"Xiyan Teahouse" Issue 366. Wild plants are common in Anding areas. Perennial herb, 5 to 30 cm tall, with stems branching from the base, and some with remaining petioles at the base.

2024/05/2717:29:32 science 1479

Professor Ding Xuezhou, a military calligrapher, wrote the inscription for the micro-issue

"Xiyan Tea House" Issue 366

Anding District Common Wild Plants


Text and Pictures/Zhang Lan

In the last issue we introduced Brassicaceae Lepidium latifolia and Lepidium . This issue will introduce the Brassica spp. of the Brassicaceae family and the genus Brassica spp. . There are 13 species of Brassica genus in the world; 9 species in my country and 1 species in Anding District. There are 2 species of Zhugecai in the world and 1 species in my country.

1 Torularia humilis (Torularia humilis)

Torularia humilis, a common wild plant in Anding area. Perennial herb, 5 to 30 cm tall, with stems branching from the base and sometimes with remaining petioles at the base.

The basal leaves are narrow and ovate, and wither early; the stem leaves in the lower part vary greatly, from wide spatula-shaped to narrow and long ovate, and strip-shaped in the middle and upper parts; the uppermost leaves often enter the inflorescence and form bracts.

The inflorescence is in the shape of a tight corymb, the petals are obovate or wide wedge-shaped, white, the top is nearly truncate or slightly elongated, and the base gradually narrows into a claw; the ovary is hairy. The siliques are tube-shaped, slightly bead-shaped, and the seeds are oblong, about 1 mm long, and orange-red. The flowering period is from April to June.

Vermicompost mustard is pungent in taste and warm in nature. It has the effect of digesting food and resolving meat poisoning.


Orychophragmus violaceus (Orychophragmus violaceus)

Orychophragmus violaceus, originally a flower plant, has now grown into a weed.

One-year or biennial herb , 10-50 cm tall, hairless; stem single, upright, slightly branched at the base or upper part, light green or purple.

The basal leaves and lower cauline leaves are large-headed and fully lobed, the top lobe is nearly round or short ovate, the upper leaves are oblong or narrow ovate, hugging the stem, and have irregular teeth on the edges.

The flowers are purple, light red or fade to white, the calyx is tubular, purple, the petals are wide and obovate, with dense veins. Siliques are linear, with 4 edges. Seeds are oval to oblong, dark brown, with vertical stripes. The flowering period is from April to May, and the fruiting period is from May to June.

As a common wild vegetable in early spring, the tender stems and leaves of Zhuge grass have large growth and are rich in nutrients; it is also an important landscaping plant.

(Serial No. 31)


Zhang is a senior teacher from Yukou Town, Anding District, Landingxi City. Graduated from the Biology Department of Tianshui Normal College in July 1998 and is currently a teacher at Xiguan Primary School in Anding District. In addition to his teaching work, he spent a lot of time investigating the plant resources in Anding District. After twenty years of collection and sorting, the Flora of Anding has taken shape. Chief Editor of

Su Yanqing Editor of

Houyu Hongliu Liangjian Manzi

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