Recently, the German "Bild" published a very shocking report titled "The Chinese want to occupy the moon." The content of the article was derived from an interview with NASA Director Nelson. He claimed that there will be a war in space. A new competition, and this time the oppone

2024/05/2222:16:33 science 1270

pulls allies to engage in maritime projects, under the euphemistic name of monitoring illegal fishing; it promotes trade protection and will never let go of its tariffs on China; it sends spy satellites close to them and refuses to hide, because if they hide, they threaten space security. In the eyes of the United States, any country can be powerful, but it must be far less powerful than the United States. Any country that makes any progress will be regarded as a challenge and confrontation.

Recently, the German "Bild" published a very shocking report titled "The Chinese want to occupy the moon." The content of the article came from an interview with Nelson, the director of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). He declared that space The Admiral has a new competition, and this time the opponent is China.

Recently, the German

Nelson said that China's space program is a "military space program." However, when asked what kind of space military goals China has, Nelson could not give an answer. Instead, he began to have wild fantasies, saying that China's mission in establishing a space station was to learn how to destroy other countries' satellites. At the same time, he also said sourly that China is indeed good, but that is because it steals other people's ideas and technology.

Recently, the German

In addition, the report also rendered a detailed copy of the "China Moon Plan". It is said that NASA’s latest batch of astronauts plans to go to the moon in 2025, but China may move faster because China is planning to build its own lunar base together with Russia. If this base can be completed in 2035, Chinese astronauts will begin conducting experiments on the moon in 2036.

said it quite seriously, as if there really was such a thing. But is this China's plan or the United States' own fantasy?

In recent years, China has indeed achieved a series of significant achievements such as the exploration of the far side of the moon and the return of lunar samples, but it has not yet set up camp on the moon. It is worth mentioning that the end of the report also mentioned the Artemis program of NASA and the European Space Agency. They intend to send the first unmanned "Orion" space capsule this summer through close cooperation. , and fly around the moon. It is expected that by 2025, the first female astronaut and the first astronaut of color will be sent to the moon.

Recently, the German

In other words, things that China has never done were compiled by the United States. China did not recognize it, but the United States believed it. After believing it, it began to rush to the moon in a hurry, and even pretended to be helpless. This is forced by China. It seems that the United States spread rumors and ended up saying that it is panicking. But the reason why it is panicking is not only because of China's progress in the aerospace industry, but more importantly, it still wants to achieve its hegemony in various fields. It is best to On the loess there is no one who can defeat me, and on the nine heavens I can see the bright moon.

But then again, what is it worth showing off about female astronauts and astronauts of color landing on the moon? Isn’t it discriminatory against women? Or show racial justice? This kind of operation without three hundred taels of silver here can't help but make people wonder. Is the United States trying to use this plan to dispel the international community's doubts about its human rights?

Recently, the German

Everything is about saving face, and everything is about money. The United States not only has to shout louder, but also needs to appear to have a high status. It is understood that this is not the first time Nelson has made such remarks to exaggerate the so-called "China-US space race." Every time he faces the media, he always seems extremely excited, especially in the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee on May 17. At the hearing, Nelson, who was anxious for money, did not hesitate to say bluntly that China has become increasingly good at "stealing" American aerospace technology.

In response, experts in my country's aerospace field couldn't help but comment that the level of this NASA administrator is really average and the structure is also very low.

Why do humans study space? On the one hand, the earth, which is just a drop in the ocean in the vast universe, cannot rule out the possibility of being hit by a planet, nor can it always be the home for human beings to survive. Facing many unknowns, human beings need to explore and make continuous progress in exploration; On the other hand, the act of exploring the universe should not be restricted by a certain country, nor should it be slandered and smeared by a certain country because of progress, because this is a cause for all mankind, not a childish comparison.

Recently, the German

In the final analysis, the United States has shown strong defense against China and emphasized the "China threat" just to rationalize its "space hegemony." Any subsequent actions by the United States can be beautified as necessary measures to deal with threats, thus escaping condemnation. However, from satellite "flight companionship" to the moon project, it is the same drama every time, and the acting is so poor, the United States may be able to deceive itself.

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