A perpetual motion machine is an ideal machine that can work without any fuel. It does not require external energy input, or it only needs an initial energy. The perpetual motion machine can continue to do work forever without stopping.

2024/05/2720:10:33 science 1405

Perpetual motion machine is an ideal machine that can work without any fuel. It does not require external energy input, or it only needs an initial energy. The perpetual motion machine can continue to do work forever without stopping.

A perpetual motion machine is an ideal machine that can work without any fuel. It does not require external energy input, or it only needs an initial energy. The perpetual motion machine can continue to do work forever without stopping. - DayDayNews

Perpetual motion model

However, according to the principle of conservation of energy and the law of thermodynamics, there is no perpetual motion machine in the world, and a perpetual motion machine can never be manufactured. Because a perpetual motion machine violates the laws of natural science and cannot be built.

At the beginning of liberation, the Kuomintang war criminal Huang Wei was obsessed with the development of perpetual motion machines in the Forest of Merits, but the result was naturally a joke. Pang Qingnian, the inventor of the "hydrogen car" two years ago and the head of Youth Auto , claimed that the car does not burn oil and can run with water. This created public opinion and created a lot of commotion. In the end, it proved to be a scam. .

A perpetual motion machine is an ideal machine that can work without any fuel. It does not require external energy input, or it only needs an initial energy. The perpetual motion machine can continue to do work forever without stopping. - DayDayNews

Kuomintang general Huang Wei was obsessed with studying perpetual motion machines after being captured.

Generators convert water, light, and heat energy into electrical energy. In the past, the small generators used for outdoor movies in rural areas were powered by internal combustion engines and then used electromagnets. The principle of effect , thus generating electricity. To put it bluntly, it is to convert gasoline (heat energy) into electrical energy. The motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy, which is exactly the opposite of the principle of a generator. In the same way, using diesel engines as power and using wind energy, solar energy, and water energy to generate electricity are also mutual conversions of energy.

Therefore, to do work, additional energy must be consumed. Cars driving on the road, artillery shells fired from gun barrels, and people carrying a bag of corn upstairs all consume additional energy. The perpetual motion machine violates this principle, so it can never be realized. It is just a fantasy of flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water.

A perpetual motion machine is an ideal machine that can work without any fuel. It does not require external energy input, or it only needs an initial energy. The perpetual motion machine can continue to do work forever without stopping. - DayDayNews

perpetual motion machine

Then the question comes! The earth is constantly rotating at a high speed, both rotating and revolving, at an astonishing speed, and it has been rotating for 4.6 billion years. Where does the power come from?

In fact, not only the earth, but all celestial bodies in the universe, including the universe, are constantly moving. The earth's rotation speed is 465 meters per second, and its revolution speed is nearly 30 kilometers per second. The rotation speed of the sun is 2 kilometers per second, and the revolution speed is 230 kilometers per second, which is astonishing; and the Milky Way where the solar system is located is also constantly moving. The rotation speed of the Milky Way is 250 kilometers per second, and the revolution speed is 250 kilometers per second. 627 kilometers per second. This speed is truly amazing, and it is difficult for any means of transportation on earth to reach such a high speed.

A perpetual motion machine is an ideal machine that can work without any fuel. It does not require external energy input, or it only needs an initial energy. The perpetual motion machine can continue to do work forever without stopping. - DayDayNews

The earth's high-speed rotation

Taking a bigger picture, the galaxy group and galaxy cluster where the Milky Way is located are also running and rolling around the center of the universe very fast, much faster than the Milky Way. Science has confirmed that the universe is boundless and has been expanding continuously from the moment it was born. The expansion speed is greater than the speed of light.

So, where does the power come from for the movement of celestial bodies in the universe? Does the law of conservation of energy still apply?

A perpetual motion machine is an ideal machine that can work without any fuel. It does not require external energy input, or it only needs an initial energy. The perpetual motion machine can continue to do work forever without stopping. - DayDayNews

Where does the energy of the earth's rotation come from?

