Biographies of Famous Doctors Liu Jihui is the deputy director of Shenyang Institute of Oral Technology, director and chief physician of the Department of Orthodontics, and a postgraduate tutor at Dalian Medical University.

biographies of famous doctors

Liu Jihui is the deputy director of Shenyang Institute of Oral Technology, director of the Department of Orthodontics, chief physician, and postgraduate tutor of Dalian Medical University. Standing member of the Orthodontic Professional Committee of the Chinese Stomatological Association, deputy director of the Orthodontic Professional Committee of the Liaoning Stomatological Association, standing director of the Orthodontic Professional Committee of the Shenyang Stomatological Association, standing member of the Sleep Medicine Professional Committee of the Liaoning Life Sciences Society, and "Chinese Oral Editorial board member of the Journal of Orthodontics of the Medical Association and expert of the Medical Accident Appraisal Committee of Liaoning Province and Shenyang City. He has published many papers in national core magazines and participated in many scientific research achievements. He has won the first prize of Liaoning Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, the first and second prize of Shenyang Science and Technology Progress Award and many other awards. He has an invention patent - Orthodontic Micro Implant placement positioning guide.

Malocclusion is one of the three major oral diseases announced by World Health Organization . Its incidence rate is increasing year by year in my country. The prevalence of malocclusion among children and adolescents in my country has increased from 40% in the early 1960s to 67.82% in 2000. These have seriously affected the dentofacial function, facial appearance, growth and development of nearly 260 million children in my country, and even affected children's mental health and development. When and under what circumstances should children undergo orthodontic treatment? Today, Director Liu Jihui will give you a detailed explanation.

What are the dangers of malocclusion?

Many parents feel that uneven teeth mainly affect their children’s appearance. Liu Jihui said that in fact, malocclusion will not only affect the function of the child's oral and jaw system, but even affect the overall development and mental health. What are the dangers of malocclusion?

affects children's oral and jaw system functions

malocclusion affects children's oral functions, including chewing, swallowing, language and temporomandibular joint functions. Improper tooth arrangement and abnormalities in tooth size, shape, and number will reduce the contact area between the upper and lower teeth, thereby reducing chewing efficiency. Malocclusion can also affect pronunciation. For example, some patients have abnormal speech function and mispronounce consonants such as "zh, ch, sh, z".

Affects children's oral health

Malocclusion causes crowding and misalignment of teeth, making food residues, soft plaque and stones difficult to clean and prone to caries, periodontal disease, and ultimately leading to apical periodontal disease, etc. . Protruding front teeth will also increase the possibility of tooth trauma.

Affects children's dentofacial development

In the growth and development of children, malocclusion will affect the normal development of dentofacial soft and hard tissues. For example, pocket teeth will limit the development of the maxilla, and unilateral occlusion disorders will lead to a crooked face.

Affects the whole body development of children

Malocclusion can also cause harm to the whole body development. Reduced chewing function can affect the digestive system, thereby affecting nutrient intake. A small chin may cause obstructive sleep apnea, which can lead to hypoxia, changes in sleep structure, neurocognitive symptoms similar to attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder, and cause a series of problems throughout the body.

affects children’s mental health

Childhood is the main period of brain development and personality formation. Bad facial image often affects children's personality and mental health. Crooked teeth and unsightly faces are one of the reasons why children are teased. Facial defects cause a decrease in self-esteem and the formation of low self-esteem, making children become isolated, have difficulty in interpersonal communication, and become withdrawn and introverted.

When is the best time to correct malocclusion in children?

Liu Jihui said that it is best to correct malocclusion in children at an early stage, that is, in the early stages of the development of malocclusion, the morphological, structural and functional abnormalities of the dentofacial surface should be discovered in time, and through reasonable and effective intervention, the oral cavity and the whole body can be eliminated. Relevant environmental factors adversely interfere with dentofacial development, while reducing the severity and complexity of malocclusion, and achieving twice the result with half the effort, a therapeutic effect of dentofacial coordination, aesthetics, and functional health.

Early correction has obvious advantages. It can promptly block perioral muscle imbalances, avoid the formation of severe malocclusion, simplify subsequent orthodontic treatment, reduce the proportion of clinical tooth extractions and orthognathic surgeries, and is conducive to the stability of oral function and dental health. The maxillofacial morphology and structure are coordinated and beautiful, reducing the physical and mental burden on patients and parents, and promoting the healthy physical and mental development of children.

The key to successful early correction is the correct diagnosis of malocclusion and the selection of reasonable treatment methods. There are various causes of malocclusion. Only by choosing a professional orthodontist to treat the causes and symptoms can you achieve the purpose of early correction and obtain good treatment effects.

Liu Jihui suggested that parents should choose a professional orthodontist to prevent and block facial and oral malocclusions in children at different stages of their growth and development, so as to create a healthy and beautiful dental growth environment for their children.

Shenbao All-Media Reporter: Shang Zhiwen