​Biological reactions all form carbon-carbon bonds, using carbon dioxide as raw material and using sunlight to provide energy to react. This is photosynthesis.

2024/05/2608:54:32 science 1782

​Biological reactions all form carbon-carbon bonds, using carbon dioxide as raw material and using sunlight to provide energy to react. This is photosynthesis. - DayDayNews

Biological reactions will form carbon-carbon bonds, using carbon dioxide as raw materials, and using sunlight to provide energy to react. This is photosynthesis . Cyanobacteria have survived on the earth in this way for 3 billion years. Plants on the earth are cyanobacteria that are endosymbiotic and produce photosynthesis. Chemists at the University of California, Davis, use genetic engineering to treat cyanobacteria. It has been modified to produce butanediol , which is the first step in producing biochemical raw materials to replace fossil fuels. They then introduced several enzymes called DNA (DNA) into cyanobacterial cells. Converting carbon dioxide into 2,3-butanediol, each liter of the culture medium of this cyanobacteria can only produce 2.4 grams of 2,3-butanediol - this is the highest yield achieved by cyanobacteria for chemical production abroad so far. They We will cooperate with Japan in 2023 to optimize the system and increase production.

Groundbreaking, China's little-known Suzhou Fenhu Microbial Prevention and Control Technology Co., Ltd. succeeded in using fresh cyanobacteria gene recombinant engineering and achieved industrialization on the "6.5" World Environment Day in 2022. This is the company's success in conquering the world's forefront The 12th pinnacle technology challenge includes jointly applying for a non-copying and non-translating coronavirus vaccine project with the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Our country's scientific research system has strict barriers, excluding small and medium-sized enterprises with outstanding achievements outside the system, which has become a "blind spot" in our country's scientific and technological innovation. The successful recombination of cyanobacteria genes and its industrialization, bypassing the expert review system, this is a question that people should think about one.

The second appearance of the ancestor cyanobacteria in the human world is a crucial step for mankind to return to nature. Within 2-3 years at most, the cyanobacteria nutrient solution, like milk, can wipe out the unbearable consequences caused by the three-year epidemic. People will eliminate their heavy debts. Food will only cost a few cents per catty, and fruits and vegetables will only cost a few cents per catty. Realization of real Common prosperity, cheap and clean cyanobacteria energy, rolling in, driving away fossil energy natural gas , oil, coal and shale oil, social products are truly extremely rich, everyone enjoys equality and freedom, the ideal utopia that people on earth once had - Community of human civilization!

Everyone celebrates the arrival of the aerobic era of cyanobacteria! Already proud of the world on the fertile soil of the Chinese nation!

​Biological reactions all form carbon-carbon bonds, using carbon dioxide as raw material and using sunlight to provide energy to react. This is photosynthesis. - DayDayNews

Industrial mass production

​Biological reactions all form carbon-carbon bonds, using carbon dioxide as raw material and using sunlight to provide energy to react. This is photosynthesis. - DayDayNews

MEP plant vaccine instruction manual

MEP plant vaccine is a pure ecological and all-natural plant nutrient solution made from fresh cyanobacteria through MEP particle gene recombination. It has the dual effects of lifelong plant disease prevention and full nutrition ( biological nitrogen fixation and biological carbon fixation).

Application method:

There are many methods for applying MEP plant vaccines to crops, mainly six methods: seed dressing, root dipping and hole application, furrow application, root irrigation, and basal fertilizer. Sometimes it can also be used for spraying. But no matter which method of use is local inoculation, that is, the MEP plant vaccine is allowed to work around the seeds or crop roots or on the stems and leaves of the crop. Therefore, when applying MEP plant vaccines, different application methods should be used according to the growth and development characteristics of different crops and planting and cultivation characteristics. Generally speaking, these methods are simple, easy to implement and easy to master.

Seed dressing method: suitable for bead crops with slightly larger seeds or tuber propagation. Such as wheat , soybeans, cotton , corn, rice, garlic, potatoes, etc. The method is: Pour in the MEP plant vaccine and stir evenly so that each seed or tuber is coated with the MEP plant vaccine. Dry it in the shade for a while before sowing. Generally, every 500 ml of MEP plant vaccine can be used for about 5 kilograms of seed dressing.

Root dipping method: It is suitable for crops such as sweet potatoes, tobacco leaves, , tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, leafy vegetables, rice and other crops that are transplanted after seedling cultivation. The method is to mix the MEP plant vaccine with water at a ratio of 1:20-40, add it to the soil, stir it into a paste, dip the roots, plant it, cover it with soil and water it. Apply some high-quality farmyard manure or organic fertilizer into the pit before planting for better results.

hole application method: suitable for seedling transplanting crops. Such as sweet potatoes, tobacco leaves, watermelons, tomatoes, strawberries , eggplants, peppers, etc.After opening holes for transplanted crops, apply 2-5 ml of MEP plant vaccine to each hole. It is best to apply some high-quality farmyard manure or organic fertilizer at the same time.

Trench application: Apply MEP plant vaccine to fruit trees, usually from early February to early April, from late October to late November. According to the size of the tree crown, dig a circular trench or a strip trench. The depth and width of the trench are 15 cm each. , use 100-250 ml of MEP plant vaccine for each tree, mix with 3-5 kg ​​of farmyard manure, spread it in the ditch, cover it with soil and water it.

base fertilizer method: Mix MEP plant vaccine with farmyard manure and organic fertilizer at a ratio of 1:500. Add water and let it simmer for 2-3 days, turning it once a day. It can be used as base fertilizer, top dressing, seedbed soil, nutrient bowl for seedlings, etc.

root irrigation method: suitable for seedling transplanting crops and sparsely planted crops. (1) When transplanting, mix MEP plant vaccine 1:100 with water and pour it on the roots of the crops. (2) Loosen the soil at the roots of the plants, mix the MEP plant vaccine with water at a ratio of 1:100 and pour it on the roots of the plants, and cover it in time, or directly irrigate the roots of the crops with a special root irrigation device.

Spraying method: It is suitable for crops that require seed dressing with fungicides and crops with very small seeds, such as sesame , rape, etc. and leafy vegetables, cotton, grapes, fruit trees, Chinese herbal medicines, etc. Mix the MEP plant vaccine with water at a ratio of 1:50-100, and spray it on the back of the leaves, flowers and roots of the crop with a sprayer after 4 pm on a sunny day or on a cloudy day.

​Biological reactions all form carbon-carbon bonds, using carbon dioxide as raw material and using sunlight to provide energy to react. This is photosynthesis. - DayDayNews


Since the MEP plant vaccine is active, the following ten points should be paid attention to when applying the MEP plant vaccine:

MEP plant vaccine can be used in conjunction with pesticides, but attention should be paid to mixing the pesticide first, drying in the shade, and then mixing the MEP plant vaccine , and then sow.

MEP plant vaccine cannot be directly mixed with large amounts of available nitrogen fertilizer.

The spraying effect of MEP plant vaccine is good, but it cannot give full play to the main advantages of MEP plant vaccine and is generally not recommended.

Apply to the roots of crops as much as possible and do not spread on the soil surface.

Apply as much farmyard manure as possible to keep the soil moist.

Early application can generally reduce chemical fertilizers by 30-50%.

Unused MEP plant vaccines should be covered in time, and the mixed seeds should not be left for too long. For first-time users of

, please leave a comparison field under the same conditions.

Do not be exposed to strong light.

should be stored in a cool place and is valid for 1 year.

Sannong Ecological Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. is responsible for the global promotion and service of MEP 15601360191 Zhang Botu

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