2022-07-15 16:21 Loudi News Network Zhu Fei (Conference Site) (Lecture Site) Loudi News Network (Correspondent Zhu Fei) In order to strengthen academic exchanges and improve the diagnosis and treatment of multiple myeloma, on the afternoon of July 14, The tour lecture of the Bloo

2022-07-15 16:21 Loudi News Network Zhu Fei

(Conference Site)

(Lecture Site)

Loudi News Network (Correspondent Zhu Fei) In order to strengthen academic exchanges and improve the diagnosis and treatment of multiple myeloma , on the afternoon of July 14th, the Hunan Provincial Health Service Association Blood Health Branch Lecture was held at Loudi Central Hospital . Chairman of the Hunan Provincial Health Service Association Blood Health Branch, Director of the Hunan Provincial Blood Disease Clinical Medical Research Center, Zhongnan Professor Liu Jing, first-level chief physician and doctoral supervisor of the Hematology Department of the Third Xiangya Hospital of the University, was invited to give lectures on the diagnosis and treatment of multiple myeloma (MM). Gong Tiefeng, member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Central Hospital, delivered a welcome speech. Zhu Feiyue, chairman of the Hematology Professional Committee of the Municipal Medical Association and director of the Department of Hematology of the hospital, presided over the meeting. Some subject leaders and expert representatives from departments of hematology and general internal medicine from all counties and cities in the city attended the meeting.

Multiple myeloma is a malignant tumor caused by abnormal proliferation of clonal plasma cells, which seriously threatens human life. In our country, the incidence rate of multiple myeloma has exceeded acute leukemia , which is about one in 100,000. How to better diagnose and treat multiple myeloma and prolong patient survival has become an important research topic in the medical community. At the meeting, Professor Liu Jing used popular language and a professional perspective to explain in detail the 2022 Multiple Myeloma (MM) diagnosis and prognosis stratification, MM treatment, and MM supportive treatment and follow-up monitoring. Tumor (MM) guidelines, and conducted in-depth discussions with participants on related issues.

It is understood that the Department of Hematology of Loudi Central Hospital is a special specialty that the hospital focuses on developing. It is also the chairman unit of the Hematology Professional Committee of the Municipal Medical Association. It is also a clinical new drug research base, China Charity Federation Gleevec, Daxi Patient assistance centers such as Nana and Vanke have a high-level professional medical team. The department has bone marrow cell morphology room, bone puncture room, gene detection , complete set of anemia and DIC preliminary screening system and other monitoring rooms. It has carried out bone marrow biopsy, chromosomal genetic disease, cell flow cytometry, blood cell separation, and stem cell collection. New technologies such as surgery are being prepared, and new projects such as bone marrow transplantation are being prepared to provide strong support for the diagnosis of various blood diseases . The department has also set up a laminar flow ward to provide a better treatment environment for chemotherapy patients and treat various types of anemia, acute and chronic leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, hemophilia, hypersplenism, chronic bone marrow The diagnosis and treatment of value-proliferative tumors have achieved remarkable results. The convening of this academic conference will surely further promote the development of the hematology discipline in our city and better serve the people's health.