Original title: Nutritional status has improved significantly, and the height of residents aged 18-44 has increased significantly. Eating more nutritiously will make Chinese people healthier. "Eating nutritiously" and "eating healthily" are related to the health of every person a

Original title: The nutritional status has improved significantly and the height of residents aged 18-44 has increased significantly (quote)

Chinese people eat more nutritiously and are healthier (Health Express (Stop 93)) (topic)

People's Daily Overseas Edition reporter Wang Meihua

" "Food is the most important thing for the people." People's happiness is also reflected in three meals a day. The influence of food accumulates over time, changing people's physique and health status. "Eating nutritiously" and "eating healthily" are related to the health of every person and every family. The nutritional status of residents is also an important indicator that reflects the country's economic and social development and the health quality of the people. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the advancement of building a healthy China, my country's nutrition and health work has made positive progress and obvious results.


Students at the Central Primary School of Gangbian Zhuang Township, Congjiang County, Guizhou Province are eating nutritious meals. Photo by Luo Jinglai (People’s Vision)

Vigorously promote the national nutrition plan

Residents’ nutritional and health awareness continues to increase

In recent years, eating enough is no longer a problem for Chinese people, but various “hidden nutritional risks” have become highlighted: animal-based Excessive increase in food and oil consumption; insufficient intake of dairy products, excessive salt intake; insufficient intake of dietary fiber, minerals and other beneficial nutrients... With the obvious increase in health awareness and nutritional needs, the masses are more concerned than ever before Pay attention to and care about nutritional issues.

Liu Jinfeng, director of the Food Safety Standards and Monitoring and Evaluation Department of the National Health Commission, said that in recent years, my country has vigorously promoted the national nutrition plan and the Healthy China Reasonable Diet Action. In terms of policy and standard guidance, we released 67 nutrition and health standards, organized the revision of general principles for pre-packaged food nutrition labels , formulated and released a series of food safety standards for infant formula foods, and led and promoted the nutritional transformation of the food industry; in terms of improving professional services, Build a regional nutrition innovation platform, combine local advantages and industrial patterns, support the research and development of nutrition and health products, build nutrition and health restaurants, nutrition and health canteens, nutrition and health schools and clinical nutrition departments, cultivate nutrition professionals, and provide nutrition professional services; in popularizing nutrition In terms of knowledge, we organize the compilation of a series of national nutrition science popularization books, hold National Nutrition Week and Chinese Student Nutrition Day themed activities every year, carry out nutritional dietary guidance for mothers and infants, children, the elderly, professional groups, chronic disease patients, etc., and use various channels to Provide answers to public concerns and health-related nutrition issues, and improve the accessibility of nutrition and health knowledge.

monitoring results show that the nutritional and health status of Chinese residents continues to improve, and the gap between urban and rural areas is gradually narrowing. In 2020, the heights of residents aged 18 to 44 in my country were 169.7 cm for men and 158.0 cm for women, an increase of 1.2 cm and 0.8 cm respectively from 2015. The stunting rate of rural children under 6 years old dropped from 11.3% in 2015 to 5.8%. The average daily cooking salt consumption per capita is 9.3 grams, a decrease of 1.2 grams from 2015. At the same time, the proportion of people who regularly measure health indicators such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids has increased significantly, and residents' awareness of nutrition and health has continued to increase.

Primary school students at Dongcheng Branch of Lhasa Experimental Primary School enjoy nutritious lunch. Photo by Zhang Rufeng ( Xinhua News Agency )

Improve the nutrition of children and infants

Promote the healthy and robust growth of "seedlings"

"My son can eat chicken legs, steaks, and seaweed soup , cabbage soup ..." Song Dechun, who came to Kunming from his hometown of Zhaotong, Yunnan, is a delivery rider. In his memory, when he was a child, he had to cook rice mixed with cornmeal early in the morning, then fry the rice and take it to school in old cans and bottles. Nowadays, his son's campus life is completely different from his own childhood, and Song Dechun feels very relieved.

Such changes stem from the "Nutritional Improvement Plan for Rural Compulsory Education Students" implemented in our country. Since 2011, my country has launched this program to provide nutritious meal subsidies to students from rural poor families in the compulsory education stage. The initial subsidy has increased from 3 yuan per person per study day to the current subsidy of 5 yuan per student per study day. The central government has cumulatively arranged The subsidy fund is 196.8 billion yuan, benefiting approximately 38 million students every year.

Ding Gangqiang, director of the Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced that in recent years, my country has developed nutrition meal distribution platforms such as student electronic nutritionists, compiled standard guides such as student meal nutrition guidelines and school-age children’s dietary guidelines, and a series of popular science books, carried out systematic training, and gradually Improve the nutritional knowledge level of the grassroots CDC, , education departments, schools, catering staff and other catering staff, and the students' nutritional and health knowledge level has been greatly improved.

Since 2012, my country has launched a children's nutrition improvement project in poverty-stricken areas, providing one nutritional package rich in protein, vitamins and other substances every day for infants and young children aged 6-24 months in concentrated contiguous areas of the country with special difficulties. At the same time, we carry out publicity of children's knowledge and guidance and consultation activities on feeding for caregivers. The project relies on the county and rural three-level network of the maternal and child health system to carry out nutrition package distribution and science knowledge publicity and education, effectively improving the project coverage and nutrition package distribution rate, and scientific feeding knowledge has also been widely popularized. As of 2021, the project has achieved full coverage of 832 formerly national-level poverty-stricken counties, and the cumulative number of children benefiting has reached 13.65 million.

