discomfort caused by the sudden light in his eyes, he lost consciousness.

There was only one thought in his mind before he passed out: It’s really late, I want to have a meal...

As the sudden light dissipated, the street lamps on the street lit up one by one, soft light and shadows. On the path, the dust in the light began to float. Something quietly changed, but no trace was left.


It seems that the stomach growls naturally and shamefully, and there is also the rustling sound of clothes.

Thinking of this, you suddenly opened your eyes without even waking up.

's body was not under the control of his consciousness. He reluctantly sat up and looked around. He could only vaguely see a red, furry and round body walking between the light and shadow. He rubbed his eyes to see more clearly, but when he looked again, there wasn't even a shadow left. If it weren't for the red hair scattered around him, he might have thought he was hallucinating.

As the red figure left, he was the only one left in this place, lifeless, with only darkness and vague light as far as the eye could see.

I don’t know how long I walked, but I just kept walking, walking more and more numbly. I didn’t feel thirsty or hungry, or even tired or sleepy. It was like I had lost all consciousness as a human being. No end, no sound, just black and white and yourself. From self-comfort to self-persuasion, it has become what it is now: not thinking, just walking, just a machine. You thought you would continue to be immortal until you met him.

That day was the last day your eyes lit up. A shadow the size of a sesame seed appeared in the boundless wilderness. Whether it was true or false, as soon as you saw it, you ran towards him like crazy and tried your best to run towards him.

You went there and saw plants, rivers and towns, it was life.

You saw him, it was endless destruction and depravity.

You opened your mouth, but your voice was still loud, without the slightest hint of hoarseness: "Hey!"

It seemed that the one-way rush for a long time had paid off, but the next moment, the corners of your mouth drooped, and what you wanted to say next It was stuck in the throat, leaving only a vague breath sound.

He... made eye contact with you.

Along this road, there will be street lights shining through the gaps in the leaves and scattered around your feet. But tonight, it was dark all around. Except for the faint light from the mobile phone screen, I couldn't see my fingers, but it seemed that even this weak light wou - DayDayNews

His face was ferocious and twisted. His hands kept stroking his face, picking at his facial features vigorously, as if trying to pull them off his face. Drool flowed from the corners of his mouth to his neck.

You didn't have any reaction, you just watched helplessly as his movements froze at a certain moment and his pupils lost their luster. In the next moment, his whole body exploded and dissipated into countless green fluorescent lights, which finally gathered around him.

Because of the sudden change, his body became stiff and he could only stand there stupidly. But after reacting, he couldn't lift his legs at all. If you want to run away, run to a place with people. But the light spots quickly surround you, making you unable to move.

Oh, even the last glimmer of hope has been shattered. No one can save me, but I can't save myself. What's the point of struggling for so long? Will they end up with the same fate?

So you never walked past or moved again, like a stone statue that has stood here for a long time.

Until one day, a voice appeared in my mind.

"I am the pathogen ."

You can't say a word. The thinking thread in your mind is broken. It arises and dissipates out of thin air. You can't say anything.

From that day on, my body seemed to be controlled by this voice. You see, your body is scattered into countless green light spots, assimilating one life after another. The unbearability, pain, struggle, and despair have turned into insensitivity, wandering around like a zombie, devouring everything in the world.

watched their expressions change from pain and struggle to stillness. As life passes away one by one, there is nothing left in your heart, and your thinking stops being active and falls into silence.

is like giving up on itself. The scale of your devouring is getting bigger and faster, and the speed is getting faster and faster. It didn't take long for the planet to lose the breath of life. The mottled green all over the field disappears, and the dry light yellow gradually fills people's sight. But when the wind blows, only gray dust and green light spots are left in the world. This may be the most flexible after-song at the end of life.

When this planet is no longer alive, the voice of "pathogen" sounds again: "I'm leaving, I'm going to the next planet, but I won't take you away. I imprisoned you before, because of me Realize that you are the only one in my body who can think, and I want to make sure that you don't evolve into the next germ that eats me. But now... you are... free."

was still talking to himself, but. But he does what he says. The huge green light body flies towards the sky, getting farther and farther away from you, while you float quietly in the air, watching from a distance and calmly.

showed no resistance and could not develop any feelings. His thoughts had long since stagnated, and he was letting the dust knock his body into pieces. Before his consciousness dissipated, there was only ridicule in his heart.

In the dream, you became a mutated bacteria and killed many lives with your own hands. Some of them in your mind were the faces of relatives and friends. You can only watch helplessly as the planet loses life, and the faces around you gradually disappear, but there is nothing you can do.

You struggled and screamed, suddenly woke up and broke into a sweat.

Sunlight spilled into the room through the gaps in the curtains.

It's dawn.

The pendulum clock on the wall made a clicking sound, and the surroundings were quiet, like another peaceful morning.

But you were lying on the ground, subconsciously picking up your phone and turning on the screen.

Well, nothing happened. The

information bar only pushes endless hot topics. did I get home last night?

Along this road, there will be street lights shining through the gaps in the leaves and scattered around your feet. But tonight, it was dark all around. Except for the faint light from the mobile phone screen, I couldn't see my fingers, but it seemed that even this weak light wou - DayDayNews

Dear players, this story is based on the game background of "Gene Code". This game uses "bacteria" as the protagonist. Players need to use bacteria to attack and occupy microscopic planets. As the number of planets conquered increases, the number of planets conquered increases. The number of bacteria on a planet will also multiply. It can be upgraded and evolved through various methods such as bacterial mutation, bacterial evolution, colony irradiation, and nanorobot production. I won’t go into the specific gameplay and details, it’s more interesting to play it yourself!

PS. In addition to Android, this game can also be played on IOS! Good news for iOS friends! Brothers and sisters, rush up!

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