Expert in this article: Hu Zhongdong, deputy chief physician, health manager, registered dietitian. When you are sick, in addition to suffering physical pain, you are also very anxious mentally. All patients and their families hope to be cured as soon as possible. At this time, i

Experts in this article: Hu Zhongdong, deputy chief physician, health manager , registered nutritionist

When you are sick, in addition to suffering physical pain, you are also very anxious in your heart. Early cure is the hope of all patients and their families. At this time, it is very important to seek medical treatment in time and treat it through scientific methods.

Recently, the topic #Woman died of cancer using wish-paying debt-paying therapy# became a hot search topic. 33-year-old Ms. Jin suffered from breast cancer. The doctor told her that the cure rate of breast cancer is very high. However, she refused regular hospital treatment and was given "treatment" by cultivating herself, making wishes, and paying off debts. Unfortunately, after more than a year, his condition worsened and he eventually passed away.

What is breast cancer? Who are the high-risk groups? How to self-check and prevent? Let’s find out together.


What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in breast gland epithelium (ductal or lobular epithelium) tissue. Existing research shows that the evolution of breast cancer is a multi-stage, multi-step process. There are many risk factors for the occurrence and development of breast cancer. The long-term effects of multiple factors can lead to breast epithelial cell mutation, canceration, development and metastasis.

According to data from the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a total of 19.29 million people will be diagnosed with cancer worldwide in 2020, including 2.26 million new patients with breast cancer, ranking first among tumors. In China, breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor among women, with approximately 416,000 new cases every year.


How to screen for breast cancer?

Reducing the occurrence of cancer through scientific preventive measures is an important part of tumor prevention and treatment.

Early detection is the best way to improve breast cancer treatment outcomes and increase survival rates. Currently commonly used breast cancer screening methods include clinical breast examination, mammography, ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Among them, clinical breast examination and ultrasound examination are relatively common in my country.

Screening for women at average risk:

1. "China Breast Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis Guidelines" recommends women at average risk aged 40 to 69 to receive mammography screening, and the appropriate frequency of screening is once every 2 years. .

2. A combination of mammography and ultrasound is recommended for screening.

3. For women with dense breast tissue, it is recommended to combine mammography and ultrasound to improve diagnostic accuracy.

Screening for high-risk groups:

High-risk groups for breast cancer include: those with obvious genetic predisposition to breast cancer; patients with past breast ductal or lobular atypical hyperplasia or lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS); patients who have received chest radiotherapy before the age of 30, etc. .

. Breast screening is recommended at the age of 40.

. Have a mammogram once a year.

. A breast ultrasound examination and a breast physical examination every 6 to 12 months.

. Combined with enhanced breast MRI when necessary.


How to do breast self-examination?

Breast self-examination can improve women's awareness of cancer prevention and is expected to detect tumors at a relatively early stage. It is recommended that premenopausal women choose to perform self-examination 7 to 14 days after menstruation.

Do these four steps of self-examination:

Stand in front of the mirror and observe whether the breasts are symmetrical on both sides, whether the breast color has changed, whether the nipples are sunken, etc.

Second touch: Lift one hand, put the other four fingers together except the thumb, and slide and touch the breast in a circular motion from the inside to the outside to check for lumps and induration.

Three-press: Press to check the outside of the breast to the armpit to check for lumps.

Four squeezes: Press the areola to see if there is nipple discharge.


What factors are likely to induce breast cancer?

. Overweight or obese;

. Smoking and drinking for a long time, and often eating high-sugar, high-fat and other foods;

. Regularly taking drugs and health care products containing sex hormones, and long-term use of skin care products containing sex hormones;

. Irregular life, long-term Stay up late and be stressed;

. Women who have early menstruation (menstruation before the age of 12) or late menopause (menopause after the age of 55), women who are unmarried, not pregnant, or have children late;

6. Do not breastfeed or breastfeed for a short time .


How to reduce the risk of breast cancer?

. avoid obesity. insist on aerobic exercise and maintain a healthy weight;

. eat healthy. Do not smoke, limit or avoid drinking, avoid eating moldy food, do not eat fried, pickled, grilled food, eat less processed meat, drink less sugary drinks, drink tea in moderation, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits;

. childbearing age. The best childbearing age for women is 25 to 30 years old. Adhering to breastfeeding will help reduce the occurrence of breast cancer;

. Manage emotions. If a person is in a depressed, depressed, and tense mental state for a long time, it will lead to a decline in immune function and ultimately affect our physical health;

. Use sex hormone drugs rationally. Do not use health care products and skin care products containing sex hormones;

6. Avoid radiation;

7. Follow a regular schedule.


What are the misunderstandings about breast cancer?

Myth 1: Breast massage helps eliminate lumps?

Many people believe that massage massage can eliminate breast tumors. In fact, malignant tumors such as breast cancer grow very fast. Massage not only fails to shrink them, but incorrect massage techniques may actually promote tumor growth. Therefore, once you find a breast lump and the nature is unknown, seek medical treatment in time.

Myth 2: Can folk remedies treat breast cancer?

Once breast cancer is diagnosed, many patients and their families are under great psychological pressure, and some people begin to seek folk remedies. However, many of these folk remedies do not have validation data on patient population samples and cannot be used as scientific, trustworthy, and recommendable methods.

Breast cancer patients need professional methods developed by professional breast doctors. Patient compliance with treatment is also important. Failure to treat in time will not only delay treatment, but also lead to rapid progression of the disease and ultimately life-threatening consequences. must go to a regular treatment institution and be treated according to the standardized treatment plan.

Myth 3: Recurrence and metastasis cannot be cured?

Some breast cancers may relapse and metastasize after treatment. Many patients pessimistically believe that treatment is meaningless. In fact, there are still treatment options for patients with recurrent and metastatic breast cancer, such as endocrine therapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy and other means. Scientific treatment can still prolong patients' lives and improve their quality of life.

Finally, I need to remind everyone, especially cancer patients, not to believe in pseudoscience. You should face reality, believe in doctors, believe in medicine, and adhere to scientific treatment. Early cancers are curable, but patients with mid- and late-stage cancers , it is possible to survive with cancer for 35 years or more than 10 years.

Breast cancer ≠ terminal illness

Late stage breast cancer ≠ despair

Seek medical attention in time when abnormalities are found