Hello everyone, I am Dr. Suwen Gongna. Summer is the most likely time to cause sleep disorders, mostly due to the heart and spleen. Summer belongs to fire, which is the heart in the internal organs. If the fire in the heart is strong, people will feel irritated, restless and rest

Hello everyone, I am Dr. Suwen Gongna.

Summer is most likely to cause sleep disorders , and the reasons are mostly attributed to the heart and spleen.

Summer belongs to fire, which is the heart in the internal organs. If the fire in the heart is strong , people will be annoyed, hot, restless, and uneasy. Changxia belongs to earth, and the internal organ is the spleen. If the spleen is earth-damp, the movement and transformation will be lost, Qi will be stagnant and blood stasis will occur, which will lead to difficulty falling asleep, excessive dreaming and easy awakening.

Therefore, people who are prone to getting angry, have a weak spleen and stomach, and are prone to thinking and worrying will have sleep disorders and other conditions at this time.

html This is the case for 359-year-old Aunt Zhang. When she came to see a doctor, she told me: "My sleep time has become less as I get older. The weather has been hot recently. I always dream at night and I wake up easily. I can't sleep anymore. She slept very lightly and woke up in a daze. "

I asked her if she was tired during the day and how was her energy? She said: "It's okay to be sleepy and my energy is okay, but I get tired easily after four or five o'clock in the afternoon and feel dizzy. My legs are very heavy and my calves are a bit swollen, especially around my ankles. The swelling will be more obvious."

Combined with other symptom descriptions, Aunt Zhang's condition is caused by damp and heat inherent .

Recently, many patients, like Aunt Zhang, have had problems with poor sleep, whether it is difficulty falling asleep , repeated many dreams, or sleeping lightly and easily waking up, after all, they are not sleeping as well as before.

People are also prone to fatigue, especially after 4-5 pm, they will feel dizzy and out of state, and may even experience symptoms such as edema, tinnitus, and dizziness.

These are mostly caused by excessive dampness, spleen deficiency, and heat disturbing the heart , resulting in restless sleep and decreased physical strength.

Moreover, long-term insomnia or sleep disorders can also easily cause anxiety and depression; decreased concentration and memory; recurrent headaches and abnormal sweating; in severe cases, somatization disorders such as numbness and pain in limbs may also occur.

Therefore, when sleep disorders occur, timely conditioning and treatment are necessary to avoid causing more uncomfortable symptoms. The following methods are some that I often ask my patients to try while regulating their sleep. You can use them daily to relieve sleep disturbances.


Press and rub the Baihui point

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the pathological changes of insomnia belong to the imbalance of yin and yang and the imbalance of qi and blood. The head is the meeting point of all Yang, and all the Qi and blood of the five internal organs converge in the head. The Baihui point is located on the top of the head, connecting the brain and spinal cord, and connecting the Du meridian. If you are often trapped by insomnia, you can press the Baihui point.

1. Before going to bed every night, relax the whole body, massage Baihui point for 33-5 minutes;

2. If you have dizziness and headache, you can also use hanging moxibustion on Baihui point for 10-15 minutes for conditioning.

3. Frequent pressing of Baihui point can also achieve the purpose of clearing the heart and strengthening the brain, promoting qi and activating blood .


Massage the lower back

Make empty fists with both hands. After rubbing them to heat, rub them up and down along the bladder meridian on both sides of the back. It can not only relieve the cold discomfort of the lower back, but also soothe the nerves and help you sleep.


Press and rub the Insomnia point

Insomnia point is located in the middle of the heel.

Clench your fists before going to bed every night and tap the Insomnia Point at least 100 times. You can tap on both sides. It can be used in conjunction with massaging the Neiguan Point!

author | Gong Na

typesetting | Yuan Jin

proofreading | Zhao Zhongyang, Gong Na, Yuan Jin

reviewer | Zhao Zhongyang, Cheng Bo, Yuan Jin