In recent years, with the advancement of people's thinking in daily life, more and more people may take care of their bodies through health care methods, because people gradually realize that the quality of life has improved, and only by having a healthy body can they enjoy the b

In recent years, with the advancement of people's thinking in daily life, more and more people may take care of their bodies through health care methods, because people gradually realize that the quality of life has improved, and only with a healthy body can they enjoy it. good life.

There are many ways to maintain health, but because many people do not know much about health preservation, they may accidentally fall into misunderstandings about health preservation.

I think some female friends in daily life should be familiar with saffron as an ingredient. Saffron has a relatively good effect in health care, and its nutritional value is also very high. It can be soaked in water to drink. It can bring certain benefits to the body, so what will happen to people who often drink saffron water?

What will happen if you often drink saffron water?

  • Regulate the immune system

Most people must be very eager to have strong immunity, because a strong immune system can help prevent external viruses and bacteria from invading the body, and also help reduce the risk of disease to a certain extent.

Some nutrients in saffron can help regulate the immune system after entering the human body. Therefore, if you do not want your immunity to get worse, I hope everyone can consider drinking some saffron soaked water in your daily life.

  • Beauty and Beauty

It is a woman’s nature to love beauty. In daily life, many female friends also use various methods to care for their skin.

If you insist on taking care of your skin for a period of time and find that the effect is not obvious, you may wish to consider drinking some saffron soaked in water in moderation, which may help to beautify your skin and make your skin look better.

  • Caring for the cardiovascular system

Cardiovascular health may be directly related to a person's physical health, because blood vessels are the place where blood circulates, and only by the continuous beating of the heart can normal blood circulation be maintained.

Drinking some saffron soaked water in moderation can protect the cardiovascular system to a certain extent, so those with poor cardiovascular function may wish to drink some saffron soaked water in moderation.

  • Improve Irregular menstruation

Menstruation is a physiological sign unique to female friends. Many female friends also love and hate it when menstruation comes. If menstruation is delayed, people will feel very worried, but menstruation will come on time. The feeling of backache or dysmenorrhea is very uncomfortable.

For those female friends with irregular menstruation, you can also consider drinking some saffron in moderation. Soaking it in water may help regulate menstruation to a certain extent.

Doctor: It is best for these types of people not to "just join in the fun"

, pregnant women

Pregnant women themselves are a special group of people. If they are not careful or have some bad behavioral habits, it can easily lead to the health of themselves or their fetuses. The situation is affected.

If pregnant women drink saffron soaked water, it may increase the excitability and tension of the uterus, and in severe cases, miscarriage may even occur.

, Girls in menstrual period

Although drinking some saffron water in moderation can help regulate menstruation and improve irregular menstruation or other conditions, for those female friends who are in their menstrual period, it is best not to be blind. Drink saffron infused water.

Because saffron can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, drinking it during menstruation may cause excessive blood circulation and excessive menstrual blood loss.

. People with gastrointestinal discomfort

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, saffron soaking in water has little connection with the gastrointestinal function, but for those who have gastrointestinal discomfort, I hope you can stay away from saffron soaking in water.

If quoted blindly, it may cause a certain burden on the gastrointestinal tract. In severe cases, it may increase the risk of gastritis gastric ulcer, so special attention must be paid to this point.

After all, saffron is an ingredient with very high nutritional value, so it is relatively expensive. People are also very cautious when buying saffron, fearing that they will buy fake and shoddy products.

Here are some tips to share with you on how to choose the right saffron to avoid pitfalls.

How to choose saffron?


The medicinal part of saffron is the all-red part at the top of the pistil stigma of the saffron flower. After the saffron is dried, it appears as a red filament, with a stamen-like stigma at the top that expands like a trumpet. Although the top of fake saffron may be It will be thicker, but not as enlarged as a bell mouth.

[Soak in water]

Soak in water to identify dyed fake saffron. Although saffron is red, when it is first soaked in water, it is yellow when the concentration is low. Generally, the fake saffron on the market is dyed and can only be soaked into red water.


Wipe the saffron on a piece of white paper to determine whether the saffron is dyed. Take a few saffron sticks and rub them vigorously on white paper to see the traces left on the white paper. Real saffron will leave yellow or orange on the white paper, while dyed saffron is generally red.

[Iodine wine]

Iodine wine can tell whether saffron is made with starch raw materials. Because starch will turn blue when exposed to iodine, if it is made from starch and added with saffron, just add a few drops of iodine to the sample. If it turns blue, it is fake saffron.

Do you have anything else to add about the precautions for drinking saffron water? Welcome to leave a comment below.