When talking about "three highs", young friends will sneer, thinking that this is not a disease only suffered by the elderly? No, no! Due to the accelerated pace of life, staying up late, working overtime, and eating irregularly have gradually become the normal life of office wor

When talking about "three highs", young friends will sneer, thinking that this is not a disease only suffered by the elderly? No, no! Due to the accelerated pace of life, staying up late, working overtime, and eating irregularly have gradually become the normal life of office workers. Hypertension This silent killer among the "three highs" has quietly "discovered" young people. Hypertension is a common disease in life. Many patients have no obvious symptoms in the early stage. However, as the course of the disease prolongs, the blood pressure gradually rises and the symptoms become more obvious. High blood pressure may have serious consequences if left untreated for a long time.

What is high blood pressure?

1. High blood pressure, also known as essential hypertension , refers to a type of disease for which no cause can be found and is mainly characterized by a continuous increase in blood pressure. Hypertension can be diagnosed as long as the average blood pressure measured at three different times is 140/90 mmHg. If a patient has had high blood pressure and is taking medication, the patient is still hypertensive even if the blood pressure measured by the doctor is normal.

2. For a hypertensive patient, the increase in blood pressure is just the tip of the iceberg. What is more serious is the damage to the heart, brain, and kidneys that accompanies hypertension. Serious damage to these important organs endangers people's health. High blood pressure can easily cause various complications . High blood pressure can damage arteries and blood vessels, which are present in various organs of the body. Therefore, high blood pressure affects all organs throughout the body. Long-term hypertension may lead to stroke, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, end-stage renal disease and other diseases.

How to treat high blood pressure?

Taking antihypertensive drugs is the most effective way to treat high blood pressure. Every patient with high blood pressure is different. When taking medicine, you need to choose the medicine according to the actual situation and do not follow it blindly. Therefore, the medication for hypertension must adhere to the principle of individualization, choose antihypertensive drugs that suit you, and clarify the dosage and method of medication.

What should I eat if I have high blood pressure?

  1. Patients taking medication still need to pay attention to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and controlling their diet.
  2. In addition to a low-salt diet, it is also important to adjust the diet structure. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, more grains, and less meat because meat has a high fat content. If you want to eat, you can eat some fish to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
  3. Eat more potassium-rich foods, eat nuts and beans appropriately, and maintain a healthy and reasonable diet. Patients with hypertension should control their weight, control their emotions, keep exercising, quit smoking and limit alcohol, maintain a good work and rest routine, and change bad habits that are not conducive to blood pressure control.

I believe many people have heard of this sentence, a smile will save you ten years. Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, it can reflect the impact of mentality on health from the side. Especially for patients with high blood pressure, it is helpful to maintain a good attitude. When we are angry, it stimulates our blood vessels to a certain extent, causing blood pressure to swell. Therefore, in daily life, we should keep a good mood! I wish you good health and enjoy life!

[Statement: The information and pictures used in this article come from the Internet and literature, and are only used for the popularization of medical knowledge. If there is any infringement, please contact us for deletion]