"The implementation of this project has effectively improved the nutrition and health conditions of children in poverty-stricken areas, promoted children's growth and development, and has been highly recognized and welcomed by the general public." Ding Gangqiang introduced that United Nations Children's Fund and other international organizations have also supported the project Highly praised, YYB (the pinyin abbreviation of "Nutritional Pack") has become a proper noun and has wide influence in the international community.

Elderly people are enjoying lunch at the elderly canteen of Mayuan Community, Xuege Street, Qiaocheng District, Bozhou City, Anhui Province. Photo by Zhang Yanlin (People’s Vision)

Cultivate nutritionists around the masses

Open up the last mile of nutrition and health

“I want less oil, less salt and less sugar, but also want to enjoy delicious dishes. How can we balance food and health? China Registered dietitians will answer your questions..." During this year's National Nutrition Promotion Week, many registered dietitians shared knowledge about reasonable diet through online live broadcasts to answer questions for the public, setting off a wave of popularization of nutrition knowledge and health concepts. .

With the rapid development of economy and society, the nutritional and health demands of Chinese residents have become increasingly strong. Dietary nutrition balance is a science and requires the services of nutritionists and other professionals. Some colleges and universities in my country have opened nutrition courses, and some hospitals have also set up nutrition departments. However, compared with the huge nutritional needs of our country's population of more than 1.4 billion, problems such as the shortage of nutritionists, health managers and other related professionals are still prominent. Vigorously cultivating nutrition talents and ensuring the scientific nature of nutrition communication and the authoritativeness of nutrition intervention in the whole society are crucial to promoting the health of all people.

"Only by cultivating nutritionists around the masses can we get through the last mile of nutrition and health." Ding Gangqiang introduced that the reasonable dietary action of "Healthy China Action (2019-2030)" pointed out that "every 10,000 people must be equipped with one nutrition guide" Personnel", 12 documents including the "Notice on Matters Concerning the Pilot Examination of Nutrition Guidance Ability Improvement Training" have been issued to plan the training of grassroots health talents. Currently, 27 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) have launched pilot work. The "Basic Medical Hygiene and Health Promotion Law" emphasizes "carrying out nutrition improvement actions for minors and the elderly" and deploying full-time (part-time) nutrition guidance personnel in key places such as daycare institutions, schools, elderly care institutions, food companies, and catering units. , specifically providing convenient nutrition guidance services to key groups such as young children, primary and secondary school students, and the elderly.

"my country attaches great importance to the cultivation of nutrition talents and takes multiple measures to strengthen the echelon construction of nutrition talents." Ding Gangqiang pointed out that relevant departments organize regular training on nutrition expertise for disease control personnel, strengthen the construction of nutrition disciplines and talents in colleges and universities, and develop registered dietitians. , nutrition technicians, public nutritionists and other talents training strategies at different levels to cultivate the backbone. At the same time, an authoritative national expert team will be established. The National Nutrition and Health Expert Committee will be established in 2021, bringing together 200 experts in nutrition, agriculture, medicine, food and other fields to scientifically guide nutrition and health work.


Understand the "password" in nutrition labels

How to scientifically interpret nutrition labels?

Director of the National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center Li Ning :

Nutrition labels mainly include three parts: nutritional ingredients table, nutritional claims, and nutritional ingredient function claims.

Nutrition Facts Table

Nutrition Facts Table often has three columns of data: the first column of data describes the types of nutrients that the food mainly contains; the second column of data reflects the amounts of various nutrients per 100 grams of food or 100 ml or per serving of food. content; the third column of data is the percentage of the nutrient reference value NRV, that is, the content of a certain nutrient in each unit of the food (100 grams or 100 ml or 1 serving of food) accounts for the percentage of the "daily required nutrient reference value (NRV)" For example, the protein NRV of a certain food is 14%, which means that eating 100 grams of the food can meet 14% of the daily protein requirement.

In the category of nutrients, the current standards must label energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates. , sodium, other ingredients such as calcium, iron, vitamins and other information are voluntarily labeled by enterprises.

If the protein content per 100 grams of food is ≥12 grams or the protein content per 100 ml of food is ≥6 grams, the food can be claimed to be "high protein". .

If the fat content per 100 grams of food is ≤3 grams or if the fat content of 100 ml of food is ≤1.5 grams, the food can be claimed to be "low fat".

If the sugar content of each 100 grams or 100 ml of food is ≤0.5 grams. The food can claim " sugar-free ".

The sodium content per 100 grams or 100 ml of the food is ≤120 mg. The food can be claimed as "low sodium" or "low salt".

The calcium content per 100 grams of the food is ≥30%. NRV or calcium content per 100 ml of food is ≥15% NRV, the food can claim to be "high in calcium" or "rich in calcium"

Nutritional claims

Nutritional claims are descriptions of high or low levels of nutrients, presence or absence. Different foods can make various claims based on the characteristics of their nutrient content, such as high protein, low fat, fat-free, low sodium, sodium-free, low sugar or sugar-free, etc. The corresponding claims have strict standards for nutritional ingredient and function claims


Nutrient ingredient function claim refers to the claim that a certain nutrient ingredient can maintain normal growth, development and normal physiological functions of the human body. For example, high-calcium biscuits can use the function claim of "calcium" to help make bones and teeth stronger. There are strict standard terms for the claim of each nutrient function in the label standard, and no text can be changed.

If you understand the nutritional properties of the food indicated in the label, you can choose foods reasonably according to your health needs. Patients with high blood pressure are more likely to use them. Pay attention to the sodium content in the label and choose low-sodium and no-sodium foods; diabetics patients pay more attention to the label of sugar. If you want to lose weight, you can pay attention to the energy standards in the label and choose low-energy and no-energy foods... This That’s what nutrition labels are for.