Sanfu Tie is based on the principle of "nourishing yang in spring, summer, and nourishing yin in autumn and winter" in "Su Wen. Four Qi Tiaoshen Theory". During the dog days, when the yang energy is at its fullest throughout the year, specially prepared drugs act on the correspon

·2022 " three-volt post " application time

volt before: June 20-July 15

early volt: July 16-July 25

middle volt: July 26-August

The last volt on the 14th: August 15th - August 24

The next volt: August 24th - August 31

· What is the third volt?

As the saying goes: "Hot is in the third volt, cold is in the third nine." Dog Days occurs between the Xiaoshu and End of Summer . It is the hottest, humid and sultry day in the year. The "fu" in "Dog Days" refers to "fu evil". Among the so-called "six evils" (referring to "wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire"), the and summer evils are also the 40 days in a year when you are most likely to get sick!

Sanfu patch is based on the principle of "nourishing yang in spring, summer, and nourishing yin in autumn and winter" in "Suwen. Four Qi Tiaoshen Theory". During the dog days, when the yang energy is the most abundant throughout the year, specially prepared drugs act on the corresponding acupuncture points of the human body, which can The drug can continuously stimulate acupoints to achieve the effects of warming the meridians, dispersing cold , activating blood circulation and unblocking the meridians, and regulating the functions of the internal organs. It can not only improve clinical symptoms, but also improve the body's immunity, achieving the purpose of external treatment of internal diseases.

·What is #Sanfu paste traditional Chinese medicine health stickers, posted on Sanfu# "Winter disease and summer treatment"

[Winter disease]

refers to a type of disease that is prone to attack or worsen in autumn and winter. These diseases occur The root cause is that cold and dampness subdue evil and Yang Qi is damaged.

[Summer Treatment]

refers to the favorable time in the summer when the yang energy is strong in nature and the qi and blood are strong in the meridians of the human body. Through traditional Chinese medicine methods such as oral administration, external application or dietary therapy, the yang energy in the human body is generated, strengthened, and removed. Cold evil in the body can enhance disease resistance, reduce the number of attacks or reduce the severity of attacks in autumn and winter, thereby achieving the purpose of disease prevention and treatment.

· "Treatment of Winter Diseases and Summer" Treatment Types

① Respiratory system diseases

Chronic bronchitis, chronic cough, asthmatic bronchitis, emphysema , bronchial asthma , allergic rhinitis , recurrent respiratory tract Infected with etc.

② Painful diseases

Neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain, joint pain and numbness of limbs, frozen shoulder , rheumatoid arthritis , etc.

③ Digestive system diseases

Chronic gastritis , chronic colitis, cold-deficiency diarrhea, malabsorption, etc.

④ People with yang deficiency constitution

have lukewarm limbs and are afraid of cold, have weak constitution , low resistance, and suffer from repeated colds.

⑤ Obstetric and gynecological diseases

Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease , menstrual diarrhea, Lower Jiao deficiency and cold , uterine cold, dysmenorrhea, postpartum diseases, etc.

⑥Children's diseases

recurrent respiratory tract infection, rhinitis,pharyngitis,acute bronchitis, bronchopneumonia,asthma, etc.

⑦ Otorhinolaryngology diseases: allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, chronic pharyngitis , etc.

·Contraindications and caution for use

Contraindicated groups:

1. People with skin trauma, skin ulcers, and skin infections at the application site;

2. People who are allergic to the application drugs or ingredients of the dressing;

3. People with scarring constitution;

4. Doctors deem it inappropriate used patients.

People with caution:

1. Pregnant women or children under 2 years old:

2. AIDS , tuberculosis or other infectious diseases;

3. diabetes , blood diseases , malignant hypertension , severe heart and brain Patients with vascular disease , severe liver and kidney dysfunction, bronchiectasis, and malignant tumors;

4. Patients in the acute attack or exacerbation period of the disease.


1. Application time: The application time depends on physical fitness and tolerance. Generally, it takes 4-6 hours for adults and 2-3 hours for children. The application time can be shortened appropriately for the elderly, children and those with weak constitutions. .

2. Pay attention to local waterproofing. After application, there may be local skin flushing, burning or mild tingling. It is a normal reaction to have small blisters or leave pigmentation for a period of time.

3. When unbearable itching, burning, pain or large blisters appear on the skin after application, the applied medicine and dressing should be removed immediately. Scratching is prohibited. It is not advisable to apply medicine without authorization. See a doctor in time to prevent infection.

·Warm reminder

1. During the application of the medicine, you should reduce exercise, avoid sweating, and try to avoid direct blowing by fans and air conditioners: the clothes should be wide, soft, breathable cotton clothes, and be careful to prevent the ointment from staining the clothes.

2. During the application period, avoid eating cold, salty and other foods that may weaken the efficacy of the medicine. Avoid cold drinks and iced foods. Try to avoid tobacco, alcohol, seafood, spicy, beef and mutton and other foods.

3. Keep the application area dry. Take a bath with warm water six hours after the application and avoid scratching the area. You can take a bath after removing the application, but do not rub your back. After bathing, use a towel to gently absorb the water on the acupoint.

4. It is normal for a rash or slight blisters to appear on the application site, and burn ointment can be used for external application. If the blisters are not ruptured, you can apply some calamine lotion to the outside. If the blisters are large, you can prick them with a sterilized needle to drain the exudate and then disinfect the area to prevent infection.

5. Insist that Sanfu Tie is a course of treatment for three years, but Sanfu Tie cannot replace daily medication, and medication cannot be reduced or discontinued blindly.

If you follow me, you will have many doctor friends and you will be less troubled by diseases!