The answer is actually four words: Gravity! The reason why Newton is great is that it discovered this law. The celestial bodies in the universe are all controlled by the huge gravitational force of the upper-level celestial body where they are located, and they move honestly according to the laws of operation. The moon is locked by the gravity of the earth and is controlled by the earth to move around the earth; the earth is attracted by the huge gravitational force of the sun and moves around the sun ; and the solar system is also attracted by the core material of the Milky Way and revolves around the center of the Milky Way.

A perpetual motion machine is an ideal machine that can work without any fuel. It does not require external energy input, or it only needs an initial energy. The perpetual motion machine can continue to do work forever without stopping. - DayDayNews

The solar system is racing at a fast speed

The energy of these gravitational forces is amazing. It is not the hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of horsepower of cars, trains, ships, and airplanes on our earth, but a huge power that is inconvenient to express in numbers. The earth weighs 60 trillion tons, and it can actually be attracted by the sun and run very fast. Numbers may not be able to express how powerful this force is.The sun is even more massive, up to 200 billion trillion tons. It can actually lead many planets and satellites to run at high speeds in the Milky Way. The force it experiences is a terrifying astronomical figure.

A perpetual motion machine is an ideal machine that can work without any fuel. It does not require external energy input, or it only needs an initial energy. The perpetual motion machine can continue to do work forever without stopping. - DayDayNews

The universe is expanding all the time, and the speed is greater than the speed of light

All matter in the universe is moving at high speed! To put it bluntly, there is no stationary object under the sky. The law of conservation of energy definitely does not apply here.

However, the earth cannot continue to move indefinitely! Through observation and calculation, scientists have discovered that the movement of the earth is getting slower and slower! The gravitational friction between the earth and the moon, Venus and Mars makes its movement speed slower and slower. It's just that the magnitude of this change is difficult for humans to detect. When the Earth was first born, there were only a few hours in a day, which means it was spinning much faster than it is today. Five hundred million years ago, a day on Earth only lasted 21 hours. Therefore, the earth's movement speed is getting slower and slower, and the moon is gradually moving away.

A perpetual motion machine is an ideal machine that can work without any fuel. It does not require external energy input, or it only needs an initial energy. The perpetual motion machine can continue to do work forever without stopping. - DayDayNews

The earth's satellite - the moon

From this perspective, the earth is not a perpetual motion machine, it will stop sooner or later. The power it gets is, firstly, the continuation of inertia from the moment it was born, just like a spinning top; secondly, it is the gravitational force from the sun. These two forces combined have kept the Earth spinning for 4.6 billion years.

However, everything has life, and there is no eternal life! The same is true for the universe, and the earth is no exception. All matter is alive, even light is also alive. This means that life is not only found in animals and plants, but also in stones and steel. Since there is life in the universe, everything in the universe has birth, aging, sickness and death.

A perpetual motion machine is an ideal machine that can work without any fuel. It does not require external energy input, or it only needs an initial energy. The perpetual motion machine can continue to do work forever without stopping. - DayDayNews

The Milky Way is also rotating at high speed

Not only will the earth not continue to move forever, on the contrary, it will gradually stop due to frictional resistance until it perishes. In this respect, the law of conservation of energy also applies to celestial bodies in the universe, including the earth and the sun. After the earth gained power at the birthplace, it was locked by the sun's gravity and moved around the sun in a fixed orbit day after day, in an orderly manner, rain or shine. But this will not run forever. The earth will not live forever, and neither will the sun. Once this "power" is exhausted, the earth will stop moving. At that time, the earth will perish, the sun will perish, and everything will cease to exist.

A perpetual motion machine is an ideal machine that can work without any fuel. It does not require external energy input, or it only needs an initial energy. The perpetual motion machine can continue to do work forever without stopping. - DayDayNews

Eight Planets in the Solar System

In fact, human beings are just a small episode in the history of the earth's evolution. The history of mankind is nothing compared to the life span of the earth.

The earth is not a perpetual motion machine, the sun is not a perpetual motion machine, and the universe is not a perpetual motion machine. There is no perpetual motion machine in the universe.

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