Speaking of cat's eye grass, many people know it. Five small yellow flowers bloom in spring, like cat's eyes, with white slurry like milk after the stems and leaves are broken. Ordinary Chinese medicine doctors rarely use cat's eye grass. First, they do not conceal its medicinal

Cat's Eye Grass --- a life-saving grass for cancer patients Later, my neighbor told me a prescription: scramble eggs with Cat's Eye Grass and take it once a day. After getting the prescription, it was like grasping a life-saving straw. I immediately went to Siergou Laojiangou to look for cat's eye grass. I brought the grass back, but I remember my neighbor said it was poisonous. For my father's safety, after the medicine was cooked, I tasted it first. I can't remember the specific taste, but I didn't have any discomfort, so I gave my father the medicine regularly according to the prescription. My father took it for half a month and his physical condition really improved. I took my father to Changchun Road Hospital for a review. The doctor was extremely surprised, "It's too small!?" and asked me, "Did you cure it?" I nodded, "How did you cure it?" I told him the prescription that my neighbor gave me. He went to the doctor and gave him a cat's eye grass during the second review.

The following is an article on the Internet Cat's Eye Grass---A life-saving grass for cancer patients My father passed away in 1972. From the time he was diagnosed with lung cancer to the time he passed away, we lived together for another 6 years. But thankfully, my father’s lungs never hurt again until his death. Thank you so much to that enthusiastic neighbor! In 1986, a co-worker's father suffered from cancer. I passed this recipe on to her and accompanied her to the mountain to search for it. But after searching for a whole day, I couldn't even see the shadow of the cat's eye grass. “This kind of grass disappeared a few years ago,” an aunt who lives at the foot of the mountain told us. Later, I heard from a friend that she bought this herbal medicine from Dalian Pharmaceutical Company. After her father used it, the effect was very good. One day last year, while chatting with an old friend, I learned that her sister had a tumor on her neck and went to Shanghai for surgery. However, the disease recurred not long after and she had already had two surgeries. Moreover, my friend also suffered from the same disease as her sister. She could feel an obvious mass when touching it with her hands. She said her neck was so tight that it was uncomfortable. I thought of that recipe again. My friend searched everywhere and finally found cat's eye grass in the big black stone. In April this year, we made an appointment to travel together. When we met, she happily told me that the tumor on her neck could not be touched and she felt relieved. I feel indescribably happy, this recipe is so useful!

There is a strange weed in the countryside. It can cure diseases, but it can also be fatal! Soup Vision In rural areas, there are countless kinds of weeds. Many of them are wild vegetables, which can be eaten regularly. Some are Chinese herbal medicines, which can be collected to treat diseases. However, some weeds cannot be eaten. , even poisonous. However, there is a kind of strange weed that can cure diseases and even kill people! It is what farmers often call cat's ear grass! Farmers know that cat's ear grass is very toxic, but it is a poisonous grass. It has been dug up by farmers for so many years. Now it is difficult to find one in the wild. What's going on? Because in recent years, it has been spread that cat's ear grass has the effect of treating tumors and can even go home after death. As a result, more and more people are digging, and there used to be grass everywhere, but now it has become a strange thing. When I was a child, I would go into the mountains to dig wild vegetables, and the adults would always tell them not to touch the cat's ear grass. The venom of this type of cat's ear grass is the milky white sap that is discharged after you break its stem. When we were a little kid, I accidentally fucked a little on my hand. As a result, my fingers were red and swollen, which took several days to fade. I would like to hear from my friends that a neighbor has advanced lung cancer and immediately scrambled eggs with fresh cat's eye grass, once a day, and the effect will be effective within ten days. This next-door neighbor, who was suffering from advanced lung cancer, was "executed" by doctors. He heard these prescriptions from an old doctor and lived for seven or eight years purely by chance.

