Withered vines, old trees, dark crows, air conditioners, WIFI and watermelon. For most people, the favorite summer standard is the air conditioner, WIFI, watermelon and the same sofa as Geyou. Here comes the problem. Apart from being prone to air-conditioning disease after stayin

Dead vines, old trees, dusky crows

Air conditioning WIFI watermelon

For most people

their favorite summer standard is

air conditioning WIFI watermelon

Ge You the same sofa

Here comes the problem~

It is not easy to stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time

How many problems are there if you get air conditioning disease


Air conditioning in summer: "Evil and evil wind" takes advantage of the situation

The best way to dehumidify in summer is: sweat! The birth of air conditioners has caused people to lose the best opportunity to dehumidify. It does not mean that everyone should never use air conditioners in summer, but it encourages everyone to adapt to the weather and sweat more during the summer season when sweating is appropriate.

Summer is supposed to be a warm and unrestrained season that makes the skin leak and sweat. However, in order to avoid the heat, we turn on the air conditioner in the house very high and the temperature drops very low. Therefore, many people suffer from the so-called air-conditioning disease when their sweat pores are open in the summer and are blown by the cold air conditioner. In this way, it is easy for evil spirits to penetrate deeply. There are also people who can't sleep at night and like to sleep with the air conditioner on, which is also very unhealthy and unnatural.

The "deficiency evil and thieves wind" will take advantage of it at this time. Some people will suffer from stiff neck and facial paralysis, and even some elderly people will suffer from stroke. This is all caused by the cold in the summer when the skin is leaking. , caused by wind and moisture. Therefore, in today's modern life, we must emphasize that air conditioning should be used as little as possible in summer. If you must use air conditioning, it is best not to adjust the temperature too low.

Indiscriminate use of air conditioners can lead to illnesses

From a modern medical perspective, improper use of air conditioners can cause these eight diseases.

1, cold

In the cold air environment in an air-conditioned room, capillaries shrink, sweat gland pores close, resistance weakens, and body temperature is difficult to regulate, which will lead to colds.

2, Rheumatism

The outdoor temperature is nearly 40 ℃. When entering a small indoor environment of about 20 ℃, the temperature drops rapidly and the human body has difficulty adapting. In the hot summer, "cold evil can cause paralysis", leading to the occurrence of rheumatism.

3. Elevated blood pressure

High blood pressure When patients enter an air-conditioned room, it is actually a symptom of "cold pressurization". The symptoms of "cold pressor" occur very quickly and can increase blood pressure by about 20~30 mmHg within one minute.

4, hurting the lungs

The cool air from the air conditioner can invade the lungs through the skin and hair of the human body. In addition, bacteria are easy to breed in air conditioners, which can easily be dispersed into the air and inhaled into the lungs, leading to pneumonia and other diseases.

5, pharyngitis

The lack of air circulation causes viruses and bacteria to take advantage of the opportunity to reproduce and grow in large quantities, which can easily induce pharyngitis.

6. Increased blood sugar.

Many people with diabetes find that their blood sugar levels increase if the air conditioner is turned on for a long time. Cold stimulation will cause the sympathetic nerve in the body to be in an excited state. Diabetic patients have insufficient insulin secretion, which on the one hand causes blood sugar to rise, and on the other hand, the heat production is insufficient and the ability to withstand cold is weakened.

7, dry eye syndrome

If you stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time, the cold air will cause the tears to evaporate too quickly and the tears to decrease.

8, asthma repeated

cold air will more easily induce asthma attacks . Secondly, there will be some dust and dust hidden in the air conditioner, which will cause asthma when blown into the air by the air conditioner.

How to minimize the harm of air conditioning?

1. Pay attention to the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor. When turning on the air conditioner in summer, you must prevent the cold air from invading the body. It is best not to exceed five degrees Celsius in the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor.

2. The air-conditioned room should not be closed for a long time. It should be ventilated frequently. It is best to set the air conditioner to be turned off at a scheduled time when sleeping at night.

When the air conditioner is turned on, the indoor air will become dry. You can put a humidifier or a basin of water indoors. Drinking more warm water is the best choice.

3. When you feel cool after blowing on the air conditioner, it is best to stand up and move around, which will help blood circulation in the body.

4. Patients suffering from some chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, coronary heart disease , etc., are best not to stay in air-conditioned rooms for a long time.

5. Change refrigeration to dehumidification. Both dehumidification and cooling can achieve the effect of lowering the indoor temperature. Adjusting the air conditioning mode from "cooling" to "dehumidification" can not only lower the indoor temperature, but also save more power and minimize the harm to the human body.