It’s the season of eating melons again. Whether in supermarkets or roadside stalls, you can see watermelons. I believe everyone who sees them will pick a big watermelon and go back to try it. Especially the watermelon that has been chilled on a hot summer day. Eating a piece of i

It’s the season of eating melons again. Whether in supermarkets or roadside stalls, you can see watermelons. I believe everyone who sees them will pick a big watermelon and go back to try it. Especially the watermelon that has been chilled on a hot summer day. Eating a piece of it is sweet and refreshing, making you feel refreshed. After eating one piece, you still want to have another piece, and you can’t stop. Store leftovers in the refrigerator and eat again the next day.

Here comes the important point. Recently, I suffered from gastroenteritis due to eating refrigerated ice watermelon and I went to the hospital. The number of hospitalization records increased greatly. A family of three in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. The whole family ate overnight iced watermelon and began to feel nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Their parents were admitted to a local hospital. Tutu (pseudonym) not only developed gastroenteritis symptoms, but also developed anemia and anuria. , renal failure, he quickly came to the Nephrology Department of Xi'an Children's Hospital for hemodialysis and plasma exchange treatment.

Picture source: Weibo @headline news

I never expected that a family was hospitalized together after eating overnight watermelon, and the child's life was even in danger. Fortunately, the doctor saved his life by performing emergency plasma exchange.

Can you eat watermelon that has been left overnight? The doctor gave the answer, I can eat it. But when storing watermelon, you must ensure that it is hygienic. You don't just cover it with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator.

In summer, the weather is hot, and the rise in temperature is conducive to the growth of bacteria. The staff conducted bacterial culture experiments in the laboratory using various methods of cutting watermelon. Without strict protective measures, a mouthful of watermelon contains 8,400 bacteria. Are you scared to see this data?

Picture source: Quick look

The inside of a complete watermelon is normally sterile, but when we eat it, the process of cutting it open is the only channel for bacterial invasion.

Our melon-cutting knives, chopping boards, and hand hygiene of people cutting melons. For example, the melon-cutting knives and chopping boards must be specially used for cutting fruits. It is best to disinfect them again with boiling hot water before cutting the melons. , and then the skin of the melon. No one knows how many bacteria the skin of the melon carries. During the cutting process, it comes into contact with the flesh of the melon. One of them is our hands. We must disinfect and wash them thoroughly with soap or hand sanitizer, and cover them with plastic wrap. Well, do not store it together with raw meat, etc., to avoid the growth of bacteria to the greatest extent, thus affecting the health of melon friends.

