Today I’m going to talk to you about belching, which is what we often call hiccups. In most cases, belching is a normal physiological phenomenon, but sometimes it is a precursor to disease, which mostly occurs in the stomach, such as chronic gastritis and non-atrophic gastritis.

Today I will talk to you about belching , which is what we often call belching . In most cases, belching is a normal physiological phenomenon, but sometimes it is a precursor to disease, which mostly occurs in the stomach, such as Chronic gastritis , non-atrophic gastritis, etc.

Belching is the sound made by the gas in the stomach going up and out of the throat. The sound is long and slow, accompanied by gastric distension, loss of appetite, heartburn, nausea and vomiting, etc.

belching is divided into active belching (burping) and passive belching.

Passive belching mostly occurs when eating, drinking, or drinking. Excess gas in the stomach is squeezed out by gastric peristalsis and belched out.

Active belching mostly occurs during non-meal hours. Due to some discomfort, the mouth is slightly opened and a swallowing movement is made to swallow a little air and then belched out. The discomfort is relieved. This is active and controllable . Occasional belching is a normal phenomenon, while frequent belching is a disease state, which is the main symptom of a variety of digestive tract diseases (including reflux esophagitis, chronic gastritispeptic ulcer and functional dyspepsia In traditional Chinese medicine, belching is also called belching qi. When it comes to the spleen and stomach, is due to the loss of balance between the stomach and the decrease of . The clear yang does not rise, and the turbid qi rises and reverses. In addition, the liver is not loose, and eventually the gas rushes up to the throat. Zhi, the sound is slow and long. "Ancient and Modern Medical Traditions: Disharmony between the spleen and stomach, phlegm and fire" said: "Belling is mostly caused by disharmony of stomach qi and obstruction." Stomach qi Descending the stomach qi is an important rule for treating belching. A patient came to the outpatient clinic. He was thirty-seven years old. He started to belch half a year ago. He didn't pay much attention at the time. He thought he was overeating and just ignored it. Later, the belching became more and more frequent. It is also accompanied by epigastric pain, dizziness, bad breath, bitter taste in the mouth, vomiting, and upset. No matter how much he eats or how little he eats, he will always belch after a meal. In the long run, it can last for two hours, which brings serious consequences to his life. This caused great distress and made Mr. Wang miserable. He said that he did not dare to use chopsticks when he went out to socialize. He could only watch others eating, for fear that he would burp at the dinner table and leave a bad impression on the customers. Later, through video Found me

After pulse diagnosis and tongue diagnosis , the pulse was stringy and strong, and the tongue was dark red. This was caused by liver and stomach stagnation, heat and disharmony of the stomach. Considering that Mr. Wang's course of illness was long, the righteousness It has been injured, so use Inula instead of ochre soup to remove licorice , ginger, and jujube, take 26 grams of inula, 15 grams of raw ocher, 9 grams of pinellia, 15 grams of Codonopsis pilosula, 5 grams of fried Coptis chinensis, and stir-fry 2 grams of Haoyu, 6 grams of Zhuru, with Zuojin Pills (Evodia and Coptis) to clear away liver fire, plus ointment .

When I met Mr. Wang again, it was already a week later. Just looking at Mr. Wang's expression, I knew that the stone in his heart was much lighter, and my mission was almost completed. The reason why had obvious results was Because it hits the right path.

Bamboo mushroom is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine with a sweet taste and cold nature. It can enter the stomach meridian and lung meridian. Its main functions are to clear away heat, relieve vomiting, and refresh the body and mind. Together with Evodia and Coptidis, it can clear liver fire

In addition to taking medicine, We should also pay attention to the changes in our daily living habits. Here, Teacher Yang gives you four suggestions:

In order to reduce recurrence, we should eat less spicy and greasy food, use less alcohol and tobacco, and eat more fruits, vegetables, and green foods.

1. Eating should be moderate, regular and quantitative.

2. Eat foods that are easy to digest. Avoid foods that are too greasy, too sweet, and difficult to digest.

3. It is best to take a walk after a meal, which can stimulate gastrointestinal motility, promote gastric motility, and improve gastric function.

4. You should relax mentally, develop a good lifestyle, adjust your emotions, avoid being angry and overthinking, and pay attention to rest.

Finally, I will share with you a way to relieve the occasional belching and chest distension.

To regulate the spleen and stomach, press the middle region of the abdomen. The "Zhongwan" point in the center of the navel connection line is quite effective.While exhaling, use your thumb to press hard here for 6 seconds. When repeated 5 times, the uncomfortable feeling in the chest will disappear.

Well, that’s it for today’s sharing. If you have any questions, you can leave them in the comment area.

PS: Some of the articles and pictures are from the Internet and will be deleted. The various treatments and prescriptions involved are only for information sharing and do not serve as medical advice, recommendations or guidelines. If you have any discomfort, please consult a professional doctor for diagnosis.

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