Doctors in the past dynasties divided the water for decoction into many types. For example, "Medical True Story" introduces long-flowing water, rapid-flowing water, downstream water, counter-current water, thousand-mile water, half-day river water, spring rainwater, autumn dew wa

Doctors in the past dynasties divided the water for decoction into many types. For example, " medical biography " introduces long flowing water, rapid flowing water, downstream water, countercurrent water, thousands of miles of water, half-day river water, spring rain, autumn dew water, snowflake water, well flower water, newly collected water, and rootless water. There are many kinds of water, such as Juying water, Lian water, Ganlan water, Yueku water and so on. The reason why the ancients gave water so many names was actually based on the influence of traditional Chinese thinking and the combination of the properties and functions of different types of water. In the eyes of the ancients, the properties of water are not static. It will also change with factors such as season, region, environment, and human processing.

Rapidly flowing water

Rapid flowing water on a turbulent surface. Because of its rapid and rapid properties, it is often used as a decoction to relieve constipation and to treat wind below the shins. It is said that some people have a disease that has difficulty urinating, and many doctors cannot cure it. However, Zhangzi and only changed the water used for decoction to flowing water, and used it to decoct the prodrugs. They achieved miraculous effects by taking advantage of the rapid water's ability to pass the water and drink it.

Downstream water

The nature of downstream water is similar to that of rapid water. Therefore, it is often used to decoct and extract medicines to treat symptoms of lower back pain, waist and knees, and to relieve constipation.

Counter-flow water

Water that swirls and flows backward during the flow process. The ancients believed that its properties were reversed and its effects tended to be upward rather than downward, so it was often used to decoct and make phlegm-inducing drinks.

The rainwater at the beginning of spring

its nature is the beginning of spring's growth and growth, and it can help the development of all things. It is mostly used for decoction of medicines in which the qi in is insufficient and the clear qi does not rise.


Dew is small water droplets attached to vegetation. When there is a lot of dew in autumn, it can be collected in a dish. In the eyes of the ancients, dew was a supreme product of great health-preserving value, so sages often collected dew for later use, either to make tea, to make wine, or to treat diseases. There are many kinds of dew introduced in "Compendium of Materia Medica", including dew on flowers, autumn dew on the heads of hundreds of grasses, dew on cypress leaves, etc. Each of them changes with the physical properties and has different effects. For example, the dew on flowers brings good color; while the dew on cypress leaves improves eyesight. The autumn dew in the dew is collected in autumn when there is a lot of dew. The dew at this time has the astringent and chilling air of autumn, and is often used to decoct medicines that moisten the lungs and kill evil spirits.

Well Spring Water

Well Spring Water is not the collective name of well water and spring water, but refers to well water alone. The water drawn for the first time in the morning is called Jinghua water. The Qi of Tianyi Zhenjing floats on the water surface, so it is used to decoct yin-tonifying medicine. It can also be used to cook medicine to treat phlegm fire and regulate qi and blood. " Synopsis of the Golden Chamber " Fengyin Decoction is a decoction of well flowers in water. It can treat Fengyin in adults and convulsions and scabies in children. It is used to help clear away heat.

Ganlan Shui

Ganlan Shui is also known as Lao Shui, Yang Fan Shui and Gan Lan Shui. The preparation of Ganlan water is more troublesome. You have to use a spoon or ladle to lift the water in the container thousands of times, and wait until a large number of small water droplets appear in the water in the container. The ancients believed that the original nature of water is salty and heavy. After it is boiled, the nature of the water will change and become sweet and light. Therefore, decoction with such water has special effects. "Medical True Story" believes that Ganlan water can be used to decoct medicine to treat yin syndrome of typhoid fever. "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" contains Poria, Guizhi, Licorice and Dazao Decoction to treat diaphoresis. For patients with subumbilical palpitations who may develop the syndrome of running pigs, this is a typhoid-yin syndrome - yang deficiency and drinking. This recipe uses Gan Lan water decoction, which means it does not help kidney qi but benefits the spleen and stomach.


"Compendium of Materia Medica·Water Department": "The rainwater that falls is called 潦, and the rain is called 潦." That is, the running water on the road or the rainwater accumulated in low-lying places after heavy rain or long rain. It is said to be a medicine for decoction, regulating the spleen and stomach and removing dampness and heat. " Treatise on Febrile Diseases " Ephedra and Forsythia Chixiaodou Decoction is used to treat typhoid fever with blood stasis and heat in the body and yellowing of the body. Use water for decoction. It has a thin taste and does not help moisture and relieve heat.

Lianshui in "The True Story of Medicine", also known as rootless water, refers to an uninhabited place in the valley. The water stored in the Xintuke depression has a rustic memory because of its stable nature, so it is mostly used for cooking. A medicine that replenishes Qi and regulates spleen and stomach .

Baibo Soup

Baibo Soup is also known as hot soup, Taihe soup, and Mabo soup. It refers to boiled hot water, and it is best to boil it a hundred times, so it is called. "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" Dahuang Huanglian Xiexin Decoction is used to treat heart palpitations, wetness, and floating pulse. Use Mabo Decoction to soak the three yellows, which means that the qi is thin and the deficiency heat is released. In addition, the Fuzi Xiexin Decoction used to treat heat and yang deficiency in Treatise on Febrile Diseases also uses Mabo Decoction to soak Sanhuang, and its purpose is similar to the former.

In fact, the water used by the ancients to decoct medicine is by no means limited to the above-mentioned types. There are many more that have not been discussed, such as spring water, slurry water, solar term water, etc. These waters may have special effects, but their detailed mechanisms have not yet been elucidated. The ancients gave some explanations under the influence of traditional thinking, some of which have traces of mechanical application of the overall view and the use of images and analogies to reason, and their cultural flavor is stronger than that of medicine.

Baibo Soup

Baibo Soup is also known as hot soup, Taihe soup, and Mabo soup. It refers to boiled hot water, and it is best to boil it a hundred times, so it is called. "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" Dahuang Huanglian Xiexin Decoction is used to treat heart palpitations, wetness, and floating pulse. Use Mabo Decoction to soak the three yellows, which means that the qi is thin and the deficiency heat is released. In addition, the Fuzi Xiexin Decoction used to treat heat and yang deficiency in Treatise on Febrile Diseases also uses Mabo Decoction to soak Sanhuang, and its purpose is similar to the former.

In fact, the water used by the ancients to decoct medicine is by no means limited to the above-mentioned types. There are many more that have not been discussed, such as spring water, slurry water, solar term water, etc. These waters may have special effects, but their detailed mechanisms have not yet been elucidated. The ancients gave some explanations under the influence of traditional thinking, some of which have traces of mechanical application of the overall view and the use of images and analogies to reason, and their cultural flavor is stronger than that of medicine.