NASA Administrator Nielsen has made "wild remarks" in the media again. In a recent interview with Germany's "Bild", he said, "Beware of China occupying the moon."

2024/05/1712:42:33 science 1920

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Administrator Nielsen has once again made "wild remarks" in the media. In a recent interview with Germany's "Bild", he said, "Beware of China occupying the moon." When asked about China's space goals, Nielsen "repeated the same old tune," saying that one of the purposes of China's space station was to "learn how to destroy other countries' satellites." He also accused my country of "stealing" the United States in the aerospace field. technology.

NASA Administrator Nielsen has made

Nielsen's poor acting skills have long been seen through by netizens, including some American netizens who bluntly said: Seeing Nielsen anxious but helpless because of the rapid progress of China Aerospace , I am really worried that he will be exhausted! Of course, behind Nielsen’s rant may be the United States’ ambition to seize lunar resources!

NASA Administrator Nielsen has made

Nielsen, who has no aerospace background, is an "acting school"!

Some people say that it is easy to be the director of NASA, but he only does two things. One is to ask Congress for money, and the other is to slander China!

In March 2021, Bill Nelson, who had no aerospace background, climbed to the position of NASA Administrator. Perhaps it was because of the "unstable foundation" and the urgent need to establish prestige, or the space agency had long been "poor" , Nielsen, who had just taken office, was "looking for money everywhere." On May 20, Nielsen ran to the U.S. Congress with photos of the surface of Mars taken by my country's "Zhurong" Mars rover , saying that China would surpass the United States on Mars if it didn't pay for it!

NASA Administrator Nielsen has made

On June 17, 2021, the core module of my country's Tianhe welcomed Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming, Tang Hongbo3 astronauts. The stimulated Director Nelson said angrily at the House of Representatives meeting held in late June: Firm support Make ' wolf clause ' permanent! Later, some media revealed that shortly after the meeting, Nielsen went to Congress again to ask for money. The reason seemed to be "sufficient": If you don't have money, what can you do to compete with China in space?

NASA Administrator Nielsen has made

By the way, Nelson mentioned the 'Wolf Clause', which is a restrictive measure against my country's aerospace signed and implemented by Obama in 2011, including prohibiting NASA from interacting with Chinese aerospace technicians or those with aerospace background. exchanges and cooperation with companies and officials.

In 2017, Yu Guobin, deputy director of my country Lunar Exploration and Space Engineering Center, was scheduled to deliver a keynote speech at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Texas, USA. The U.S. Embassy in China actually used the 'Wolf Clause' as the The refusal to issue a visa, of course, led to a different explanation to the outside world.

NASA Administrator Nielsen has made

Nelson is not only thick-skinned, but also has a poor memory. Nelson claimed at a press conference held at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on April 26, 2022: It is a pity that NASA has not yet received China’s intention to cooperate! Nielsen also used "it takes two people to dance to tango " to imply that China is not cooperating. Nielsen forgot about the Wolf Clause and also forgot who had pushed for the Wolf Clause to be made permanent. Nielsen was ridiculed by netizens on Twitter. One netizen’s message was very representative: Poor memory Stop talking, don't make yourself look embarrassed!

NASA Administrator Nielsen has made

Nielsen, who was so idle, also "worried" about others. He said that China should follow the United States and share moon rock with other countries for free! The United States did share lunar soil twice, once with 6.75 grams and once with 220 grams. It seemed like "a lot" but I couldn't help but dig deeper.A 2011 NASA report revealed that a total of 517 pieces of space materials were lost, mainly lunar soil and Martian rocks! So it’s not surprising that two interns can easily steal 101 grams of lunar soil, and it’s not surprising that a large amount of lunar soil can be sold for hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars on the black market!

In other words, "slandering China" has almost become one of Nielsen's jobs. Judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that there will be "scandalous remarks" against our country before Nielsen leaves office!

NASA Administrator Nielsen has made

The one who really wants to seize lunar resources is probably the United States itself!

Nielsen slandered my country for seizing lunar resources, but he was actually covering up the ambitions of the United States! Research data shows that there are at least 840 million tons of cobalt ore, 360 million tons of uranium ore, 670 million tons of rare earth ore, 100 billion tons of iron ore, and 1 million tons of clean energy helium-3 distributed on the entire moon.

In 2019, NASA announced a new plan to return to the moon, the Artemis Project, with the goal of returning to the moon in 2024 and establishing a permanent base in the United States in 2030. In 2020, the United States brought seven countries, including Canada, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, Australia, and the United Arab Emirates, into the Artemis program. Russia and China were naturally excluded!

NASA Administrator Nielsen has made

The 1967 Outer Space Treaty stipulates that the moon belongs to all mankind and does not belong to any one country! In order to achieve the purpose of seizing lunar resources, the "Artemis Accords" exploited the "loopholes" in the treaty and stipulated that companies have ownership of lunar mineral resources!

Can the United States really achieve its goal of seizing lunar resources? I'm afraid it's not that easy! In addition to hundreds of millions of capital investment, some key technologies have not yet been broken through. A Russian congressman posted on social media that without the support of Russian technology, it may take some time for the United States to successfully return to the moon.

NASA Administrator Nielsen has made

The first-stage thruster of the American Atlas-3 and Atlas-5 launch vehicles uses the Russian RD-180 engine. The engine has a diameter of 3.15 meters, a length of 3.56 meters, a thrust-to-weight ratio of 78.44:1, and a vacuum The thrust force is about 940,000 pounds force, which has the advantages of low cost and strong stability.

From 1999 to now, the United States has purchased a total of 122 engines from Russia, 98 of which have been used, and the remaining ones have to meet other flight tasks, and few of them can withstand the torment! More importantly, the United States frequently stumbled during the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and Russia simply announced that it would no longer supply RD-180 engines. Without the RD-180 engine, the United States has pinned its hopes on its own AR1 engine, but it has shortcomings in combustion pressure and specific impulse. It is unclear whether it can send the rocket to the moon.

NASA Administrator Nielsen has made

is written at the back

NASA Director Nielsen always talks about our country. The essence is that he feels the pressure of competition. You must know that no one will talk about a person who is far inferior to himself! Refute Nielsen's remarks if they need to be refuted, explain if they need to be explained, and then work hard to realize our space dream!

#NASA Administrator claims to be careful about China occupying the moon#

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