Entering July, temperatures across the country will continue to rise again and again. When the sun is at its hottest, if anyone wants to go out, you can call him a man. After all, it’s hot in the summer. Isn’t it good to stay in an air-conditioned room? Prepare a four-piece summe

Entering July, the temperatures across the country will continue to rise again and again. When the sun is at its hottest, if anyone wants to go out, you can call him a man. After all, in the hot summer, isn't it good to stay in an air-conditioned room?

Prepare a four-piece summer set, mobile phone, air conditioner, WiFi, There is also iced watermelon, this is simply a day in paradise, in which the air conditioner is the most important "life extension" artifact.

It’s great to stay in an air-conditioned room, but what changes will happen to your body if you stay there all the time?

When the air conditioner is turned on, the doors and windows are closed and the fresh air from outside cannot come in, and the carbon dioxide and other gases in the room will It can't be discharged, and only the air conditioner can continuously deliver cool air. If the home has an fresh air system , it will be fine. There is only one hang-up or cabinet machine. Over time, the air quality in the room will decline, which is not conducive to the health of the human respiratory system and may lead to throat infection and reduced immunity. The air is not only turbid but also dry. The skin is easily dehydrated, which affects the condition of the skin. Elderly children, and patients who have just recovered from a serious illness should especially avoid it.

The human body is a physical structure. The reason why it can adapt to the changes of the four seasons before there is air conditioning is not only relying on physical aids such as clothing, but also the body's own temperature regulation system. If you often stay in an air-conditioned room, the accumulation of cold air in your body may lead to imbalances in blood vessels and nerves. According to traditional Chinese medicine, it will lead to yang deficiency and physical discomfort, such as dizziness, headaches, diarrhea, and other symptoms.

The body's body temperature regulation system cannot be exercised. When going out from an air-conditioned room, the body will not only become uncomfortable, but also cause diseases. Young people have strong heat and turn on the air conditioner at a low temperature. If they stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time, their physical fitness will deteriorate and they will be prone to colds and fevers. Coupled with wearing less clothes, most of the body will be directly exposed to cold air, which can easily lead to arthritis, frozen shoulder, muscle pain, and cold in the abdomen of women, which can lead to abnormal menstruation.

Elderly people often stay in air-conditioned rooms, and their blood vessels shrink when they are cold, which is not conducive to blood vessel health. If you often walk around in and out of the room, your blood vessels will be subject to the test of "thermal expansion and cold contraction", which is likely to affect the blood flow to the heart and affect the heart blood supply.

The air conditioner must be able to blow. In the air-conditioned room, keep warm, wear long clothes and trousers as much as possible, and avoid cold foods. The elderly and children should avoid staying in the room for long periods of time and go for a walk in the park when the sun is weak to protect the health of blood vessels. It is normal to turn on the air conditioner in summer, but avoid turning the temperature too low to prevent catching cold.

It is said that turning the air conditioner to 26℃ is the most economical and healthy. Is this true?

In fact, this idea is wrong. 26℃ is not the optimal temperature.

The temperature of the air conditioner is related to the power of the air conditioner. If the temperature difference between the outside environment and the temperature set by the air conditioner is relatively large, for example, if it is 40 degrees Celsius outside and you set the air conditioner to 18 degrees Celsius, it will cause the air conditioner to use more power, which will shorten the life of the air conditioner. It is reduced and consumes a lot of power. To put it simply, if you want to save energy, the temperature set by the air conditioner should be almost the same as the temperature of the natural environment.

Although the summer temperature in China sometimes reaches as high as 40 degrees Celsius, the average temperature is around 30 degrees Celsius. It is actually more economical to turn the air conditioner on at 28 degrees Celsius than at 26 degrees Celsius.

8℃ is also more suitable for the body temperature . For example, when sleeping at night, the human body stops moving, the body temperature will drop a little. 26℃ is just right before going to bed, but you may feel cool in the middle of the night, so 28℃ is better.

Some studies have shown that

8℃ is indeed more energy-saving and can also prevent air conditioning disease . Of course, if the temperature is high during the day, you can open it at 26°C, but at night it is better to adjust it to 28°C.

The air conditioner has a sleep state and can be set at night to save power.

Always frequently turning the air conditioner on and off should be avoided. It will increase the workload of the air conditioner and increase power consumption. You should remind the elderly at home about this.

What is air-conditioning disease? Understand and avoid

dry and turbid air in air-conditioned rooms, such as dust, bacteria, etc., as well as the stimulation of temperature differences, which will make the body feel sore throat, runny nose, dry skin, and dry eyes. , and even cause asthma , rhinitis and other diseases, which is called air conditioning disease.

If you want to prevent it, you should avoid turning on the air conditioner at too low a temperature, keep the indoor and outdoor temperature difference at about 7℃, and avoid direct direct blowing of the human body to the wind outlet. Especially after sweating profusely, the air in the air-conditioned room itself is not good. Pay special attention to avoid smoking because it contains nicotine and other carcinogens, which is not good for the health of your family. After it has been on for a long time, you can turn off the air conditioner for a while, go out for a walk, breathe fresh air, open the doors and windows to let the air out, allow the turbid air in the room to be discharged, and avoid respiratory tract infections.

Air conditioners are used frequently in summer. It is recommended to clean the air conditioner filter every or so every 15 days. When removing the filter, remember to turn off the power to the air conditioner, clean it with warm water, and use a soft cotton brush to avoid affecting the function of the filter.

In summary, turning on the air conditioner at 26°C is not the optimal temperature in summer. If you want to save money, remember to turn on the sleep mode at night. Avoid staying in air-conditioned rooms for long periods of time and breathe more fresh air to prevent air-conditioning sickness.


1. It is healthiest to turn on the air conditioner at 26 degrees in summer? Big mistake! The most suitable is...2020-07-11 16:03·Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Release

2. What are the consequences of staying in an air-conditioned room for a long time? Hazards, you must know these. Original 2019-06-21 16:24·National Defense Times Vanguard