Cancer killer cat's eye grass

More than 40 years ago, I saw cat's eye grass in the medicine garden. I heard the teacher said it could cure cancer, so I remembered it. Cat's eye grass gets its name from the shape of its flowers. Every year in mid-spring, cat's-eye grass gradually grows taller. Its roots are brown or dark brown, and its leaves are yellow-green, which is very similar to the color of cabbage (cabbage). It is light green, with yellow in the green, and green in the yellow, stacked up like a small pagoda. Born. Its flowers bloom in the last layer, in the form of flower heads.However, the flowers of cat's eye grass don't look much like flowers. They look like two small rotating disks held by an acrobat with a stick. Against the background of green leaves, they really look like two round cat eyes, hence the name cat's eyes. Grass. Cat's-eye grass is a perennial herb of the Euphorbiaceae family. It is also known as spurge, cat's-eye grass, rotten scar eye , masturbation , etc. It is found in my country except the four provinces of Hainan, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Tibet. distributed. Cat's eye grass does not care about soil, regardless of drought or flood. It often grows on roadsides, weeds, hillsides, under forests, riversides, barren hills, sand dunes and grasslands. Because of the milky white sap that flows out after its stem is broken and has a sticky feeling, it is also called milk spurge. The white syrup is slightly toxic and can cause numbness in the mouth and throat, stomach discomfort, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and even dizziness and other poisoning phenomena. When applied to the skin, redness and swelling will appear. However, cat's eye grass is the nemesis of cancer. Li Shizhen has records in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" about cat's eye grass treating men and women scrofula. Scrofula is called lymphatic tuberculosis in modern medicine. In traditional Chinese medicine, it refers to the disease in which tuberculosis bacteria invades lymph nodes and develops nuclei. It is commonly known as scrofula. It mostly occurs in the neck and sometimes in the armpits. Add cat's eye grass and water to make a paste and apply it to the affected area three to five times before the disease is cured. Chinese folk medicine uses cat's eye grass to treat cancer. An old man in Dalian coughed up blood and was found to have lung cancer. Doctors gave him less than three months to live. In desperation, the family tried the folk recipe of scrambled eggs with cat's eye grass to give the old man both dietary therapy and medicinal treatment, and made it for the old man to eat every day. During the follow-up examination half a month later, the doctor was surprised that the cancer had shrunk significantly. If this continued, the old man survived for more than six years, and when he died, he was no longer a cancer patient. His family introduced this recipe to the father of a colleague who also suffered from cancer, and he also received good results. In some information about cat's eye grass, there are also case records of using it to treat stomach cancer, breast cancer, esophageal cancer, and thyroid cancer. This shows the magical effect of cat's eye grass in treating cancer. In addition, cat's eye grass can also treat chronic tracheitis , and the effect is obvious. Because the sap of cat's eye grass can cause redness and swelling on the skin, numbness in the mouth, and red eyes and pain if it gets into the eyes, the elderly generally do not let their children touch it. He also said that if you watch less cat's eye grass, if you watch too much, it will become " cross-eyed ". In fact, cat's eye grass is very cute, especially the two round disc-shaped flowers, which are bright and tender yellow and very delicate. The stamens under the "disk" are like tiny cauliflowers and look very delicate. For a while, I often stared at this "elf"-like flower. Fortunately, my eyes stood firm and were not attracted to each other unprincipledly into "cross-eyed". I was thinking that if I had the opportunity to have land, I could plant cat's eye grass in a large area. In the yellow and green, pairs of cat's eyes looking up at the blue sky mischievously would be spectacular. Some people say that cat's eye grass has flowers that look like cat's eyes, and the cat's eyes change color during the day and night, so its flower language is "fickle". I feel that people blessed by this flower language have unstable temperaments and are prone to change. I don't think so. Cat's eye grass does not have any excessive demands on nature. It can thrive regardless of whether the land is fertile or barren, whether it is drought or rain. It can be used as medicine throughout the body to fight against the most stubborn diseases - various cancers, to treat various swellings and pains, to treat bone hyperplasia , bone spurs, etc. It can also reduce inflammation and swelling to treat various internal diseases. Its fruit is rich in oil, and its oil yield rate can reach 30%, making it a good industrial oil. With such a spirit of asking for so little and devoting one's whole body, how can there be any fickleness in thinking? We should sing a special song about cat's eye grass! "It's neither delicate nor pretty, nor like a flower. The two cat eyes are a wonder. The whole body is dedicated to Baole, and it is the nemesis of cancer." On this day when cat's eye grass is the birthday flower, writing these four lines can be regarded as my appreciation of cat eyes. Please give me some compliments.

Warm reminder : The various prescriptions and prescriptions involved in this article are only for reference and study by professional Chinese medicine practitioners and cannot be used as prescriptions. Please do not blindly test medicines. This platform does not assume any responsibility arising therefrom!

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