Xiao Liu always has to urinate for a long time every time he goes to the toilet. The urine volume is large and the color is yellowish brown. Xiao Liu asked his sister who runs a clinic whether this situation was normal. She suggested that Xiao Liu go to the nephrology department

Xiao Liu always has to urinate for a long time every time he goes to the toilet. The urine volume is large and the color is yellowish brown. Recently, I also have a lot of foam when I pee. Xiao Liu asked his sister who runs a clinic whether this situation is normal. Her sister suggested that Xiao Liu go to Nephrology Department to check whether there was any kidney problem.

So Xiao Liu went to the hospital. The doctor said that his kidney function was abnormal and he needed to be hospitalized for observation. He suggested that Xiao Liu pay more attention to his urine when he goes to the toilet. Xiao Liu is confused, can the health status of the kidneys be known by looking at the urine?

1. Whether the kidneys are good or not can be known as soon as you urinate?

Kidney is an essential organ of the human body. The kidneys have functions such as producing urine, metabolizing waste in the body, absorbing nutrients, and maintaining normal metabolism. Filtering waste and forming urine are the main functions of the kidneys to ensure water balance in the body.

The kidneys produce urine, so can urine reflect the condition of the kidneys? The answer is yes, the body will remind us in various ways whether the kidneys are good or not. The most intuitive way is to check the quality of the kidneys through urine.

. The color of urine

The color of urine is one of the basic laboratory tests of urine routine and can reflect a lot of valuable information. Urine components contain 5% metabolites, and some diseases can be manifested from the metabolite content. The urine test can detect kidney stones , diabetes , urinary tract infections and other diseases.

Someone divided the shape of stool into 7 categories. Can urine also be divided into categories? Generally speaking, the normal urine color is light yellow or yellow. If your urine appears dandelion yellow, orange, red, or brown, you need to consider whether your recent lifestyle is healthy.

. The smell of urine

Some urine smells are related to the food ingested, hormonal changes and the degree of dehydration in the body. Normally, urine smells only faintly of ammonia. The pungent smell we can smell in the toilet is because urea is decomposed in the toilet, resulting in a "urine smell".

If the smell of fresh urine is too unusual, it may be your body's warning that you need to care about your kidney health. Metabolic system disorders, bladder inflammation, chronic nephritis, and urinary system infection will all affect the smell of urine. If you smell a strong urine odor while urinating, you must pay attention.

2. Is frequent peeing a good thing?

Whether it is normal to have a large amount of urine and frequent urination needs to be considered on a case-by-case basis. Normal adults urinate between 1000ml and 2000ml a day, and the number of urinations is between 4 and 8 times. Factors such as eating habits, external environmental temperature, health status, bladder capacity, etc. can all affect urine output.

1. Drink more water and eat less salt!

95% of urine is water. The more water you drink, the greater the proportion of water in your urine. For those who usually don’t like to drink water, after suddenly ingesting a lot of water, the body will react immediately and expel urine into the bladder quickly, and the urge to urinate will follow. It is normal to have a large urine output.

When we eat a lot of salty food, it will also cause an increase in urine output. If you take in too much salt, the direct manifestation of your body is dry mouth and tongue. In order to stabilize the balance in the human body, we unconsciously drink a lot of water. Increased urine output increases the risk of generalized edema.

2. The environment will also affect the amount of urine.

The skin excretes sweat, the respiratory system excretes gas, and the urinary system excretes urine. They are the three ways of human body excretion. When it is very hot in summer, the body will adjust itself and sweat a lot and reduce urine output. Therefore, there is no need to be nervous if you urinate less after sweating a lot.

. Excessive or insufficient urine output may be related to disease.

If the daily urine output is less than 400 ml, it is a symptom of oliguria; if the number of urinations in a day is 0, it is a symptom of anuria. Impaired kidney function is a major cause of reduced urine output. If the urine output decreases sharply and there is no urge to urinate, you must go to the hospital to check the kidney condition in time.

Symptoms of polyuria include urinating more than 2500 ml in a day and waking up multiple times at night. Common diseases such as diabetes, diabetes insipid,acute renal failure,chronic renal failurewill damage the absorption function of renal tubules and cause symptoms of polyuria.

3. There are tips to protect the kidneys

I believe everyone already knows the importance of urine to the kidneys , so what methods can we use to protect our kidneys?

People have three urgent needs: they cannot hold back their urine! The bladder is a urine storage container, and everyone’s bladder capacity is limited. Bladder pain may occur if the bladder stores more than 500 ml of urine. Holding in urine will bring many harms, and holding in urine for a long time will cause a series of illnesses.

Few people pay extra attention to kidney health. will only take the initiative to diagnose the disease when it starts to feel unwell.

Regular physical examination and care for yourself. For many problems, when pain begins, it indicates that the disease is serious. Regular physical examinations can save us a lot of money and detect major hidden dangers in the body in time.


Urine can indeed reflect whether there is a problem with the kidneys. The color, smell and urine volume of urine are all "barometers" that reflect the quality of the kidneys.

We should develop the habit of taking a look at the urine after going to the toilet. Pay more attention to the health of your kidneys, maintain healthy living habits, and don’t worry too much about changes in urine.