The importance of the liver is self-evident. The liver is a very important detoxification and metabolic organ of the human body. Once the liver function is damaged, it will be very detrimental to longevity. And a very special thing about the liver is that most liver diseases do n

The importance of the liver is self-evident. The liver is a very important detoxification and metabolism organ of the human body. Once the liver function is damaged, it will be very detrimental to the body's longevity and longevity.

And a very special thing about the liver is that most liver diseases do not have obvious pain signals in the early stages, so it is easy to miss the opportunity to treat the disease, which will have a huge negative impact on health.

Therefore, in daily life, everyone must pay more attention to liver maintenance , especially must promptly avoid the following six bad living habits that are easy to damage liver health.

. Frequent drinking

When it comes to common liver-damaging bad habits in life, frequent drinking is the first to bear the brunt. Frequent drinking is one of the most important influencing factors that induces various liver diseases.

This is mainly because during the catabolism of alcohol, ethanol will first be converted into acetaldehyde , and then acetaldehyde will be converted into acetic acid .

While acetaldehyde is more toxic than , it is easy to directly produce toxic effects on liver cells. Therefore, if you want to stay away from liver disease, you must actively stay away from alcohol.

. Overeating greasy food

Many people believe that high-fat foods contain more nutrients , so regular consumption of high-fat foods will be more beneficial to body maintenance . This idea is actually very unscientific.

Because high-fat foods are very difficult to digest , long-term excessive consumption is likely to have adverse effects on gastrointestinal health and liver health .

Especially when excess fat accumulates in the liver and cannot be catabolized in time, it will cause the very troublesome fatty liver problem.

. Eating moldy food

Once food becomes moldy, it cannot be eaten any more. However, in real life, many people with low health awareness will choose to continue to eat the remaining parts after cutting off the moldy parts. This is a wrong practice. must correct in time.

Because when food becomes moldy, a large amount of toxic substances will be produced internally, regardless of whether is completely covered by mold spots.

If you continue to eat it, it is easy to induce liver cancer due to excessive intake of aflatoxin. Therefore, when facing moldy food, must be discarded in time.

4. Staying up late

For office workers who are busy at work, they may often choose to stay up late and work overtime for a long time in order to catch up with work progress.

This approach is very unfavorable to liver maintenance, because the liver needs to enter a resting state in time at night, and staying up late for a long time will greatly increase the metabolic burden of the human body, causing excessive fatigue of the liver. If things go on like this, it is easy to induce liver disease .

5. Often angry

According to statistics, it can be known that people who are often angry have a much higher chance of suffering from liver disease than ordinary people.

This is mainly because frequent anger will seriously affect the movement of Qi and blood, leading to liver qi stagnation and insufficient liver blood. Over time, the incidence of various liver diseases will increase significantly.

6. Indiscriminate use of medication

When the body feels unwell, many people will take medication at will based on personal experience in order to save time. Some people even choose to overdose in order to speed up treatment.

These practices are very undesirable. If medication is taken indiscriminately or excessively, it will greatly increase the detoxification and metabolic burden of the liver, which is very detrimental to the prevention of liver disease.

Therefore, in daily life, everyone must pay attention to strictly follow the principles of and careful use of medication .

The above is an introduction to the common liver-damaging bad habits in life. If there is such bad behavior, be sure to pay attention to and correct in time.Otherwise, over time, it is likely to induce liver disease. In addition, everyone must pay more attention to routine liver checks, especially when the body has already shown common liver disease signals , such as poor appetite, urination, etc. Yellow fluid, frequent nosebleeds or bleeding gums, etc. At this time, you must be vigilant and conduct a detailed physical examination in a timely manner.