The average life expectancy of humans has gradually increased, but the level of health has not improved. WHO has conducted four population health studies and found that in the past 30 years, average life expectancy has increased by 9.4 years, but healthy life expectancy has only

The average life span of human beings has gradually increased, but the level of health has not improved. The WHO has conducted 4 population health studies. The results found that in the past 30 years, average life expectancy has increased by 9.4 years, but healthy life expectancy has only increased by 9.4 years. Add 8 years. It shows that there will be many people living in the sub-healthy state of and and facing health-related troubles.

Every age group has its own health problems. For example, young people always feel that they have bad skin, bad mood, and insomnia, while middle-aged and elderly people always have chronic diseases, bone pain, constipation and other problems. In the final analysis, it is still unhealthy living habits, which will have an impact on life span in the long run and needs to be paid attention to.

rankings revealed! 5 habits that steal life span, let’s see who is number one

① Put too much pressure on yourself

There will inevitably be pressure from work, study, and family, and pressure will have a negative impact on life span. Yale University Research has found that stress will make people age faster, increase risks such as heart disease, obesity, and metabolism, and reduce an individual's mood and thinking ability.

Therefore, people who are under pressure for a long time and like to compete with themselves must learn to relieve stress and guide themselves.

② Continue smoking and drinking every day

There are substances in cigarettes and alcoholic beverages that are harmful to the human body and even carcinogenic. Long-term intake will damage organ function and lead to cell death. Especially in middle-aged and elderly people, immunity declines, and the lungs and liver The possibility of damage is higher, and once you get cancer, it will definitely have an impact on your lifespan.

For those who have been drinking and smoking for a long time, quit smoking and drinking before 35 , the organ functions will gradually recover, and the risk of cancer will gradually decrease and return to normal levels.

③ Don’t like sports

Exercise ability in middle age may be related to the length of life. Sweden once conducted a test and found that middle-aged people in the high endurance group have a low risk of death. " British Medical Journal " also reported that html exercise ability is poor after the age of 165, and the risk of death is high.

If middle-aged and elderly people want to live longer, they should maintain physical vitality and strengthen grip strength, cardiopulmonary function, balance ability, and muscle strength through physical exercise, daily activities, and other behaviors.

④ Can’t sleep and stay up late for a long time

People who stay up late for a long time are prone to early death. People who get less sleep will suffer damage to their heart, immune system, and metabolic rate. Their reaction time will be longer, their memory will become worse, and they will also be prone to anger, yawning, and auditory hallucinations. and hallucination. Especially people with underlying diseases have a greater risk of death.

It’s not just humans. In a study published in Cell, fruit flies that lack sleep will also have a short life span, with their life span shortened by half. Although the human body’s endurance is higher than that of fruit flies, it cannot withstand long-term sleep deprivation.

⑤ Don’t like to eat or rarely eat fish

According to the National Cancer Research Center of Japan, people who often eat fish with blue backs and a daily intake of 70 grams have a lower risk of liver cancer .

"European Heart Journal" also reported that people who regularly eat fish can reduce the risk of myocardial infarction by 30%. The unsaturated fatty acid in fish is good for the blood, heart, and brain. It is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to eat and maintain their health.

If you do not answer any of the above five questions, it means that you have a good life and have the potential to live a long life. Those who fail to do so should make corrections in time.

After the age of 50, you enter the "golden period" of longevity. It is easy to come to visit with 3 questions.

Question 1: Increased blood pressure.

The mid-life crisis has arrived. The career has stalled. Every day, I am busy between family and work, and my blood pressure also slows down. It rises slowly and often feels dizzy.There is more and more data on hypertension among young and middle-aged people, with a prevalence rate of about 14.1%. It is recommended to measure blood pressure regularly and do not ignore it.

Problem 2: The body is out of shape

After reaching the age of 50, the slim figure when you were young is basically no longer the same. Because metabolism deteriorates, exercise decreases, and social activities increase, abdominal fat will increase. Obesity is the "source of all diseases" and can easily induce many diseases, such as fatty liver, diabetes, pancreatitis, osteoporosis, etc.

Question 3: Joint pain

It is not obvious when you are in your thirties or forties, but the older you get, the more you feel the joints are not strong, often painful, and there is a "clicking" sound, and after walking for a period of time, it feels like being filled with lead. This phenomenon is often caused by joint damage that has not been cured when young, or by not paying attention to calcium supplementation and less exercise, resulting in insufficient bone density.

The above three problems should be paid attention to at the age of 45-50 and prevented in advance, because blood pressure, bone mass decrease, and weight gain all happen little by little and are not easy to detect. By the time obvious changes are made, it is often necessary. reverse.

Knowledge extension: How long does it take to live to be considered longevity? Will putting stent in the heart affect life span?

In the past, living conditions were not good, and people would be satisfied if they lived to the age of sixty. Now productivity has improved, and many jobs do not require manpower to complete. In addition, with adequate food and clothing, and access to medical treatment for illnesses, people are happy to live to the age of seventy or eighty. common. Therefore, an old man who can live to be ninety years old can be said to have lived a long life, and an old man who can live to be over a hundred years old can be said to be very enviable.

Because of heart accidents, some patients underwent stent surgery in their fifties and sixties. Since then, they have been very worried, afraid to exercise or overwork, for fear that they will not live longer.

In fact, the life span has little to do with the stent. It mainly depends on the patient's heart function. If the heart function is not greatly affected before the operation, and then insists on taking medicine and improving diet and daily life, the heart can continue to function for a long time. On the contrary, after the stent is placed, the heart function The function is still poor and the lifespan may not be ideal.

If you want to live a long life and live healthily, you must not only get rid of bad habits, but also have health and safety awareness and sufficient savings. Another important thing is to have comfort and happiness in your heart.


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[3] Will having a stent in the heart affect lifespan·Health News.2022-04-18

[4] Will staying up late really affect lifespan? Recently The results of the study with a sample of 500,000 people are... Zhongshan released. 2018-07-28