Many people in this world are experiencing insomnia. Some people take sleeping pills under the guidance of doctors and can finally sleep well for a few days. Some people have to take several pills a night to ensure 7 hours of sleep. Regarding sleeping pills, some people say that

Many people in this world are experiencing insomnia. Some people take sleeping pills and under the guidance of doctors, and finally can sleep well for a few days. Some people have to take several medicines a night to ensure 7 hours of sleep. sleep. Regarding sleeping pills, some people say that as long as they can make you fall asleep, you can take anything. Some people also say that they are worried that long-term medication will affect their life span. What do you think of sleeping pills?

Netizen 195169:

I had severe insomnia when I was in my thirties. I had no choice but to find a doctor to prescribe sleeping pills. When I was in my fifties, I switched to another sleeping pill. Later, due to severe stomach problems, I always felt so uncomfortable that I couldn’t sleep at night. I added another one. Plant medicine. Now that I am over 70, I take three pills a day to fall asleep. I feel everything is fine, there are no adverse side effects, and I am content.

Netizen Laoyi 195669:

I started taking sleeping pills and vitamins when I was in my twenties. Now I am in my sixties, and I still maintain this habit. I have also tried not taking pills, but once I stop taking pills, I feel unfocused and easy to I forgot things, felt tired, and felt upset. I was worried that not being able to sleep would cause illness, so I continued to eat.

Netizen Xue Linglong:

I listened to the doctor. If the doctor said she could eat, she would continue to eat. My mother took it from her forties to her nineties. Now she is in good health. She can visit the house, go to the toilet, and take a shower by herself. She speaks clearly and logically.

Netizen A Monkey on the Flower and Fruit Mountain:

You can’t sleep without taking medicine. Long-term insomnia is more harmful. On balance, it is better to follow the doctor’s advice. Whether longevity is not only related to taking medicine, but also related to other living habits and genes.

The United States' "World Journal" shows that 0% of the elderly need to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep. There are various reasons for their insomnia, such as waking up at night, stress, illness, pain, etc.

But, can sleeping pills be taken casually?

It is a controlled drug in our country. You cannot buy it if you want. You have to go to the hospital to register and see a doctor. The doctor will only prescribe it to you if he thinks it is necessary for you to take it. You cannot buy related drugs from pharmacies or online platforms.

is hard to find! Why is it so difficult to buy sleeping pills?

Uncle Li suffers from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases . He always can't sleep at night. It won't be the same if he continues like this. He thought of going to the pharmacy to buy sleeping pills, but the clerk said they didn't have any. Even if he went to all the pharmacies in the city, he couldn't buy them.

Later, Uncle Li went to Community Hospital to inquire, and was told that this community hospital did not have it, so he could only go to tertiary hospital to get it.

Uncle Li had no choice but to go to a tertiary hospital and spent dozens of dollars to get more than ten sleeping pills. He couldn't help but sigh that the registration fee was more expensive than sleeping pills. The doctor only prescribed so much. How many days can he take it?

Another grandmother, Wang, is also a patient with severe insomnia. Buying sleeping pills has become a major headache for her. She has to go through so much trouble to get a few pills each time. She is getting older and really doesn’t want to bother. Later, she simply endured it and her health The situation is getting worse.

The reason why sleeping pills are difficult to buy is, , firstly because of national policies that do not allow casual sales, and secondly, because of low profits and difficult sales, many pharmaceutical companies are unwilling to produce them. In fact, there is another point, that is, it has side effects.

Sleeping pills can solve the problem of insomnia, but they also bring risks. It is not recommended to take them for a long time.

In a survey on the elderly, it was found that elderly patients who take sleeping pills for a long time are prone to the risk of agitation, forgetfulness, and falls because of the drug. The ingredients will accumulate in the human body, thus affecting the normal function of the brain.

A research report at the 2019 Alzheimer's Association International Conference also stated that elderly people who take sleeping pills have a 40% higher risk of developing dementia in the next 15 years than those who do not take medication.

People who take sleeping pills for a long time must not understand the three possible side effects.

Dizziness after waking up

Mainly because there is still a certain concentration of drug ingredients in the body that have not been eliminated, so you will feel dizzy, drowsy, and want to continue. The symptoms of sleeping are like being drunk. When getting up, move slowly and do not sit up suddenly to prevent accidental falls.

Dependence and addiction

Sleep improves after taking medicine, but it is still difficult to fall asleep after stopping the medicine, and the patient will continue to take the medicine or even increase the dosage. In addition, if you take a certain medicine for a long time, you may find that its effect becomes worse. This is called drug resistance, and you can only change the medicine. Some patients may even have no medicine to take.

Affects liver and kidney function

Drug ingredients require liver and kidney metabolism. For people with poor liver and kidneys and elderly patients, their metabolic capacity is very low, and drug ingredients are easy to accumulate, causing more side effects on the body.

Although there are side effects, it is not recommended to stop the medication suddenly

If the insomnia is not severe, I believe the patient will not rely on sleeping pills. Since you have already taken them, you must pay attention to the dosage and drug concentration, and do not stop suddenly to prevent from aggravating anxiety, depression, and headaches. , insomnia and other conditions, it is best to gradually stop taking the medicine under the guidance of a doctor.

If possible, I still hope that everyone will not blindly take medicine. There are many factors for insomnia. It is necessary to solve the root cause . Taking sleeping pills will indeed improve sleep, but it may also cover up the condition and delay treatment. Some insomnia is caused by anxiety, stress, menopause and can be improved through self-regulation.

Some insomnia is related to the "four elements of sleep", such as going to bed too early or too late, uncomfortable pillows and beds, too high or too low room temperature, uncomfortable sleeping posture, etc. Let's consider these factors that affect sleep Improve it and it might help you fall asleep.

Taking medicine to help you sleep should be the last resort. All methods have been tried to no avail, and because insomnia has seriously affected your life and health. At this time, you can take medicine under the evaluation and guidance of a doctor. If it is just for ordinary sleep. If you can't sleep or wake up early, you should adjust your state and change your behavior first, which may have unexpected effects.


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[3] If you take sleeping pills for a long time, you should pay attention to these five points·Health News.2018-08-04

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