Summer vacation is coming. "Online classes", "checking in on mobile phones to complete homework", "watching videos on mobile phones" and "playing games"... these almost occupy most of children's summer vacation time. During the summer vacation, myopia is more likely to occur as c

Summer vacation is coming, and "online classes", "checking in on mobile phones to complete homework", "watching videos on mobile phones" and "playing games"... these almost occupy most of children's summer vacation time. During the summer vacation, myopia is more likely to occur as children continue to use their eyes more intensively at close range. Many parents are beginning to worry about what to do if their children are myopic. Excessive anxiety or excessive "Buddhism" can easily lead to misunderstandings. How can we scientifically prevent and control myopia? Medigue’s eye doctors are here to help.

I suspect my child has vision problems, what should I do?

Once it is discovered that a child may have vision problems, parents must take their children for a complete eye examination and medical optometry in time. The doctor will determine the next step of intervention for the child based on the examination results and provide personalized eye protection guidance. Medig Ophthalmologist recommends that parents take their children to the hospital for complete examinations every six months to one year starting from the age of 3 years old, establish a refractive development file, and continuously track and check their children's eye health, so that they can be diagnosed in a more timely manner. problem found.

How to correct my child’s myopia?

Many parents reported that during the long summer vacation in previous years, their children's myopia could increase by 100 degrees within two months. After leaving school supervision, how can parents help their children protect their eyes and control the development of myopia?

First of all, Medig ophthalmologist recommends that parents create a good family sports atmosphere, participate in outdoor exercises with their children, and ensure that children have at least 2 hours of daytime outdoor activities every day.

Secondly, it is necessary to use electronic products in a scientific and standardized manner, and at the same time cultivate children's concept of myopia prevention and control. Schools and parents should pay attention to it, conduct regular vision examinations, and intervene early if there are problems.

Third, if the child has moderate to mild myopia and meets the conditions for wearing orthokeratology lenses , you can consider wearing orthokeratology lenses for correction. Orthokeratology lenses are worn at night and removed during the day. When you get up in the morning, your myopia will be temporarily reduced and you can see clearly without wearing glasses. The greater value lies in its ability to slow down the increase in myopia.

In addition, you need to pay attention to nutritional balance in life, emphasize the diversity of food, eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less sweets and fried foods, and develop a regular and healthy lifestyle.

Medige will also regularly output some myopia prevention and eye protection measures and methods to parents to help children and adolescents prevent and control myopia.