I just learned that today’s Qingdao epidemic report on July 1st, according to the CCTV News client, new local confirmed cases in Qingdao from 0 to 24:00 on June 30, 2022: 2 cases are key personnel who should be tested. During the inspection, new local diagnoses in Qingdao were fo

just learned

today's July 1st Qingdao epidemic report

According to CCTV News client display

June 30, 2022 0 to 24:00

Qingdao City newly confirmed local cases: 2 cases

key personnel should be tested

New local asymptomatic cases were found in Qingdao City during the exhaustive inspection: 11 cases

are key personnel who should be inspected

New overseas imported cases were found in Qingdao City during the exhaustive inspection: 2 cases

Both were imported from Germany

New overseas imported cases were added in Qingdao City Asymptomatic: 1 case

imported from Germany

Specific details will be followed up in time

Please take good personal protection!

Source: CCTV News Client

I believe the epidemic will pass!

Special reminder:

During the epidemic

The current epidemic prevention and control situation is still severe and complex

We still cannot relax at all

Please continue to fulfill your personal prevention and control responsibilities

Wear a mask and wash your hands frequently

Ventilate more and disinfect frequently

Maintain social distance and other protective measures

proactively cooperated in implementing various epidemic prevention and control requirements.

Mountains of gold and silver are not as valuable as peace and security;

Being rich and powerful is not as valuable as health;

Being contented and happy is the most precious thing in life.

Pay attention to the epidemic, take care of yourself,

Drink plenty of water, wash hands frequently, and wear a mask.

The epidemic has dissipated, the country is peaceful and the people are safe!