Every summer, the body goes through a "scorching roasting experience." Once the temperature and humidity are too high at the same time, heatstroke will occur, ranging from nausea and vomiting to #heatstroke, which is severe heatstroke. According to reports, West China Hospital tr

Every summer, the body will experience a "scorching roasting experience." Once the temperature and humidity are too high at the same time, heatstroke will occur, ranging from nausea and vomiting to #heatstroke, which is severe heatstroke. According to reports, West China Hospital treated three cases of heat stroke in one day. Patients usually suffered from local muscle spasm, high fever, dyspnea and even multiple organ failure. There are three times of the day when you are most vulnerable to heat stroke. Learn how to save yourself↓

What are the symptoms and dangers of heat stroke?

In addition to the symptoms of heat stroke, heat stroke often manifests as a rapid increase in body temperature exceeding 40°C, burning of the skin, no sweat, confusion, and severe damage to multiple organ systems such as acute liver function and renal dysfunction. If not Prompt and effective disposal may even be life-threatening.

Under what circumstances are people prone to heat stroke?

There are two types of people who often suffer from heat stroke: the first type is healthy young people who engage in high-intensity physical labor in high temperature and high humidity environments, such as athletes, workers, military officers and soldiers, etc., who often suffer from acute illness; the other type is more It is seen in the elderly, frail, and chronically ill patients, and usually has a gradual onset.

Reduced heat resistance, potential disease factors (physical discomforts such as colds, fevers, diarrhea, etc.), insufficient hydration, lack of sleep, and obesity are common causes of heat stroke.

How to prevent heat stroke?

. Try to avoid engaging in high-intensity physical labor or high-intensity training in high-temperature and high-humidity environments;

. Carry out scientific training for hot environments in advance to enhance your tolerance to heat (thermal acclimation), and choose breathable clothing. Strong fabric;

. Take in a small amount of water many times during exercise and supplement salt appropriately;

. Elderly patients should effectively treat and control basic diseases and improve room ventilation;

. Develop a healthy lifestyle and avoid overexertion;

as How should non-medical personnel handle suspected heat stroke cases?

Cool down! Emergency cooling! causes the body temperature to rapidly drop below 39°C within 30 minutes and below 38.5°C within 2h. Get to hospital quickly!

. Get out of the high temperature and high humidity environment as soon as possible, move to a ventilated and cool place, lay the patient down and remove all clothes;

. Spray the whole body with cold water or wipe the whole body with a wet towel, and fan to speed up evaporation and convection heat dissipation;

. Conditional opening Adequately replenish fluids through the intravenous channel and carry out relevant symptomatic treatment;

. Send to the doctor quickly. During transportation, place ice cubes in areas with rich blood flow (bilateral neck, groin, and armpits), or place the patient in cold water. In the bath (water temperature is 15-20°C), seek professional treatment from the hospital.