When it comes to picking your nose, those who have watched Xing Ye's movie may first think of "Ruhua". He turns his head and giggles while picking his nose with his stubby little finger. Seeing this action, I believe many people can't help but "yue", but in private, everyone has

When it comes to picking your nose, people who have watched Xing Ye 's movie may first think of "Ruhua". They turn their heads and giggle while picking their noses with their stubby little fingers. Seeing this action, I believe many people can't help but "yue", but in private, everyone has actually picked their noses, and some people are addicted to nose picking. As long as their hands are free, they can't help it. Put it in your nostrils to "hunt for treasure".

Picking one's nose seems to be a very simple action, but upon careful analysis, it consists of three aspects: nose, nostrils, and fingers. Let's analyze it in detail next.

First there is booger

Why is there booger? Why do you want to pick your nose if you have one? Why are boogers dry and sticky? Can boogers be eaten?

The nose is always secreting mucus. When we encounter dust and dirt, the mucus will wrap them up, and then after drying, it will form boogers.

Mucus exists to keep mucous membranes moist. Usually it will be swallowed by the body, but if you are sick, the mucus will increase and your nostrils will feel blocked.

Nose hairs can feel the weight of boogers, as well as pulling and itching sensations. This feeling is transmitted to the brain, and you can't help but pick your nose.

In a healthy state, boogers are soft and elastic. If you get cold or cold, , the mucus will increase and be diluted, and the boogers will not be easy to form and become watery or sticky. If gets angry or is infected with , the boogers will be relatively dry, and the entire nasal cavity will seem to be on fire. In addition, if the mucous membrane is dry, it will rupture, bleed and scab, mixed with mucus, which will also make the boogers dry.

Even if boogers are edible, I believe not many people would want to eat them. One is because it is disgusting, and the other is because it contains a lot of germs and dust. Eating it is not good for the body, so Chibi City this behavior is It makes no sense unless you have a special hobby.

Next is the nostrils

What happens to the nostrils during the process of picking nose? Will the nostrils be stretched? Why do some people pick their noses and get intracranial infection ?

Regular cleaning of boogers is actually beneficial and helps keep the nasal cavity clear. However, because everyone's techniques and fingers are different, they may also experience bleeding, hair follicle injuries, infection and inflammation. Picking your nose with appropriate strength and technique will stimulate the nerves in the nasal cavity and produce a sense of pleasure. This is why many people cannot control themselves from picking their noses.

As for whether the nostrils will be enlarged, it is generally not easy, because the nostrils will stop growing after reaching adulthood and will not change easily. However, children who often pick their noses may affect the development of the nasal cavity and nasal cartilage, so we should stop it in time.

Some people pick their nostrils too hard, and they continue to dig when there are already blood scabs in the nasal cavity, which can easily cause nasal boils. If it causes suppuration and infection, bacteria will flow into the cerebral blood vessels through the veins, causing intracranial pain. Infected with . In other words, picking your nose gently and occasionally will not have much impact, but if you continue to pick your nose if it is already bleeding, inflamed, and suppurative, it may be serious.

Generally speaking, in the action of picking your nose, the nostrils are hurt the most, Especially those who like to pick their noses when they have nothing to do, sooner or later they will have to bear three consequences:

  • Nose picking will destroy hair follicles, resulting in When nose hairs are reduced, the ability of the nostrils to block dust and flying insects will be reduced, and the risk of respiratory diseases will increase.
  • Picking your nose with force will injure the nasal mucosa and cause bleeding. This can range from pain and pimples to severe inflammation and infection.
  • affects your personal image . When others see you, they will think of you picking your nose, and they may even be joking behind your back. For example, if a celebrity picks his nose and thinks that no one is around to see it, in fact, it has been captured by the camera. His beautiful image is ruined and his temperament is completely lost.

Finally, the fingers

Which finger is the most comfortable to use to pick your nose? Want long nails?

The diameter of the nostril is about 0.5-0.8 cm, and the diameter of the tip of our index finger is about 0.8-1 cm. From the diameter point of view, it is more suitable to use the index finger , and the index finger is relatively flexible and can take out the boogers according to your wishes. . Some people also prefer small fingers, which are more slender and will not feel blocked when placed in the nostrils, and the movements are more elegant.

In order to dig deeper into the boogers, some people think of growing their nails long. I advise you not to do this, because if you accidentally poke your nose without controlling the force properly, you may poke your nose and cause bleeding, and there will be a lot of bacteria hidden in the gaps between your nails. , which is equivalent to sending bacteria deep into the nasal cavity, making it easier for them to attack the human body.

If you have boogers, should you dig them out?

You can dig, but you need to do three preparations before digging. One is to trim your nails, the other is to wash your hands, and the third is to pay attention to privacy, and then you can dig out the boogers gently and skillfully. .

For delicate girls who feel that picking their noses is uncivilized and dirty, they can also wash their noses with water, spray nasal saline and other methods to make the dry nose soft and flow out automatically, and then blow the nose or clean it with cotton swabs.

Especially when you have a cold, mucus will increase, and nose excrement will also increase. If you don't clean it in time, you will feel blocked. Proper cleaning is still necessary, otherwise it will affect breathing, but at this time, the nasal mucosa will be very It's fragile, so be gentle. It's more appropriate to roll a cotton swab or paper towel into a columnar shape.

In addition to paying attention to boogers, you should also pay attention to nasal congestion. It will be more obvious when you have a cold. Although it is uncomfortable, you can't always dig it out with your hands. You can wash it with warm water to help ventilation. In addition, if the nose is blocked, the sense of smell will be affected, and the food will have no taste. It is recommended to eat refreshing and delicious fruits and vegetables to help recover from the condition.

In short, although it is fun to pick your nose, you must pay attention to the frequency and do not dig frequently. If you often walk by the river, your shoes will inevitably get wet. For those who cannot help but pick their noses, it is better to find other things to do to distract themselves. .


[1] Frequent nose picking, a 15-year-old girl's "dug" intracranial infection is at risk of death, doctor: Don't pick randomly·Guangming.com.2022-05-24

[2] A complete list of nose picking techniques, dig like this It’s even better· Dr. Lilac .2019-07-10

[3] What happens to people who pick their noses for a long time?·Museum.2022-05-29

[4] Never pick your nostrils casually, a boy actually did it because of this Causes intracranial infection! Tell your family quickly·Popular Science China.2021-09-14