Rhinitis recurs, with constant nasal congestion, runny nose, and itchy nose. What should I do? Let me tell you about a medicine called Angelica dahurica, which can dispel wind and cold, remove dampness and relieve itching, relieve pain and clear up the orifices. So, how does Ange

Rhinitis recurs, with constant nasal congestion, runny nose, and itchy nose. What should I do?

Let me tell you about a medicine called Angelica dahurica , which can dispel wind and cold, remove dampness and relieve itching, relieve pain and clear up the orifices. So, how does Angelica dahuricae treat rhinitis?

We must first understand rhinitis.

First, think about it, sinusitis , chronic rhinitis , allergic rhinitis all have one common symptom: runny nose. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this nasal discharge is phlegm, which is a type of phlegm-dampness . Angelica dahurica is pungent and warm in nature and can just remove dampness.

Secondly, the nasal orifice is connected to the lungs. According to traditional Chinese medicine, rhinitis is often related to weak lung qi, lack of solid defense, and abnormal circulation and decline of lung qi. When Angelica dahurica enters the lung meridian, it can dissipate wind and cold, disperse external evils, and restore lung qi to dissipate.

Third, there is our spleen and stomach , which are actually closely connected with the nasal orifices. Only when the water and grain essence produced by the spleen and stomach nourishes the nose orifice upwards can the nose function normally. Angelica dahurica enters the stomach meridian and can invigorate the Yangming meridian qi so that it can reach the nose orifice.

Therefore, Angelica dahurica has a good relieving effect on nasal congestion, runny nose, nasal itching, etc., and can regulate rhinitis.

How to use Angelica dahurica? Teach you two methods.

The first one:

prepare Angelica dahurica, rice . First boil the Angelica dahurica in water to get the concoction. Then cook the rice and concoction together once or twice a day. This method has a therapeutic effect on nasal congestion, runny nose, headache, etc.

The second one:

Prepare angelica dahurica and ginger juice . This method comes from "Taiping Shenghui Prescription". First grind the Angelica dahurica into fine powder, then mix it with ginger juice into a paste, and apply it externally on temples . This method has a good therapeutic effect on nasal congestion, runny nose, and stuffy nose caused by exogenous wind-cold and weak lung qi.

Finally, I want to remind you. Although Angelica dahurica is effective in treating rhinitis, you should know that Angelica dahurica is a little toxic, which may occur when excessive dosage is used. Therefore, do not use it blindly and must be guided by a professional doctor.

Do you have rhinitis problem?