It took a full 10 days of struggle before she really believed that her eyes were sick. She gave up her last stubbornness and rushed to the hospital decisively. Was it really too late? In mid-May, she suddenly found that a black shadow was blocking her right eye, and she could not

only had 10 days, and saw his right eye slowly approaching blindness;

struggled for 10 days before he truly believed that his eyes were sick, gave up his last stubbornness, and rushed to the hospital decisively. Was it really too late? ?

The "weird" black shadow covered her eyes for 10 days

58-year-old Sister Li originally hoped that the epidemic would improve, so she went around playing with her sisters.

html In mid-May, she suddenly found that a black shadow was blocking her right eye. When she lay down to take a rest at night, the black shadow seemed to disappear again. When she got up to move around, the black shadow came out again.

passed like this strangely for 10 days, until she found that the vision in her right eye was getting worse and worse, and she could hardly see the face of the person opposite her.

went to the local hospital and was told that had retinal detachment and needed surgery. And it would take two surgeries to have any hope of improving his vision.

Sister Li had undergone several surgeries in her early years, and she instinctively resisted the word surgery, so she wanted to try to find a better treatment plan.

After being introduced, found Zhang Qi, director of the Fundus Diseases Department of Wuhan Aige Eye Hospital.

After careful inspection, Director Zhang Qi told Sister Li, "Although the retina of your right eye has detached, the hole is above the horizontal level. There is no need to fill it with silicone oil , but with gas. can be solved with one operation, but because the cataract is more serious, It may be necessary to complete the cataract surgery at the same time. "

Sister Li heard that one operation can solve the problems of fundus and cataract at the same time, so she happily accepted the combined operation.

During the reexamination about half a month after the operation, Sister Li's vision improved from 0.08 to 0.3. According to Director Zhang Qi, it will not be a big problem when the gas is completely absorbed in the later period and the vision returns to 0.8 or above.

Why is there such a big difference between two operations or one operation for the same condition?

There are currently three types of fundus vitrectomy surgery to solve retinal detachment or macular hole . There are three types of objects injected into the eye during vitrectomy.

  • air
  • inert gas (scarce resources)
  • silicone oil (requires a second surgery to remove).

Under normal circumstances, gas injection requires only one operation , which can greatly reduce the patient's surgical pain and financial burden.

(Signs of fundus problems)

With the development of medical technology, existing technical means can help Sister Li formulate a more suitable surgical plan for her - fundus vitrectomy combined with cataract surgery. Inert gas is injected into the eye, so only One surgery.

With the development of micro-incision cataract surgery and minimally invasive vitrectomy surgery technology, for patients with vitreoretinal diseases over the age of 50, if they are combined with cataracts, cataract surgery can be completed simultaneously with vitrectomy + gas filling. Gradually Be the eye doctor of choice.

A single operation can solve both fundus and cataract problems at the same time, killing two birds with one stone.

Compared with silicone oil filling, patients do not need a second surgery to remove silicone oil, which can greatly reduce the patient's financial burden and reduce the patient's pain.

"However, this surgical method is not suitable for everyone. If there is a problem with the fundus, you must follow the doctor's advice on which surgical method is suitable. If you have symptoms such as black shadows, floating mosquitoes, and decreased vision, you must seek medical treatment in time. "Director Zhang Qi emphasized.

Do you understand? When you are sick, you should not delay

seeking medical treatment promptly, otherwise the miracle doctor will be in vain