According to the latest data from the "China Osteoporosis White Paper", at least nearly 50 million people in my country currently suffer from varying degrees of osteoporosis, and another 210 million people have bone mass below normal standards and are at risk of osteoporosis. It

According to the latest data from the "China Osteoporosis White Paper", there are currently at least 150 million people suffering from varying degrees of osteoporosis , and another 1.21 billion people with bone mass lower than normal standards. There is a risk of osteoporosis .

It can be said that osteoporosis is a very common disease today, but its harm is far more serious than we imagined.

Which types of people are easily targeted by osteoporosis?

In most people’s minds, osteoporosis is a disease only suffered by the elderly. In fact, in addition to the elderly who are easily "targeted" by osteoporosis, these five types of people also need to be vigilant.

. Postmenopausal women;

. People with a history of osteoporosis or fractures;

. People who often smoke and drink;

. People suffering from thyroid disease, , kidney disease, etc.;

5. Long-term use is harmful to bones. Drugs with damaging effects, such as glucocorticoids , etc.

Pain in 3 parts of the body indicates that it has been "targeted" by osteoporosis. Don't ignore

. Back pain

Pain in the early stages of osteoporosis often occurs near the lower back. As the condition worsens, the bones become more and more fragile. At this time, compression bending fractures will occur in the spine, and the pain in the lower back will worsen. In addition, in the middle and late stages of osteoporosis, compression fractures will also cause common problems such as body shape deformation, hunchback, and scoliosis.

, Tooth loss

Many people think that tooth loss in the elderly is a "sign" of the elderly and is normal. But in fact, loosening and loss of teeth are mainly caused by osteoporosis . Teeth are mainly composed of calcium carbonate . If there is a large loss of calcium element in the body, it will also cause the loss of calcium element in the teeth, making them unstable.

Therefore, tooth loss is also a manifestation of osteoporosis.

. Calf pain

Many middle-aged and elderly people will find that leg cramps and inexplicable calf pain become more and more frequent as they age. This is actually the calcium deficiency signal sent by the bones to us, and we must pay attention to it. calcium ions are the "pacifier" of nerve cells. The disorder of calcium ion metabolism in patients with osteoporosis will transmit various pain signals.

Delay bone aging and prevent osteoporosis. It is recommended to eat more of this "1 thing"

- camel milk

Camel milk is called " desert platinum ". The calcium content is 12 times higher than ordinary milk. It also contains a variety of elements needed by the human body, such as rich phosphorus, potassium, calcium, vitamins, etc. It is a good nutritional product suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

However, due to the scarcity of camel milk, the price will be higher than that of cow's milk, but there is no need to be too overly advocating for expensive products. You might as well try Suiuyouyou Camel. Although it is not well-known in the market, the quality and ingredients are not inferior.

The milk source of "Sui Sui You Camel" comes from the original ranch of Ili, Xinjiang, my country, which retains the nutrition of camel milk to the greatest extent, and contains up to 8 kinds of amino acids that are beneficial to the human body.

, especially the L-type lysine , is beneficial to promoting calcium absorption, bone growth, and preventing osteoporosis; in addition, ’s natural insulin factor can gently regulate the body and promote the harmony of the five internal organs, especially Suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

Brew a cup of "Suiyuyoutuo" every morning and evening. It has a mellow milky aroma and low sugar content, which adds protection to our bone health.

Are there any tips that can help you "nourishing bones" in your life?

. Adequate sun exposure

Exposure to the sun can help the body synthesize vitamin D, thereby promoting the body's absorption and transformation of calcium, thereby strengthening bones! such as: before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. every day, this is because you can use this method to help you not only avoid being sunburned by , but also maintain your bones!

. Regular physical examinations

Osteoporosis has no obvious symptoms in the early stage, but in the middle and late stages, it will have a great impact on the body. For diseases that affect life in old age, you must go to the hospital regularly for full physical examination to ensure early detection. Early prevention prevents the condition from getting worse.

Warm reminder: Once you find that you have symptoms of osteoporosis, you must go to the hospital for screening and treatment as soon as possible. In addition, be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions when taking medication, and never take medication without permission!


[1] Why are young and middle-aged women more susceptible to osteoporosis? Be vigilant if you meet these three points[N]. People's Daily Online, 2019.10.25

[2] The three most critical stages to prevent osteoporosis[N]. Health News, 2020.1.24

[3] Osteoporosis is not "for the elderly" Patent" [N]. Science and Technology Daily, 2009.11.23