On June 30, the Binzhou Municipal Health Commission held a special training class on health science education for a total of 120 county-level health science experts from various county (city, district) medical institutions, CDCs and township health centers (community health servi

On June 30, the Binzhou Municipal Health Commission held a special training class on health science education. A total of 120 county-level health science experts from various county (city, district) medical institutions, disease control centers and township health centers (community health service centers) More people received special training.

Qiao Fumin, deputy county-level cadre of the Central Hospital, gave a lecture

This training aims to further implement the "Healthy Binzhou Action", solidly promote the "Health Science Popularization Experts Go to the Grassroots" activities, and effectively improve the health of health science popularization experts in counties (cities, districts) Popular science communication skills. The

training class was conducted in the form of video conference, and Qiao Fumin, deputy county-level cadre of the Central Hospital, was invited to teach. Qiao Fumin gave a comprehensive, detailed and vivid explanation on nutrition and health, home health, health rumor refuting, chronic disease intervention and traditional Chinese medicine health preservation. The

training course requires that all counties (cities, districts) should solidly promote the popularization of health knowledge, focus on the health science popularization needs of the grassroots people, focus on important health influencing factors, focus on key groups and key areas, give full play to the role of health science popularization experts, and continuously improve health Science popularization experts’ professional capabilities and responsibilities; carry out extensive health science popularization into communities, rural areas, schools, and enterprises, innovate health science popularization forms, and create more health science popularization works that are easy to disseminate and accept; provide authoritative content that meets the needs of the masses Scientific, lively and lively health science popularization services can effectively open up the "last mile" of health science popularization services for the masses.