[Source: Zhejiang Women] The midsummer season has officially begun! Girls who love beauty, look over here, are you worried about the fat on your belly again? Do you want to wear a beautiful little skirt? Have you started your annual weight loss journey again... In order to allow

[Source: Zhejiang Women]

The midsummer season has officially begun!

Beauty-loving girls, look over here, are you worried about the fat on your belly again? Do you want to wear a beautiful little skirt? Have you started your annual weight loss journey again...

In order to allow everyone to spend the summer happily, today, "Zhejiang Women" will send you a weight loss guide, let's take action together!

How to "open your legs"


Rope skipping

As an aerobic exercise, rope skipping has a relatively high fat burning efficiency. Jumping rope for 20 minutes can achieve the fat-burning effect of jogging for an hour. When jumping rope, girls must pay attention to breathing through the nose, keeping the upper body upright, using force on the toes, and taking off and landing on the balls of the feet. After jumping, walk slowly for 5 minutes before stretching, the effect will be better! Novice girls must pay attention to gradual progress when they first start exercising. You can try exercising for a week first, and then enter the next stage according to your own situation.


Turning the Hula Hoop

Turning the Hula Hoop is also one of the more popular aerobic exercises at present. It can not only achieve the effect of exercise and slimming, but also help to strengthen the legs and arms. Of course, the prerequisite is that the exercise time must be long enough. When girls turn the hula hoop, they should use their abdominal strength to turn the hula hoop, thereby exercising the abdomen and consuming energy and fat. It is recommended that girls can do it for about 30-40 minutes, and the effect will be better. Girls who want to lose belly fat can try this method.


Take a walk

As the saying goes, "A walk is worth more than a hundred exercises." Taking a walk every day is good for the health of the "whole body." Under normal circumstances, the cadence should be controlled at 90-120 steps per minute. If you are walking after a meal, you must control the speed and rhythm and do not walk too fast. Girls can use a combination of slow walking and brisk walking when walking, and the exercise effect will be better.

Exercise is of course an important way

But only by combining exercise and diet properly

can we lose weight healthily and effectively

So how should we eat while exercising

Our small catering class has started

How to "control your mouth"

Staple food

Lose weight It does not mean not eating staple food. High-quality staple food can often bring greater motivation. During the period of weight loss, girls can try to eat one fist of staple food per meal and 2-3 fists of staple food every day. Of course, you can also use beans, yams, buckwheat noodles , whole wheat bread , etc. instead.


Vegetables are the first choice food for girls during the weight loss period. Because vegetables are low in calories, high in dietary fiber, and rich in vitamins, minerals, etc. When cooking, you should pay attention to the method of boiling with water as much as possible. It is recommended not to put too much oil. When choosing vegetables, you can choose spinach, lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, etc.


Can’t we eat meat during weight loss? of course not. Girls can choose appropriate protein intake, such as chicken, beef, fish and shrimp, etc. You can eat a palm of meat per meal, and you can also eat one or two eggs. Protein is not only found in animal foods, but also rich in protein in some soy products, such as soy milk, tofu, etc.

Girls who love beauty, let’s take action.

Let’s be stunning together this summer!


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Source/Provincial Tutoring Guidance Center

Editor/Yao Yujiao

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