Summer is scorching and the temperature continues to be high. People often say “it’s so hot.” ​​Sometimes this is not a joke. This year, many people have been diagnosed with "heat stroke" across the country, and some patients have become comatose or even died as a result. People

Summer is hot and the temperature continues to be high. People often say "it's so hot". Sometimes this is not a joke.

Many people have been diagnosed with " heat stroke " across the country this year, and some patients have become comatose or even died as a result.

People have been diagnosed with heat stroke in many places

1 Lishui, Zhejiang

html On July 6, a 49-year-old male patient was sent to Lishui Central Hospital by his coworkers in Lishui, Zhejiang. The coworkers said that he suddenly fainted while working in the workshop and the patient was admitted to the hospital. The body temperature is 40.7℃, and the body temperature is shock . After examination, the patient suffered from multiple organ failure and disseminated intravascular coagulation. After 31 hours of rescue, he died in the early morning of the 8th.

The hospital has received three patients with heat stroke in the past week. A 70-year-old female failed to pay attention to heatstroke prevention at home. She developed high fever and confusion during her nap. When she was sent to the hospital, her body temperature reached 42.5°C and she suffered multiple organ failure. Rescue efforts are still ongoing.

2 Henan Zhengzhou

A man in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province suddenly fell into coma due to heat stroke. When he was sent to the hospital's ICU ward for rescue, the doctor monitored that his body's core temperature had reached 42.3 degrees. All the organs in the body seemed to be in water. It's the same as "cooked".

3 Nanjing, Jiangsu

A 37-year-old decoration worker in Nanjing, Jiangsu developed symptoms of dizziness and frequent vomiting after working in a high-temperature environment for 4 hours and was diagnosed with heat stroke. It is understood that this is the first case of heat stroke in Nanjing this year.

What is heat stroke?

To understand heat stroke, you cannot do without the keyword "heat stroke". To understand it in layman's terms, heat stroke is the most dangerous and serious form of heat stroke, with a high fatality rate.

According to the "Chinese Expert Consensus on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Heat Stroke" first published in the online version of " PLA Medical Journal " in 2019: Heat stroke is a serious and fatal disease caused by thermal damage factors acting on the body. An imbalance in the body's heat production and heat dissipation caused by exposure to hot environments or strenuous exercise.

Typical symptoms of heat stroke are an increase in core temperature >40°C, abnormalities in the central nervous system, such as mental status changes, convulsions or coma, accompanied by multiple organ damage, and severe cases are life-threatening.

// Who is prone to heat stroke? ↓


Exertional heat stroke: is mainly caused by the imbalance of heat production and heat dissipation in the body caused by high-intensity physical activity. It is common in healthy young people who exercise strenuously in summer, such as officers and soldiers, athletes, firefighters, and construction workers who participate in summer training. wait.


Classic heat stroke: is common in young people, pregnant women, the elderly and infirm, or individuals with chronic underlying diseases or compromised immune function. It is usually caused by passive exposure to the thermal environment, causing an imbalance in the body's heat production and heat dissipation. onset. How to treat and prevent


// 1. Early prevention is the key


In hot weather, you should try to avoid going out between 11 and 16 o'clock. If you must go out, you should be prepared to prevent heatstroke and sun protection; especially outdoor workers should pay attention to heatstroke prevention when hot weather arrives. Cool down, replenish water and salt in time;


Wear a wide-brim sun hat and sunglasses when going out, and apply sunscreen with SPF15 or above. In addition, prepare anti-stroke medicines;


ensure adequate sleep to fully relax the brain and body. You can improve the sleep environment by wearing eye masks and other methods to ensure sleep quality.

// 2. On-site rescue is very important


It is best to physically cool down as soon as possible (use a wet cool towel to place on the patient's head and trunk to cool down, or place ice packs on the patient's armpits, neck and groin) place).


In severe cases, the muscles will twitch involuntarily due to heat stroke. When this happens, do not put anything in the patient's mouth, do not restrain the twitching limbs deliberately, and use soft objects (mattresses, etc.) to cushion the patient's body. If vomiting occurs, turn the patient's head to one side to ensure a clear airway and prevent aspiration.


Dial 120 for medical treatment promptly.

Information source: "National Emergency Broadcasting" WeChat public account

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Editor review: Feicheng City Health Education Center

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