The United States has established a UFO research group. Do "Trisolarans" exist? In May 2022, the U.S. Congress held the first UFO hearing in more than half a century. However, the thunder was loud and the rain was light, and not much information was disclosed at the meeting. , th

2024/05/1720:52:32 science 1573

Are humans being monitored by aliens? The United States has established a UFO research team. Does " Trisolaran " exist? Do we want to send a message to the universe? What can I send?

Hello everyone, I am Ollie. Research funding for

UFO does not exceed 100,000 US dollars.

In May 2022, the U.S. Congress held the first UFO hearing in more than half a century. However, the thunder was loud and the rain was light. There is not much information, only two images of suspected UFOs.

The United States has established a UFO research group. Do

One is a fluorescent green triangular object flashing in the sky. This is confirmed to be related to the nearby drone system. It is an oolong caused by the light passing through the night vision goggles .

Another photo shows a glowing spherical object speeding past the window of a military aircraft. No further explanation was given for this phenomenon.

The United States has established a UFO research group. Do

Have UFOs ever visited the earth? Should we study it carefully? This issue is actually dismissed by most scientists as "not real science." The biggest problem in this research field is the "lack of data." It is really unscientific to draw conclusions based on a single phenomenon.

NASA subsequently announced that it would set up a specialized UFO research team, which was its first time involved in UFO investigations. The research is scheduled to start this fall and last for nine months, with the funding required not to exceed US$100,000.

The United States has established a UFO research group. Do

.1 million US dollars. It can be seen that they don’t pay much attention to it. Let’s study it symbolically!

We are the little rabbits in the dark forest of the universe

The description of science fiction novelists on this issue is much more exciting!

Liu CixinIn "The Three-Body Problem", he gave a concept of cosmic sociology-The Law of the Dark Forest.

The United States has established a UFO research group. Do

The earth is like a little rabbit in the cosmic forest. Once discovered by aliens with a higher level of intelligence, humans will be enslaved and the earth will be destroyed. Therefore, we should hide quietly in the dark cosmic forest. Be sure not to make any noise to avoid being targeted by the hunter's gun.

In fact, scientists’ exploration has never stopped.

In 1973, MIT astronomer John Ball proposed another, more terrifying explanation: Just like humans observing animals in a zoo, aliens may also be silently observing humans, and we are like aliens. Animals kept in captivity by stars.

The United States has established a UFO research group. Do

They have isolated the circle of human civilization, just like setting up a "nature reserve" in the universe, deliberately not contacting humans, and looking at us through a glass cover. This is the famous "zoo hypothesis."

In 2016, Duncan Forgan, an astrophysicist at the University of St. Andrews in the United Kingdom, questioned this hypothesis. He believed that the realization of the "zoo hypothesis" requires that multiple alien civilizations reach an agreement and everyone agrees to establish such a "galactic zoo." " Otherwise, as long as an alien civilization disagrees, the "no-contact principle" will be broken, and aliens will invade the earth.

The United States has established a UFO research group. Do

No matter what kind of conjecture it is, it is actually based on our human's understanding of our own society. Maybe aliens don't think so at all. Should

send messages to aliens?

The question of whether to actively send signals to aliens has always been the focus of heated debate among scientists.

At present, most scientists believe that taking the initiative to "say hello" will put the earth at "risk of exposure."

The United States has established a UFO research group. Do

In September 2015, at the launch meeting of the "Breakthrough Listen" project to search for aliens, one of the founders, Cambridge University cosmologist Stephen Hawking , clearly warned not to "yell" at the universe. , because civilizations outside of Earth that read human messages may be "billions of years ahead of us" and they will be more powerful.

He believes that these advanced alien civilizations may have the same characteristics of violence, aggression and genocide as humans. This is exactly the story described in "The Three-Body Problem".

American astrobiologist Douglas Wakoch is different. He believes that in order to make the administrators of the "Galaxy Zoo" appear, humans can introduce aliens to the aliens by sending powerful, information-rich radio signals to nearby stars. themselves, "they may respond to us."

The United States has established a UFO research group. Do

He believes that our earth may not have been discovered by alien civilization at all, and has not entered the "Galaxy Zoo" at all. We are the forgotten wild little rabbits that have not been imprisoned in the zoo, so Vakoch believes that "for To enter the Galaxy Club, we have to submit an application and maybe even pay a small membership fee."

What do you think should be given to aliens?

As early as 1974, the Arecibo telescope sent mankind's first radio message to space. The destination was the globular star cluster M13 25,000 light-years away. The sending time did not exceed three minutes, and the message passed through a An binary encoding is passed.

Since then, "active search" scientists have been studying how to convey the most content about human society and species with the least information.

The United States has established a UFO research group. Do

In an "external communication" in 1977, the "golden record" carried by two spacecrafts brought together the essence of human civilization: including 115 images, including the solar spectrum, Mercury, Mars, human anatomy diagrams, fetuses, Diagrams of male and female relationships, internal structure of the Earth, continental drift, etc. The sounds collected by

include the sounds of waves, wind, and thunder, the songs of humpback whales, "hello" spoken continuously in 55 ancient and modern human languages, Chinese Wu dialect , Bach , Beddo Finn , Mozart music selection, etc.

In 2017, the "Search for Extraterrestrial Civilization" organization launched repeated signals for three consecutive days to the Lutan star 12 light-years away. This is the star system closest to the earth and contains a potential "habitable planet" ".

The United States has established a UFO research group. Do

Compared with " Arecibo image", this message is more complex and contains a lot of basic mathematics, physics concepts and some scientific knowledge, including telling aliens why 1+1=2 and explaining how radio messages are Reading and what is the human concept of time.

Psychologists believe that aliens are like this

Scientists optimistically estimate that if all goes well, humans will receive a reply from aliens before 2042. The second message from the

"Search for Extraterrestrial Civilization" organization will be sent on October 4, 2022. This time,

targets a star 39 light-years away from the earth, and will send a richer "package": details of the periodic table of elements , the composition of atoms , as well as songs from the British jazz rock band and Russian musicians music.

Although humans have been working hard to communicate with aliens, few scientists currently believe that the earth has been visited by aliens. Some people believe that UFOs may be some new military aircraft or atmospheric phenomena.

The United States has established a UFO research group. Do

Albert Harrison, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis, pointed out in the article "Fear, Chaos, Calm, and Joy: Human Response to Alien Civilizations" that so far, human beings' response to aliens is scientific, A mixture of imagination and media hype.

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