But something unexpected happened. Uncle Zhang suddenly fainted during morning exercises. After some timely treatment, it was discovered that Uncle Zhang had low immunity. So what is the reason why more and more people have low immunity?

65-year-old Uncle Zhang has been in poor health since his retirement and has been in a sub-healthy state for a long time. Helplessly, Uncle Zhang’s wife persuaded him to go out and exercise properly to improve his physical condition. Uncle Zhang followed his wife's advice.

But something unexpected happened. Uncle Zhang suddenly fainted during morning exercise. After some timely treatment, we found out that Uncle Zhang had low immunity. The shock phenomenon just occurred.

I believe that there are many people in life who have had the same experience as Uncle Zhang. So what is the reason why more and more people have low immunity? How to protect yourself once your immunity is weakened? Let’s explore this further.

1. The role of immunity in the body

1. Immune surveillance

Immunity plays the role of immune surveillance in the body. Once a certain virus enters the human body, B cells will remember it. If this virus invades the body again next time, the body will immediately produce corresponding antibodies to kill it.

2. Immune response

Immune response is also very important for the health of the body. This process mainly plays a key role in the lymphocyte . It has the functions of recognizing antigen , activating cells and immune killing. Through immune response, the effect of large-scale elimination of viruses can be achieved.

3. Immune memory

Immune memory is to exert a more powerful immune response. This is because when the same antigen stimulates the body again, the immune memory function will quickly activate. Completely remove pathogens from the body and restore health.

In summary, immunity is the barrier for the body to stay healthy. It can prevent viruses and maintain the body's internal environment balance. However, more and more people are facing the problem of low immunity. What is the reason for this? Let’s take a look at the reasons why.

2. Causes of low immunity

1. High pressure

With the development of modernization, people are facing increasing pressure from work and study. This will cause some people to be in a sub-healthy state for a long time. Some people will have tension and anxiety in their lives, which may lead to low immunity if developed over a long period of time.

2. Lack of exercise

Lack of exercise can also lead to decreased immunity. This is because people speed up the body's metabolism during exercise, which allows toxins and waste to be excreted from the body in time. At the same time, regular exercise can strengthen muscles and improve the body's immunity.

3. Staying up late for a long time

Staying up late for a long time will lead to disorders of the body's biological clock. This will cause an imbalance in the internal environment and slow down metabolism. Various toxins and garbage will accumulate in the body, creating conditions for the growth of viruses. Staying up late can also cause white blood cell necrosis and reduce the body's immunity.

4. Dietary partiality

Excessive reliance on certain foods can cause low immunity. For example, some people like to eat high-fat and high-sugar foods, which will increase the burden on the body. High-fat foods are not conducive to the body's metabolism, can cause obesity, and lead to low immunity.

Therefore, we must establish a high degree of protection awareness in daily life. You must know that physical health is not something that can be achieved overnight, but requires self-management over time. If you do the following aspects on a daily basis, everyone will not face the problem of low immunity.

3. How to improve body immunity?

1. Reasonable diet

Good eating habits are very important for improving immunity. recommends maintaining a balanced diet and eating more vegetables and fruits containing more vitamins and dietary fiber. For example, orange, carrot , kiwi , etc.

These foods are rich in zinc, selenium, vitamins B1, B2, etc. can effectively maintain the nutritional balance of the body and promote the metabolic capacity of the gastrointestinal tract. Improve the body's immunity. Don't give bacteria and viruses a chance to take advantage.

2. Keep a stable mood

Maintain a stable mood in daily life. Try to keep your mood happy and relaxed, and avoid tension and anxiety. It is recommended to exercise appropriately and participate in entertainment activities, such as listening to music, watching movies, etc., to relax your body and mind.

3. Reduce smoking and drinking

Try to avoid bad living habits, such as smoking and drinking. This is because long-term drinking and smoking will cause damage to various organs of the body and seriously destroy the balance of the body's internal environment. It will make the body tend to be in an unhealthy state and reduce the body's immunity.

In addition, the elderly should pay special attention to the body's immunity. This is because as age increases, the body functions of the elderly gradually weaken. Coupled with some underlying diseases, the immunity of the elderly is more likely to show signs of decline.


Through the above analysis, everyone clearly knows that a reasonable diet can enhance the body's immunity. Immunity plays an important role in the body. Only by improving immunity can the body's health be guaranteed.

At the same time, if you want to improve your immunity, you need to do three things. In life, you should eat a reasonable diet, stabilize your mood, and reduce smoking and drinking. Only by maintaining good living habits and having a positive and optimistic attitude can our bodies become stronger.