Recently, a weight loss drug has gone viral in the "underground weight loss market" and has become the "underground darling" of dieters. This drug is semaglutide, a GLP-1 hypoglycemic drug. How useful is this drug for losing weight? Take a look at Semaglutide's weight-loss advert

Recently, a weight-loss drug has gone viral in the "underground weight loss market" and has become the "underground darling" of dieters. This drug is semaglutide, a GLP-1 hypoglycemic drug.

How useful is this medicine for losing weight? Take a look at Semaglutide's weight-loss advertisement, "One fat loss destroys everything, one shot relieves worries." You can understand its status in the weight-loss community.

This drug is actually a treatment drug for 2-type diabetes . The drug is only suitable for type 2 diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes combined with obesity. After taking the medicine, many patients find that they can lose 10-20 pounds in one month after taking an injection every week.

Let’s first take a look at what semaglutide is. According to experts, this type of drug is mainly used for diabetes . Because it has a weight-loss effect, even if it is used for people without diabetes, hypoglycemia will not occur abroad. It has been approved in some countries for the treatment of obesity. However, this type of drug has no indication for obesity in my country. Whether this indication will be added in the future depends on further relevant clinical research.

Semaglutide is a good hypoglycemic drug. It is a "glucose concentration-dependent hypoglycemic drug" and an intelligent hypoglycemic drug. It can not only promote its own insulin secretion, but also reduce glucagon. secretion is the most suitable drug for patients with diabetes and pre-diabetes.

The main reason why semaglutide can lose weight is that this type of drug can suppress people's appetite and slow down gastrointestinal motility. It also has a therapeutic effect on fatty liver . Therefore, the reason for losing weight is due to eating less and not wanting to eat. Of course, medicines like

also have certain side effects. Common adverse reactions are mainly gastrointestinal reactions. Because they suppress appetite and slow down gastrointestinal motility, they will feel full, and may cause anorexia, or even nausea and vomiting. Some people also experience diarrhea. The peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract is weakened and stool excretion is not smooth, resulting in constipation.

Can hypoglycemic drugs be used casually as weight loss drugs? Many of our friends who want to lose weight would like to know whether this weight loss product can be used safely. Here we summarize the opinions of many endocrinologists and make it clear to you:

First of all, this is a prescription drug and needs to be fully evaluated by a specialist. , use it when you need to use it, do not use it randomly, and it is not recommended to buy and use it online.

Secondly, drugs have strict usage precautions. Medicines are different from food and have strict requirements in terms of purchasing channels, usage, and personal storage. This is a biological agent. Improper storage and use may cause serious consequences.

Third, it is unreasonable for this kind of medicine to be simply used for weight loss, because there are many causes of obesity. The causes need to be analyzed and targeted treatment based on the specific situation. Obesity is often associated with some comorbidities. If used casually, it can easily cause related diseases. Exacerbation of disease. For example, this drug will increase the risk of gallstones . Before gastrointestinal endoscopy, you need to stop taking the drug, etc., and you must do it under the guidance of a doctor.

Fourth, there are no indications for weight loss in China. If a doctor prescribes this drug for weight loss in violation of regulations, both the doctor and the patient will have to bear certain responsibilities if problems arise.

Fifth, rely on the " weight loss injection " semaglutide to lose weight. If you don't control your diet and don't exercise, it won't help. The key is to "shut your mouth and open your legs", adjust your lifestyle, and reduce violence. Overeating and eating less, eating less and being lazy are more effective than any weight loss pill.