As the saying goes, "The eyes are the windows to the soul." The quality of our vision can directly affect our quality of life. According to the analysis of the number of eye diseases and the current situation of eye hospitals in China from 2015 to 2020, the number of patients wit

As the saying goes, "The eyes are the windows to the soul." The quality of our vision can directly affect our quality of life. According to analysis of the number of eye diseases and the current situation of eye hospitals in China from 2015 to 2020, the number of patients with conjunctival symptoms in my country each year is about 300 million, such as glaucoma , dry eye disease and other common vision disease patients, approximately at 220 million. The diagnosis rate of eye diseases also exceeds 20%...

From the above data, it can be found that the national vision protection level is actually in a worrying state, and many people live more or less lives unconsciously. Habits can cause damage to the eyes in a subtle way. To protect your eyesight and maintain eye health, you must also start by getting rid of these bad habits.

These 3 inconspicuous bad habits are "eating" your eyes

The first habit: turn off the lights and play with mobile phones before going to bed

With the development of entertainment industries such as short videos and games, almost everyone has the habit of playing with mobile phones before going to bed. Yes, it has become a part of many people's lives.

There is nothing wrong with this. If you can control the time well and try not to lie down to play, it will not have much impact on the health of your eyes. But many people like to turn off the lights and play with their mobile phones. They find it convenient and they can go to sleep directly when they are tired from playing.

But as everyone knows, in the dark, the difference between the light and the noon environment is too big, and the eyes will be more stimulated and consumed when looking at the strong light source. During the 202 World Glaucoma Week, it is clearly proposed to turn off the lights and play with mobile phones. As for glaucoma, dry eye syndrome, floaters and other diseases, get rid of the habit as soon as possible.

The second habit: Rub your eyes with your hands

This is also a "common problem" for many people. When studying or working, because your eyes are sore or itchy, you will rub your eyes with your hands casually. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention research found that a pair of unwashed hands contains about 8 million bacteria and pathogenic bacteria. If you rub your eyes casually, these bacteria will also enter the eyelids, causing conjunctival damage, allergies, inflammation and other conditions, causing damage to vision.

When your eyes are itchy, you might as well wipe them gently with a clean wet wipe or towel, or wash your face directly. Although it is a little troublesome, it is for your health after all.

The third habit: ignore the sun and go out with "naked eyes"

Maybe most of my friends don't have the habit of wearing sunglasses. Even on a sunny day when the sun is strong, I only go out with "naked eyes" and are not aware of the potential hazards.

However, according to research, if the ultraviolet index exceeds 2, the rays and visible light can cause damage to our eye tissues, increase the incidence of eye diseases such as pterygium, cataracts, macular degeneration and affect vision. Generally speaking, when the skin feels an obvious "burning sensation" under the sun, it means that the ultraviolet level may exceed 2. When going out, try to wear sunglasses or hold a sun umbrella to protect your eyesight and your skin at the same time.

To sum up, there are 3 inconspicuous daily habits that many friends may have, but they are actually hurting your eyes unintentionally. However, eye irritation and vision loss may not be painful or itchy for people who wear glasses or are elderly, so few people will care. However, the fact is that reduced vision may lead to accelerated aging, as has been proven by research.

Protecting eyesight is really important! Nature: Vision decline may be related to aging and longevity

According to an academic paper published in Nature's sub-journal "Communications" : The Buck Institute in the United States passed the study of fruit fly visual genes and photoreceptors. Special neuron trigger comparison found that the factors causing vision loss also represent the expression of aging oxidative genes to some extent. The faster the vision declines, the faster the aging process may be.

"For a long time, we have simply thought that the eyes are visual organs, but now, vision may also be the key to the health of the entire body!" Professor Kapahi, the initiator of the study, concluded.

It can be seen from this that for many friends who have overused their eyes for a long time or retained bad habits that hurt their eyes, it is time to be more vigilant. If they do not protect their eye health, it may even affect their health and longevity in the future. Especially for the elderly, if you want to slow down the aging process, it is important to actively take measures to protect your eyesight.

Good eyes and slow aging! The elderly should protect their eyesight by supplementing 3 kinds of nutrients

For the elderly, because their body functions weaken with age, blind use of medication may bring certain risks. Therefore, stable and safe dietary supplements and intake of corresponding nutrients are the best way for the elderly to protect their vision and maintain their eyes.


is a kind of carotenoid , among which polyolefin , double-bond peptide , etc., can have very good effects on eye antioxidants and maintaining vision. For example, carrots , broccoli , pumpkins, etc. are all excellent sources of beta carotene and are highly recommended for the elderly.

Vitamin E

When it comes to antioxidants, the role of vitamin E cannot be ignored. It can not only delay eye aging, but as a kind of fat-soluble nutrient, it is also very compatible with beta carotene. It is recommended to eat it together in daily diet.

For example, various vegetable oils, walnuts, melon seeds and other nuts are excellent sources of vitamin E. Eat them in moderation and have a balanced diet.


Anthocyanin is also a kind of antioxidant component, which is effective in protecting eyesight. At the same time, according to research, anthocyanins also have a very good alleviating and regulating effect on diseases such as macular degeneration and conjunctivitis . For example, foods such as dragon fruit, beets, and blueberries are the main sources of anthocyanins.

All in all, the importance of eyes is no less important. Especially for the elderly who want to live longer, it is very important to protect their eyesight and get rid of bad habits that hurt the eyes. With improved eyesight, you can live a healthy and long life, and you can also appreciate the scenery of the world more clearly. Why not?


[1]Hodge BA, Meyerhof GT, Katewa SD, et al. Dietary restriction and the transcription factor clock delay eye aging to extend lifespan in Drosophila Melanogaster. Nat Commun. 2022;13(1):3156. Published 2022 Jun 7. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-30975-4

[2]:《Daily Life of Middle-aged and Elderly People How to protect your eyes? These 5 methods are simple and practical” Zhihu Daily, 2021-11-4