Both my country and the West believe that drinking a glass of milk every day is good for your health. Drinking more milk can supplement calcium and is good for your health. Yogurt, which is also a dairy product, is not as popular as pure milk, because pure milk is the most nutrit

Both my country and the West believe that drinking a glass of milk every day is good for your health. Drinking more milk can supplement calcium and is good for your health.

Yogurt, which is also a dairy product, is not as popular as pure milk, because pure milk is the most nutritious in people's minds.

But, is this really the case? What is the difference between milk and yogurt, and what changes will regular drinking of yogurt bring to the body? Today’s article will tell you in detail.

Milk and yogurt, what is the difference between the two?

Milk is divided into pure milk and fresh milk

Pure milk: refers to milk that has been packaged in the supermarket and has a shelf life of 30 days to 180 days. Most of it is stored at room temperature. . The raw material of this kind of milk is raw milk, which has been sterilized by high temperature. Although the bacteria are reduced, the nutrients (protein, vitamins, etc.) in the milk will also be greatly reduced.

Fresh milk: This also uses raw milk as raw material. After pasteurization, the raw milk can kill germs in an environment with a temperature below 100°C, but it will not lose other nutrients in it like pure milk. , will retain some microorganisms that are beneficial to human health. Compared with pure milk, it is more beneficial to health. But there is also an inconvenience that the storage method and time are required. It must be at 2℃-6℃, and the storage time of is up to one week.

Yogurt can be divided into yogurt, flavored fermented milk , flavored lactic acid and lactic acid bacteria drinks

The yogurt here refers to yogurt in a broad sense.

Among them, flavored fermented milk and lactobacillus drink ingredients are more or less added with food additives. Although they are "fermented" twice, there are actually no lactic acid bacteria in them that are beneficial to human health. Drinking it regularly can also lead to obesity and other diseases.

The raw material of yogurt is raw cow milk or raw goat milk . After sterilization, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and other beneficial bacteria are added for fermentation. There are no additives in it.

and fermented milk has been processed. Although no additives are added, it does not add other bacterial groups like fermented milk. has a short shelf life. contains substances that are beneficial to the human body (fermented bacteria) like fresh milk. Requires low temperature storage. Yogurt at room temperature has been sterilized at high temperature. Although it can be stored at room temperature, you don't have to worry too much about cost losses. The probiotics in it, which are beneficial to the body, are also disinfected. However, if you want to supplement calcium, you can still compare it with fermented milk. of. It depends on your needs, whether you want to improve your intestines or supplement calcium and protein.

If you want to drink yogurt that is good for your health, you can look at the first in the ingredient list. If it is water, it means it has no nutrients. If it is raw cow (goat) milk, you can choose it.

Daily yogurt uses fermented bacteria to turn milk into yogurt, which means that the last true form of yogurt is actually cow or goat milk.

Yogurt or milk, which one is more beneficial to your health?

Milk contains calcium, potassium, etc., which supplements the body's nutrients and is beneficial to your health. Children's regular drinking is beneficial to brain development, enhances body immunity, and prevents diseases. Women who drink more can delay the aging of facial skin. The elderly with poor gastrointestinal problems can drink milk to prevent constipation and osteoporosis . The beneficial flora in yogurt are beneficial to intestinal health, help the activity of gastrointestinal flora, and reduce the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases.

Because yogurt is made from milk through fermentation, substances such as sugar and are added to it, resulting in a change in taste, so drinking milk will not make you fat as easily as yogurt.

Milk can supplement calcium, and so can yogurt. But the difference is that yogurt like yogurt contains bacteria, which is more conducive to intestinal peristalsis and can be better absorbed by the body.

In other words, whether it is milk or yogurt, it is beneficial to human health.

Some people will have diarrhea immediately after drinking milk. That is because your body is intolerant to the lactose in milk. However, this does not mean that your relationship with dairy products is over. Milk is not good, but yogurt is still there. Because when yogurt is fermented, the lactose in it has turned into lactic acid under the action of bacteria. Even if it contains lactic acid, there is not much lactic acid in it.

There are many benefits if you insist on drinking yogurt. What changes will happen to your body?

Experts from the American Heart Association said that drinking at least five cups of yogurt a week can reduce the risk of high blood pressure . Hypertensive disease often brings some complications, such as heart disease, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Regular drinking of yogurt can prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

In addition, "BMC Medicine" stated that the human body's daily intake of yogurt can reduce the risk of diabetes . Lactic acid bacteria can also regulate bad emotions . If you have troubles before going to bed, you can drink a cup to relieve yourself and improve sleep disorders.

It is good to drink yogurt regularly, but there are a few things to pay attention to

Avoid eating on an empty stomach. Gastric acid secreted by the stomach on an empty stomach will kill the fermentation bacteria in the yogurt, which greatly reduces the benefits of yogurt.

② Do not heat yogurt Especially yogurt stored at low temperature is not conducive to the survival of lactic acid bacteria, nutrients will be lost, and the taste will also change.

③ Unlike milk, yogurt does not contain much lactose, but it does contain sugar. Excessive consumption will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, and the sugar will accumulate in the body, causing obesity. Moreover, the lactic acid in yogurt also has adverse effects on teeth, so children and the elderly should pay special attention.

In short, milk and yogurt are good for health, but you should not drink too much, about 300 ml per day.


1. Don’t be confused about milk, yogurt, fermented milk, flavored fermented milk, and lactic acid bacteria. 2020-05-15 11:02 · Qingxi New District Central Hospital

2. A cup of yogurt prevents viruses 2019-05- 07 14:56·Family Doctor Report