It's already mid-July, and after the Little Summer Festival has passed, the "Dog Days" that make many people change their minds are about to arrive. Summer is hot and rainy, and Dog Day is the hottest and humid stage of the entire summer.

It is now mid-July. After the Xiaoshu solar term has passed, the " dog days of summer " that make many people blush is about to arrive. Summer is hot and rainy, and Dog Day is the hottest and humid stage of the entire summer.

At this time, many people will choose to drink tea to maintain health. On the one hand, drinking tea can replenish the water lost in the body; on the other hand, the natural substances contained in tea are also beneficial to our health; on the other hand, drinking tea can make people calm down, maintain a peaceful state, and spend the summer better. However, there are certain things to pay attention to when drinking tea. If you don't pay attention to some taboos, it will be self-defeating.

Now that the dog days of summer are approaching, don’t drink tea indiscriminately. Take a look at the “3 don’ts and 2 don’ts” summarized by old tea drinkers. The earlier you understand, the earlier you will benefit.

"3 no"

. Do not drink cold tea

The "sauna day" mode in midsummer has made many people start to drink cold brew tea to cool down. However, making tea with cold water will not only affect the evaporation of tea aroma, but also cause irritation to people. It is not as good as hot tea to relieve the heat, so it is not recommended to drink it.

. Drink tea immediately after a meal

Many friends drink a cup of tea immediately after a meal to relieve tiredness and refresh themselves. In fact, this is a wrong behavior. It is best to drink tea half an hour or an hour after a meal, which can speed up the decomposition of food and will not increase the burden on the body.

. Do not drink tea on an empty stomach

Tea contains natural substances and should not be drunk on an empty stomach. Drinking tea on an empty stomach in the morning is likely to cause discomfort, such as feeling dizzy, so you should generally drink tea after eating.

"2 important points"

. Drink light tea , warm tea

The ancients have long said that "weak tea and warm drinks are the most nourishing." The large amount of tannic acid contained in strong tea will directly stimulate the body. And in the hot summer, it is more suitable to drink light tea, which can be drunk when it is warm. It is soft and delicious in the mouth, and can relax the body and mind, cool down and cool down.

. Drink tea in season

The four seasons rotate, and the climate in each season is very different. According to the laws of natural changes, drinking tea in season is more beneficial. In the hot summer, what kind of tea is more suitable? Next, let us take a look at the "4 teas" that old tea drinkers often drink ~

1. Qingchi Ju Tea

Before and after the onset of hot weather, when the temperature is around 40 degrees, even if we are sitting indoors, we will feel I feel hot in my heart, and chrysanthemum tea can be said to be the number one popular herbal tea among the people. In the hot summer, a cup of refreshing chrysanthemum tea seems to have diluted the heat all over your body, making you feel refreshed.

There are many kinds of chrysanthemums in my country, and there are many that can be made into tea raw materials. The Qingchi chrysanthemum from Kaifeng is one of the treasures. During the Northern Song period, it was offered as a tribute because of its superior quality. Its flowers not only have an elegant fragrance and bright color, but also contain many natural substances.

Especially Qingchiju contains a lot of flavonoids, so making tea with it is good for your eyes. In addition, when the weather is hot, people tend to get upset easily. Why not drink some chrysanthemum tea at this time to cool down and calm your mind?

2. Bamboo Leaf Green Tea

Bamboo Leaf Green tea belongs to the green tea category in my country, and it is also the representative of Sichuan tea . The vast mountainous area of ​​Sichuan, like Mount Emei, has a superior natural environment and is extremely suitable for the growth of tea trees. The bamboo leaf green tea produced here has a unique flavor and is rich in nutrients, including tea polyphenols, amino acids, , etc. In summer, the high temperature can easily make people lose their energy. This tea can cope with this situation and restore you full of energy.

As a kind of green tea, bamboo leaf green tea is of course relatively cold in nature. Its tea leaves and tea soup are very green and have a fragrant smell. Generally, the higher the quality of bamboo leaf green tea, the more delicate the buds and leaves. When brewing, it is best to use a glass cup, which makes it easier to enjoy the tea.But note that this tea should not be brewed for a long time. It can be drunk after the aroma is released. Over time, its original flavor will be lost.

3. Fuding White Tea

White tea is also one of the six major tea categories in my country. Its history is also very long, which can be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is famous for its silvery, snow-like appearance. Compared with green tea, it is slightly fermented and has a milder nature. For some people who are not suitable for regular drinking of green tea, white tea is also a good choice to relieve the heat in summer, especially the old white tea that has been stored for a long time and has better quality.

According to the different fresh leaf raw materials and processing methods, the finished white tea products are divided into different types, such as Pekoe Silver Needle , White Peony , Gongmei , etc. The characteristic of Baihao Silver Needle is its slim appearance. When making tea, the aroma it emits is very fresh, the tea soup will appear light yellow, and the taste in the mouth is fresh and smooth. In hot weather, drinking this tea can dissipate the heat and make you feel refreshed.

4. Fatty Sea Tea

In the extremely hot summer days, most people are prone to getting angry, especially some male friends. Usually, they will become angry if they don’t pay attention to their diet. In addition, they have the habit of smoking, which often makes their throats feel sore. uncomfortable. If you want to moisturize your mouth and reduce internal heat, Pangdahai Tea is an excellent choice.

The characteristic of this tea is that it is very clear and moist. Its raw material, fat sea , is mature plant seeds with high nutritional value. When choosing the finished Pangdahai, the one with uniform size and full particles is the best. The Huazhong Medicine that many tea drinkers keep in their homes is one with a high reputation. Use it to make tea, and the taste is not bland at all, with a slight sweetness. If you add wolfberry, the taste will be more mellow.