In a recent interview with German media, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said freely that China may "take over" the moon as one of its military plans. China has stolen other countries' ideas and technologies, and the Chinese space station has learned how to destroy other people's

2024/05/2704:05:33 science 1332

Almost a week has passed since the NATO summit, and the gunpowder smell of various countries against China has not dissipated.

NASA Director Bill Nelson recently said in an interview with German media that China may "take over" the moon as one of its military plans. China has stolen ideas and technologies from other countries. The Chinese space station is learning How to destroy someone else's satellite .

Nelson also slandered China's "threat" to the world in the interview and said that China's "threat" to the world has come to the space field. He believes that there is a space race between China and the United States. NASA plans to send the first batch of astronauts to the moon by 2025. It will include female astronauts for the first time and black astronauts will participate. China's "ambition" is even greater. Last year, A cooperation document was signed with Russia in March.

In a recent interview with German media, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said freely that China may

NASA Building

"We have to worry about China going to the moon, and they will shout after the moon landing, 'This is ours now, don't come in,'" Nelson added.

Whenever the United States lashes out at China on a certain matter, money is inseparable from it.

When Nelson announced in November last year that NASA was postponing its manned moon landing plan, he used the rapid development of China's aerospace project as an excuse to ask the US government to increase its budget by US$5.7 billion in the next six years. In May this year, he used China as a shield to demand money at a hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has long since seriously protested against the groundless accusations of the United States against China's "space threat theory." After Nelson spread rumors about China in front of the German media, the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zhao Lijian once again sternly refuted the United States, saying that the United States ignored the facts and spoke nonsense. , this is not the first time Nelson has sprayed China. China firmly opposes such irresponsible remarks. The international community has long seen through the US's hegemonic behavior, double standards and hypocritical rhetoric!

Nelson maliciously speculated on China here, and the U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns followed suit.

Recently, the United Nations World Peace Forum was held in Beijing. The ambassadors of the United States, Russia, Britain and France to China and relevant Chinese personnel attended the meeting.

In a recent interview with German media, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said freely that China may

Burns bluntly stated in front of the guests that Russia's special military operation against Ukraine was "the biggest threat to the global world order." At the same time, he also accused China of promoting Russia, especially blaming for the Russia-Ukraine war. NATO , and lied about the incident of US biological laboratories in Ukraine. In fact, these laboratories do not exist in Ukraine.

Americans are contradicting themselves. During the NATO summit, people from many countries and regions, including New York, took to the streets to protest against NATO's incitement of war. Are all these participants Chinese? The U.S. Department of Defense admitted in a briefing released in early June this year that the United States had 46 biological laboratories in Ukraine. It was just because it did not dare to disclose its research plans and used flimsy reasons to accuse itself of legality and that it could be stolen. Put another way, do these laboratories not exist?

In a recent interview with German media, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said freely that China may

People took to the streets to protest before the NATO summit

Recently, The US National Security CouncilSenior Director of European Affairs Kupkan published an article discussing how the US strategy can succeed in the "new Cold War" pattern. In the article, he mentioned that the United States is in the Cold War There is almost no open competition between superpowers in the world, but the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has accelerated the arrival of a multipolar world. The United States and its allies will have to adjust their long-term strategies, and the West should seek new small groups to respond to global challenges, regardless of the type of regime in the participating countries, for China and Russia, the West should try every means to sow Sino-Russian relations . In this process, it uses the created contradictions to imply that Russia can choose to surrender to the West and become the United States and its allies to win a new strategic part of the Cold War. (leaf)

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