Each vegetable has its own nutritional value and taste. Speaking of the influence of the differences between the north and the south, there will also be some differences in diet. However, when people eat celery, they have one common characteristic. They are used to eating celery

Every vegetable has its own nutritional value and taste. Speaking of the influence of the differences between the north and the south, there will also be some differences in diet. However, when people eat celery, they have a common characteristic. They are used to eating celery and the roots are not. Why do we eat green cabbage leaves?

Eating more celery can help lower blood pressure, moisturize the intestines, lower blood sugar, strengthen the spleen and stimulate the appetite. Celery is rich in potassium and dietary fiber, and can maintain the intestines and stomach, but celery The taste is rather unique and difficult for some people to accept.

Why do people habitually throw away celery leaves? If you only eat the celery rhizome but not the leaves, does this mean you can’t eat the celery leaves?


Why don’t you eat the leaves when eating celery? Maybe you don’t know the truth. For health advice, take a look at

1. Celery leaves taste bad and sell at different prices.

In most cases, we will directly throw away the celery leaves when frying celery. When buying celery, if the celery is older It is rich in crude fiber content.

So celery leaves taste like eating grass, and if not cooked properly, they will emit some bitter taste. Most people will throw away the celery leaves when frying celery.

Especially when you have guests at home, if you fry celery and put celery leaves on top, it will make the dish messy and look very different, so most families will throw the celery leaves into the trash.

2. Affected by eating habits

Relatively speaking, no one has eaten celery leaves. It feels weird when seeing someone eating celery leaves, so the first action after buying it home is to throw away the leaves. This is also affected by diet. The influence of habits.

Over time, there will even be a suspicion that celery leaves cannot be eaten and that eating them will cause some harm to the body.


So can celery leaves be eaten?

Experts point out: You can eat green vegetable leaves, and celery leaves are more nutritious than celery.

About 100 grams of celery leaves can provide the body with 25 calories. It is rich in calories than other vegetables. It is rich in 4.5 grams of carbohydrates and 1.2 grams of reproductive fiber. The caloric content has exceeded that of celery leaves.

If you eat some celery leaves during the weight loss period, it will help to maintain weight loss, enhance gastrointestinal satiety, and reduce the intake of other high-calorie foods. At the same time, crude fiber can speed up gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote the discharge of feces in the body, and relieve pain. Intestinal burden.

Moreover, celery leaves are richer in vitamins and nutrients than celery rhizomes. All the carotene in celery leaves is 8.6 times that of celery rhizomes. The vitamin A content is 8.7 times that of celery rhizomes. The potassium content will be Higher, especially those suffering from three highs may wish to eat more.

On the other hand, the trace elements contained in celery leaves directly act on the nervous system and brain center to bring calmness and tranquility to the body. Eating some celery leaves can prevent irritability and depression, and improve neurasthenia. .

promotes the discharge of water inside the body, helps reduce swelling and diuresis, reduces urine circulation in the body, and eliminates edema.


What benefits can it bring to the human body by eating some celery leaves regularly?

1. Maintaining the gastrointestinal tract

This is mainly due to the dietary fiber rich in celery, which is mainly found in the leaves. Regularly eating some celery leaves can enhance the peristalsis speed of the gastrointestinal tract and promote digestion.

Especially those who suffer from indigestion, you may wish to eat more celery leaves and scrambled eggs , which can increase the speed of food absorption of nutrients in the body. The most important thing is that as we age, the elderly are prone to constipation, so eat more celery , promote the elimination of feces in the body and relieve gastrointestinal digestion difficulties.

2, anti-cancer and anti-cancer

This is mainly because celery is rich in multiple vitamins, especially vitamin A and vitamin C, which speed up cell metabolism, bring strong antioxidant capacity to the body, and delay the aging of the body.

Celery is rich in unique elements - lignin , which can inhibit the growth and reproduction of cancer cells in the body, reduce the risk of tumor cells, and maintain body health.

3. Prevent constipation

Celery rhizomes and celery leaves are rich in dietary fiber, which can speed up gastrointestinal motility, promote rapid absorption and digestion of food in the body, and prevent the occurrence of constipation.

Celery leaves are rich in nutrients, which bring strong antioxidant capacity to the body. Introducing these celery leaves can maintain gastrointestinal health, speed up the absorption and utilization of nutrients in the body, prevent malnutrition, promote the excretion of toxins, speed up metabolism, and provide It brings swelling, diuresis and anti-constipation effects to the body.

4. Delay body aging

Celery leaves are rich in vitamin C that is 8 to 10 times higher than celery. Especially for female friends, eating more vitamin C can make facial skin smoother, more delicate and translucent, and keep themselves healthy. Original youthful condition.

Moreover, the flavonoids component contained in celery leaves can eliminate melanin and free radicals for the body, enhance antioxidant capacity, help delay the aging of the body, accelerate the discharge of toxins from the body, and prevent body burden.

5. Eliminate tension and relieve physical fatigue.

This is mainly because the alkaline components contained in celery help soothe the mind and aid sleep, help the body eliminate fatigue and relieve stress, especially menopausal women with mood swings, you may wish to eat more. Some celery leaves can adjust your mood in time and get through menopause smoothly.


What should you pay attention to when using celery leaves?

1. Female friends during menstruation are best not to eat

. This is mainly because celery leaves are a cooling food. Female friends during menstruation are best not to consume a large amount to avoid causing cold in the uterus, seriously inducing dysmenorrhea, and even leading to menstrual cramps. abnormal.

2. People with weak spleen and stomach are best not to eat

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, celery leaves are cold in nature People with weak spleen and stomach will suffer from stomach cold if consumed in large amounts, which will affect the digestion ability of the intestines and stomach. It can even cause problems such as indigestion, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

3. People with low blood pressure are best not to eat

As we all know, celery leaves are richer in potassium than celery rhizomes, so they have the effect of lowering blood pressure. People with low blood pressure are best not to eat too much at one time to avoid Causes blood pressure to drop, causing discomfort to blood vessels.

4. It is best not to put vinegar when eating celery.

Here I would like to remind everyone that it is best not to eat celery with vinegar, because the acidic components contained in vinegar and celery will cause Calcium in the body gradually decomposes, adversely affecting bones, and may even cause a lack of calcium in the body, causing bone health problems and inducing osteoporosis .
